Disclaimer: Me owning Slam Dunk and Fushigi Yuugi? As far as I know, only the storyline is mine. That explains why the storyline is nothing compared to the works of the real owners of the two animes, Takehiko Inoue and Yu Watase.
was walking down the sidewalk. The manageress took her time, for she was in no
hurry to get back home. She paused in front of the public library. She stepped
into the vast building. Remembering she had to look for a couple of books to
assist her in her school works. Her hand touched every single book on the
shelves in the History section until a title caught her attention.
"The Book of Four Gods?"
She opened the book and flipped through it. She placed the book on a table,
right next to her own things, and went off to search for more books.
a.k.a. Tasuki yawned. His left hand gently caressed his magical fan, his right
rubbing his eyes.
"Ohaiyo, Tasuki, no da!" said
Chichiri cheerfully.
"Ohaiyo…" Tasuki yawned some
more. "I'm bored."
"Nan de no da?"
"It's so quiet around here with
obake-chan and Miaka-chan gone…"
"Aah, I see your point no da."
Tasuki, accidentally, fanned
himself with the fan. The fan emitted fire, thus barbecuing Tasuki.
"Now how could I have forgotten
that?" He coughed.
Chichiri waved his hand in front
of his nose, propelling the black smoke coming from Tasuki.
~Back to the library~
returned to her table with loads of books and magazines. History was not
exactly one of her favourite subjects, but she had missed most of her classes
because of the team's basketball matches.
Even so, she could not help but
think about the team. The basketball team was like a second family to her, and
she liked the feeling, a lot. Her hand reached for the Book of Four Gods,
because she decided to see what the book is about first before starting her
Hmm, looks interesting enough,
thought she. She would borrow the book and read it during her past time. She
unclipped her infamous fan, dedicated to the purpose of slapping inattentive
basketball players during their practice, from her file. She slid the fan
between the pages, so that the fan acted like a bookmark. She gave her library
card to the librarian and walked out.
"What are the two of you doing
here?" demanded Ayako, furious to see the two freshmen bickering in public.
"Ayako-san!" the boys stammered.
"Can't you two keep your hands
off each other's throat for awhile?"
"This baka kitsune nearly
trampled over me with his equally stupid bike!"
Rukawa looked away in disgust.
Ayako, forced by habit, seized
her fan and swiped it at them. Both Rukawa and Sakuragi rubbed their sore
heads. Several passer-by walked off quickly, whilst one poor bystander suffered
migraine because Ayako had by mistake knocked him too.
"Honestly, I'm beginning to
think this fan ain't working anymore! It's not daunting enough, is it?"
"I didn't—" Sakuragi took a few
steps backwards. Rukawa already left the scene, realizing how much sleep he had
to catch up with. Before Ayako could unleash another fatal slap, Sakuragi had
dashed off.
"I really have to get another
one." Ayako sighed to herself as she folded her fan so that its size would be
the same as that of the book. "Something more—terrifying." She replaced the fan
in its former place, in the Book of Four Gods.
~That night~
squealed an all too familiar voice.
"What is it, Ryota? I'm tired,"
murmured Ayako. She stifled a yawn.
"I wanted to ask about the
History project…you know the one due tomorrow…"
"Sorry Ryota got to go! Bye!"
Ayako slammed the phone down and rushed to her study table. If she had waited a
second too long Miyagi would start wailing "Aya-chan…I thought you loved me
so…" and thus she decided to end it abruptly. If not—well, let's put it
this way—Miyagi's phone bill would triple and then he would go broke…plus, she
would not be able to hand in her schoolwork on time, AND she would probably has
to go for a medical check-up to see whether her ears are still in perfect
condition or not.
She picked her pen up and
started scribbling. Soon she got drained from all the writing, that she lied on
her bed. Ayako stretched to take the Book of Four Gods from her desk. As
she was flicking the pages, she inadvertently tore a page of the book.
"Oh, what have I done?"
For some reason, there was a
bright light, blinding her temporarily. She could have sworn it was coming from
the book. When the light died away, she noticed her fan was missing.
"What the—" She blinked several
times and pinched her cheek. "No, it wasn't a dream." Ayako resumed her history
project, assuming her eyes were playing tricks on her.
fan dropped on the ground, exactly next to Tasuki.
Tasuki opened his eyelids,
noticing Chichiri was no longer with him. Without looking, he took Ayako's fan
and walked away, following Chichiri's trail.
Ayako woke up with a start at
the sound of her mother calling her. The morning sun shone through her window.
She had fallen asleep in the middle of doing her project. Fortunately she only
needed to write only a short paragraph more, and then she would be ready to
send her project in. Ayako jumped into the bathroom and prepared to go to
The memory of the eccentric
light had faded away from her memory. She shook the Book of Four Gods,
only remembering she had slid her paper-fan into the old book. True, one fan
did fall from the book—only it wasn't the same one. Ayako, already late,
snatched it and ran downstairs.
"Konnichiwa, Aya-chan!" Miyagi
greeted her first thing in the morning at school.
"Konnichiwa, Ryota." Ayako sat
on her seat. "So did you manage to finish your work?"
