AN: The name for this series came from me listening to The Dull Flame of Desire by Bjork. Please note! I will be continuing Fulfilling the Fourths Wish.

Summary: Naruto comes home after training with Jiraiya for three years. He comes home to find many of his old friends have learned of his "guest" and most of them have rejected him for it. Ones that haven't are Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Lee, Shikimaru Nara, and Shino Aburame. Naruto is saddened by the responses his friends have given him, and he tries to commit suicide.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: Welcome home demon

It was late at night when Naruto entered the village. Naruto wore all black, he had long since grown out of his orange. He didn't know what he was thinking wearing orange, all the while trying to hide in shadows, it was so dumb. No civilian was awake. Naruto was pleased by this, because if they weren't awake then he'd be treated fine. In the distance he saw the form of his sensei. His sensei's white hair glistened in the moonlight.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled as he ran to him

"Naruto?" Kakashi said as he looked up from his book

"Yeah its me! Been awhile hasn't it Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said

"Yes it has. Still I wish you had comeback sooner or later instead of now. A lot has happened Naruto, and none of the changes are good." Kakashi said grabbing Naruto's shoulders

"Sensei?" Naruto said

"They know. Naruto I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it from them any longer." Kakashi said drawing Naruto into his arms.

"You told them?" Naruto said and pushed away from Kakashi

"No Naruto-" Kakashi started

"Don't you lie to me! I know you did! How else would they have found out? Sensei I trusted you" Naruto said and ran away.

"Naruto! Geez so impulsive." Kakashi sighed

"As always." Jiraiya said from the rooftop

"I just hope they accept him. Naruto can't afford anymore betrayals. It might just push him over the edge." Kakashi said

"I know. It doesn't help that Naruto can already speak with the Kyuubi, it already has an influence on him." Jiraiya said

"Good or bad?" Kakashi said

"Both, it changes dependent on their mood. They have an interesting bound those two. It's very much like father and son. I remember once when I annoyed Naruto and the Kyuubi summoned itself in a smaller form and nearly ripped my throat out. Lately though I have seen more of the good side of Kyuubi. That side always came when he spoke of you and his other friends."Jiraiya said

"Well let's just hope the two of us are enough to make him happy."

"Yes. I need to go find my student. Goodbye." Jiraiya said and disappeared

'Oh Naruto. I'm sorry that they discovered it. Now I fear for the safety of our students, if what Jiraiya said is true, then we'll have bodies appearing soon' Kakashi thought as he walked home.

Naruto ran to his tent just on top of the fourth hokage's head monument. Naruto then slipped inside quietly and laid down and went to sleep. What he wasn't prepared for was his morning. Naruto awoke to someone shaking him. It was Jiraiya. He was saying something but Naruto didn't quite hear him.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway I'm off now." Naruto said and left the tent

"That boy didn't hear a word I said." Jiraiya said with a sigh

Naruto ran straight to the Hokage Tower, on his way he ran into one pink haired chunin.

"Watch it!" She yelled as she hit the floor

"Sakura!" Naruto said when he saw her

She looked at him for a bit eyes filled with loathing. She opened her mouth but did not speak.

"Sakura?" Naruto said again

"Don't be so friendly with me demon." She said then spat on his face


"You heard billboard brow. Demon leave!" Ino said from behind Naruto

"Ino?" Naruto said his voice starting to shake

"Leave! Demon!" they both said

"Guys, I thought we were friends?"

"Who would want to be friends with a demon?" Sakura said

"I bet that is why Sasuke-kun left your team. He couldn't stand being in the same team as a demon." Ino said

"You're right" Sakura said

The two of them left, but not before spitting on Naruto once more. A certain purple-haired girl was watching this entire exchange trying to get the courage to step forward. She finally moved forward and placed her hands on Naruto. He tried to move away, but she wouldn't let go.

"Come on Naruto. We need to get you to Tsunade-sama." She said

"H-Hinata?" Naruto said with tears streaming down his face

"Yes Naruto?" Hinata said lifting Naruto up.

"You know?" Naruto said as he said that he felt a burning sensation in his stomach.

"Yes." Hinata said then she went silent and walked holding Naruto's hand and dragging him

'She probably hates me.' Naruto thought

'I'm so sorry. I didn't think they'd all reject you for me. Naruto, my friend, can you ever forgive me?' Kyuubi came into his thoughts

'Kyuubi, if they can't accept you, then I don't want to be with them. You're my friend, and the only one who knows me best, I won't ever let someone tell me not to trust you.'

'Naruto. I can't be you're only friend. Now pay attention she's speaking.'

"-You Naruto." Hinata said

"Sorry could you repeat that Hinata?" Naruto said

"I said, I know what is in you. Yes at first it scared me, but then I thought what you must go through. I heard everyone else's responses to that and I knew you needed someone. Then I realized that despite what is inside you, you still tried to get others to like you. You didn't ask for that to be inside you, it was placed inside you. I know that if I didn't accept the thing inside you then I would never actually accept you for who you are. The Kyuubi makes you who you are Naruto." Hinata said

"Hinata. Thank you it means a lot to me." Naruto said tears still streaking down his face

"I'll always be here for you." Hinata said with a blush

'She's so nice.' Naruto thought

'Yeah, she is. She has always been supportive.' Kyuubi said with a whisper

"Well I'm glad about that." Naruto said as he walked to the Hokage's Tower entrance.

AN: Yes this is a little short, but it is just the beginning. The next chapter takes place mainly with Tsunade, and other characters. The next chapter is the saddest one that will ever take place (most likely) Anyway i hope you enjoyed this. Please review