Me: Haha, this is a surprise birthday present for AkiXYusei, also known as Devin :) I won't say when her birthday is, otherwise she will probably kill me DX
Aki: Your acting weirdly nice...what's up?
Logan: Did somebody take your daily supply of chocolate or something?
Me: Is it so hard to believe that I can be nice to people sometimes?
Logan and Aki: YES!
Me: *Sigh* I don't own YGO 5D's.
A blonde haired girl was busy walking the streets of Neo Domino city, looking as if she was in deep thought. Her eyes were focused and intense, and wouldn't even let a polar bear get in her way of thinking.
Truthfully, it was her friend on fanfiction's birthday coming up- AkiXYusei, also known as Devin, and she didn't really know what to do on her birthday, other than review.
And she was worried that if she asked what plot of a story she would like, it would lead to arousing suspicion. So, she had to think- which was normally easy for her to do. However, this is Bebe we are talking about.
And then it hit her-
A faithshipping story.
Something you are about to read.
Bebe rushed home to the computer, and she began typing away, whilst a flammingo prepared a banquet and the hedgehogs played happily on the slide outside in the sunshine, which was in her back garden.
Cheesy Romance Birthday Fic!
Theme: Fireworks.
Aki stared at the material infront of her, as she held a puzzled look on her face.
It was a kimono.
The design itself was beautiful. It was a dark pink colour, with richer light pink roses situated all around the material, with small white specks which Aki took for stars, and the obi (Ribbon), was a light yellow colour. Aki loved the design, it almost represented her personality in a way. However, there was just one problem-
How did she put it on?
"Hmm...this is puzzling." She whispered to herself in dire frustration. Due to her time in the Arcadia movement, she never had the chance to go to summer festivals, and the last one she went to was when she was about five years old, a time she could barely remember, and wished to rapidly forget, as those times had caused her alot of pain.
"Aki-San? Are you ready to go now?" A young voice, which belonged to a girl with a head of teal hair asked her politely. Aki sweatdropped, realizing that she had been wasting time just THINKING about how to put it on.
"Err...not yet...just give me a minute." She pleaded. Ruka just raised an eyebrow, but walked off toward the main building, wearing her own kimono- a dark blue kimono with black swirls and a white obi. Her hair had been done up in an upwards bun, and began to walk toward her brother and Crow, whom did not have dates for tonight. Ruka had been asked various times, but turned each one of them down.
"Hai, please hurry!" She called.
Aki sweatdrop went even further down, as she tried to get it on herself.
And failing.
"Hmm, internet, perhaps?" She suggested to herself, as she rushed over to the computer, in dire need of some asistance.
"This should work!"
-Half an hour later-
"Dammit! It didn't work! Oh man...what do I do now...?" Aki moaned to herself, as she looked at the crumped up piece of fabric on her bead. Underneath her kimono, she had chosen a simple pair of white shorts and a red t-shirt, which looked like she was about to go to bed or something along those lines.
Aki sighed to herself deeply- the others were probably too fed up from waiting now, well, at least Jack would be, but he had probably gone off with Carly by now. The others were too polite.
"Aki-San?" Crap, Ruka was at the door again!
"H-hai?" She answered back. Ruka was actually beggining to get worried about her older sister figure.
"Is everything okay in there? We are all getting worried- well, aside Jack who just said you probably had a guy in there," Trust Jack to think that, "Man, you should have seen Yusei's face, I don't think I've ever heard him swear under his breath before. But is there a problem or something?" Aki went a little red from hearing about Yusei's reaction, but it was quickly bypassed by her thoughts.
Should she let her younger sister figure know?
Well, it couldn't do any harm...could it?
"Okay...I have a bit of a problem..." She explained the whole thing, as she opened the door, with Ruka just smiling.
"Aki-San, why didn't you say so?"
-Fifteen Minutes Later-
"Arigatou, Ruka!" Aki thanked her younger sister figure, as the teal hair girl just beamed. Aki was then pulling her mangeta hair into a tight bun, and applying a light dusting of make-up on her face, preparing for the Summer Festival.
"Your welcome, Aki-San. Now, shall we get going?" Ruka suggested, as Aki nodded.
"Okay then, let's go."
"Well, see you later, Aki-San!" The teal hair girl called, as she went off with Crow and her brother to look at some of the foods that they had on offer. Aki almost felt sorry for Ruka- Crow and Rua near food was a good cause for embarrassment. Aki just sat down near the fountain by herself, and sighed.
She had actually told everybody that she had a date for the summer festival, but when she had told them Yusei got a little snappy for some reason, but it never occured to her why, but in truth, she didn't. Aki just did not want to bother the others by being a bit on the down side, so it was best if she was left alone.
"Well, happy Summer Festival, Aki Izayoi..." She congratulated to herself in a sarcastic manner, as she lay her head on her hand, sighing even more. She then heard approaching footsteps, but had chosen to ignore them.
"Aki?" A familar voice asked her name in question. The mangeta haired girl looked up, to see the one person that had save her from herself: Yusei Fudo.
"Hmm? Oh, hey Yusei." She greeted. Yusei then glanced around, as if he was looking for something- or someone.
"So umm...why are you here alone?" Aki was immediatly brought to attention, as she jerked her head upwards in a forceful manner. A small sweat-drop had formed at the back of her head- she didn't have any excuses planned.
Damn! What do I do now? She thought to herself worryingly, but then Yusei staring at her, with an odd expression.
"Ahaha..." She began to say nervously, as Yusei ten sat down beside her.
"Did he...stand you up?" Yusei asked, with a small tint of what sounded like happiness and rage. Aki just grinned sheepishly.
"Umm..." The colbalt eyed signer just cocked an eyebrow at her.
"Ehehe...well...umm...t-the truth is that...well...I never actually had a date for tonight." Yusei was immediatly drawn to attention from this statement that had come out of the mangeta haired girl's oral cavity..
"Never had one...?" Yusei repeated what she said earlier, as she just sighed.
"The truth is...I still feel like a bother, Yusei."
"What? What do you mean, Aki?" He asked. Aki just closed her eyes.
"Well...the only other Summer Festival I ever went to was...well...the one when I was five, and that was...after the inccendent. My Father and Mother went off, and I tended to be alone, but I wondered off...I felt like a bother infront of all those people..." She revealed. Yusei then gripped her hand, causing her to go red.
"Aki...that was a long time ago. You don't need to feel like one now, but why not just tell us that? We are your friends, and out bonds connect us together. We do care." Aki's eyes shimmered with an intense radience of hope, as Yusei just smiled.
"Don't forget Aki, I-we, all love you." Yusei managed to cover up his mistake, as Aki just smiled. In fact, he did have feelings of love toward the mangeta haired signer, but was going to wait until she figured out her own feelings, as he did not want to drive her away.
Instead, he simply kissed her cheek, as she went bright red.
"Y-Yusei...nanio?" She asked, her hand on her cheek. Yusei just smiled a little.
"We are friends. Always will be. Now, shall we enjoy this festival?" He asked.
She nodded, as they went to go enjoy themselves.
Bebe, then looked at the work that she had just written. She was satisfied, but felt it needed more to it.
However, she would wait another night- genius didn't come in a flash, did it?
Me: Happy Birthday, Devin-San! Part 2 will be up later...*snores*
Aki: Please review!