FIC SQUICK FUN was an idea by Luvscharlie (on the HP_PORN IN THE SUN Livejournal site) where you mention the thing(s) that bug you about fanfic and then someone spoofs them in a short ficlet (under 1000 words).
THE CHALLENGE I ANSWERED THIS TIME: Luvscharlie's fic squick to be cracked open required…
1. My Charlie always has tattoos.
2. I hate when he is called Chuck!
Hope you enjoy! Please review!
Disclaimer: I do not own "Harry Potter," nor any of its characters, nor do I profit in any way from the use of said characters and situations in this writing.
Characters: Charlie Weasley, Harry Potter
Genres: Comedy
Rating: R(implied homosexual situation, profanity)
"So... wanna fuck, Chuck?"
Charlie blinked. Twice. "Huh?"
Harry Potter, a.k.a. The Boy Who Conquered The Closet, stood before him in nothing but a towel, those brilliant emerald eyes of his shining with lust. He licked his lips and waggled his eyebrows. "Love your tat."
Blushing like a virgin, Charlie used one big palm to cover up the "I (heart) ME MUM" tattoo across his left pectoral. Fucking Bill and his fucking 'dare you to...' games!
"Uh, thanks."
Potter's elevator eyes left no inch of him untouched. "Got any more?" He sauntered over, dropping the towel and reached for Charlie's buttonfly. "Let's find out, shall we?"
The smoking calmed his nerves, and kept him in his skin. "I, uh, never did that before. So, was it okay?"
Potter grunted, rolling into the curve of his spine. "Yeah. Did you know you have one on your left butt cheek, too?"
Fucking arsehole Bill! Charlie was going to kill his brother. "What does it say?"
The green-eyed wizard grinned. "'I recycle boys.'"