"Kind of." Miyagi grinned, his
ear stud sparkling. Ayako felt a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Well, remember, training is on
as usual today." Ayako looked away, hiding her crimson face. "Now I have some
reading to do."
She doesn't like to have me
around, Miyagi mused to himself, but he left anyway. The last thing he
wanted was to have Ayako yelling her throat out at him.
Ayako took the Book of Four
Gods out from her backpack. She separated her fan from the pages. That's
funny…my fan looks different today. No more scribbling and calculations on
it—looks brand new and expensive. Must have exchanged it with the real owner by
accident somehow…I'll just go back to the library afterwards to return this.
zo!!!" bellowed Akagi.
"Hai, captain!" The members of
Shohoku Basketball Team dashed around the court several rounds.
"Oh ho ho ho!" Coach Anzai sipped
his tea.
"Be careful, Anzai sensei, you
don't want to choke like the last time—" warned Ayako dryly.
Coach Anzai coughed, trying hard
not to laugh his well known 'ho ho ho'.
Sakuragi deliberately put his
leg in front of Rukawa's, thus tripping him. The poor boy fell to the floor
with a loud thump. The whole court was silent, until Sakuragi's boisterous
laughter rang the whole building. Rukawa raised his head, a murderous look in
his eyes.
Ayako, by instinct, gripped
(Tasuki's) fan and stomped at Sakuragi. "Sakuragi Hanamichi!!!!" She swung the
fan, releasing fire at the laughing maniac.
"Gyahhhhh!!!! Ayako-san!!!!"
Sakuragi's head just got redder. He ran around in circles, trying to put the
flame off.
"Bwahaha!" Mitsui held his
Coach Anzai had passed out,
because he was laughing too much, and partly because of the shock. Mitsui
quickly ran out of the court, Anzai sensei in his hands, to send the poor old
man to the hospital.
"How did you…" Akagi's mouth
dropped open. He was busy scrutinizing the fan to note Sakuragi still running
"Put the damned flame off! Put
it off I say!"
Kogure splashed his drinking
water on Sakuragi. "There, better?"
megane-kun…" Sakuragi touched his burnt head. "And my hair was just getting
Rukawa had fainted. He was
trying his best not to laugh, and he succeeded—though it was too much for him.
His chest failed him.
"Rukawa!!!! He's unconscious! What
have you done!!!" cried Ru, Ka and Wa fearfully. They tried to approach him,
but Akagi kept them away.
"The last thing I need is you
three worsening the situation here! Rukawa might just die seeing you three when
he recovered!" insisted Akagi. He pushed them out and shut the door.
"Aya-chan…so stylish…" Miyagi
stared at Ayako, drooling.
"How did I—what happened?" Ayako
released the fan from her hands. "That, that thing discharged fire! What
sorcery is this?"
"Don't worry Aya-chan, I'll
protect you!" Miyagi offered.
"But it does intrigue me…" Ayako
picked the fan up. "Never mind…just continue the training…"
cried a gangster.
"It's you again…" Tasuki goggled
at him. "What do you want this time? I thought I defeated you the last time we
had a duel."
"I'm here to fight another one
with you, Genrou! And now I shall not lose in your hands!"
Chichiri sighed. Tasuki had too
many enemies for his own good.
"Bring it on, loser!" Tasuki
fingered (Ayako's) fan.
"Hiyeakkkk!!!" the gangster
charged at him.
"Rekka—Shiren!!!" Tasuki cried,
swinging the fan.
Nothing came out.
"Huh? Yikes!!!" Tasuki avoided
his opponent's attack.
"I said Rekka Shiren!!!!" yelled
"Thanks for keeping me cool,
Tasuki, no da," said Chichiri lightly.
"What in the name of %^&@ is
wrong?" demanded Tasuki, swatting the ground with it. "Holy Flame of Fire!!!!"
"You're killing that
flower-bud…" murmured the stranger. He was wondering why Tasuki didn't counter
his attack.
"Yurusei! Where the heck is the
fire?" Tasuki strangled the fan, his fangs clearly showing.
"In your eyes, no da." Chichiri
sweat dropped.
"Hey, wait a second…This is not
my fan." Tasuki scratched his forehead. Uh-oh…
Chichiri face vaulted. "Isn't it
obvious no da??"
"Ne…can we continue this next
time?" Tasuki whispered to his enemy, his voice trembling in fear.
"Oh yeah, the fight…NO! Prepare
to die, Genrou!"
"Tasuki! Don't just run round
like that no da! You can still…eyowww no da!!!" Tasuki squashed the poor Tasuki
on the ground to get away from his enemy.
daijoubu ka?" Ayako asked him.
Rukawa, paler than usual,
nodded. His shaking hand caressed his chest. I don't know I have a weak
"I still don't get it…how could
a paper fan…" murmured Miyagi.
"Just play!" cried Ayako.
"Forget my fan!"
Training went on as usual, until
the fire incident was forgotten. Mitsui returned with Coach Anzai a while
Mitsui, apparently, was in deep
thoughts. Miyagi passed the ball at him, but the ball knocked his head.
"Pay attention on court!!" Ayako
swung the fan again.
"No, Ayako!!!!" cried Sakuragi,
"Stop! Stop!" joined in Akagi.
Too late. Mitsui and Miyagi's
pants caught fire. Scared was a gross understatement to describe their
Mitsui, yelping in panic, tried
to put the fire out by sitting on the floor. This made him look like he was
bouncing up and down on the floor on his backside. Miyagi, with more logic,
headed straight to the showers. He turned the tap on, and sighed in relief as
the cold water wet his back.
"That's it! It's dangerous to
have such a thing in your hands!" Sakuragi snatched the fan away from the
"I think I got burnt…" Mitsui,
holding back tears, muttered.
Akagi's eyes were sparkling. "If
you don't train hard, I'm going to make sure each of you get a slap of that
fire fan!"
"Nani!!??" ejaculated every
single player.
"I object! I'm going to report
this to the police—"
"Play, Sakuragi!" Akagi was
about to punch him, but instead he reached for the fan of doom.
Sakuragi quickly grabbed the
happened to my fan!!??" wailed Tasuki.
"No idea no da…" Chichiri tapped
his shoulders.
"Thanks for helping me out just
"You're welcomed."
"What happened to my fan!?"
"Here we go again no da…."
insisted Ayako. "Run faster, Mitsui!"
can't! My backside is killing me!!" complained Mitsui.
easily avoided him and dunked the ball.
"Micchy! Why did you let the fox
score!?" demanded Sakuragi.
"Hey! I didn't do it on
Miyagi, coming out of the loo,
was struggling to walk. "I had a hard time…" His hand was holding his back.
"And I can't even sit down…"
"Why don't you two go back
first? You two are not fit to play right now…" suggested Ayako, hiding her
"Are you trying to get rid of
me?" Miyagi was struck.
"I'm just telling you to go home
and take a rest."
"I'll leave now. Ja ne!" Mitsui
left the court, Miyagi close behind him.
"Sakuragi? Are you leaving?"
asked Ayako.
"The tensai can handle a minor
injury!" Sakuragi laughed some more.
"Do'aho…" Rukawa walked past
"Go home before your brain got
Sakuragi was about to head-butt
"If you do, you probably won't
wake up anymore," said Rukawa dryly. "Go on."
Is that a challenge? Why,
I'll show you…Sakuragi released Rukawa's collar. He curled his fist…
"Do it and your hands are
roasted…" said Akagi, threateningly.
"…Fried to crisps…" added Ayako.
"Grrr! Why are you all defending
this baka!" He walked towards the exit.
"Hey, I thought you're staying?"
"I need to go to a
hairdresser…to level my hair. It looks horrible like this." Sakuragi departed.
"Actually…I thought it looked
fine…" Kogure grinned.
Ayako got home
at last. She tried asking the librarian regarding the fan, but she wasn't able
to find the owner. After her shower, she took out the storybook. All of a
sudden, she felt as if something was coming out of it. Another light appeared.
She saw two men emerged from the leaves of the book.
"We made it no da!" said a
blue-haired one.
The redhead rubbed his neck. He
saw Ayako staring straight at them, perplexed. "Sumimasen, but have you seen my
"Are you talking to me?" Ayako
pointed to herself.
"Obviously! I believe this is
yours—Ayako?" He handed her fan to her. "I saw your name there."
"You—are you telling me that
fire emitting fan belongs to you?"
"The one and only. The name's
Tasuki. I know my job as a Seven Star Warrior of Suzaku is done but I can't
bear to be apart with it."
"A what?"
"Never mind, just read the book
then you'll know."
"We'd better get going no da,"
reminded Chichiri.
"Hai, hai, wakatta. Thanks, I
think." Tasuki took his fan and grazed it against his cheek lovingly.
"Ano…chotto matte…"
"Nan de?"
"Can I borrow it for awhile?"
asked Ayako.
"Whatever for?"
"It's important. Please? Only
for a moment."
"Ayako! Is there a man in your
room?" called her mother. "What are you doing in there?"
"Please, please! Come back here
after a few minutes and then I'll return it to you."
Tasuki and Chichiri exchanged
looks and nodded.
The next day,
Sakuragi and the rest of the team were warming up. They were comforted to see
Ayako nowhere in the court.
However, several milliseconds
later, Ayako entered, carrying with her the familiar fire-emitting fan in her
right hand.
"K'so! She still has that fan!" exclaimed
"Back to training, people!" ordered
Ayako grinned to herself. She
had disguised her own fan to look like Tasuki's, so that the team would practise
harder to avoid getting toasted.
trick went on for several days. Miyagi readied several tanks of water to
prevent the gym from getting burnt. Shohoku Team actually won against their
friendly match with Kainan, much to the Kainan's coach dismay. And so they made
the headlines.
In Tasuki's case, however, was a
little different. Ayako had taught him how to fold fans, and he went around
swatting his enemies whenever there was no need to use his Rekka Shiren.
He proved to be a better fighter with his newfound technique.
Author's Illogical Notes: This is another of my pathetic attempt to write a humour. I hope it didn't bore you. Thank you for reading! *bows*