Chapter 1

Why is moving on so difficult? Why can't I just forget about him? Why do I keep asking myself questions that I already know the answer to? Moving on is

damn near impossible due to the simple fact that I would risk my life for his. Sane people just don't wake up in the morning and think to themselves that they're

not going to give a damn about the people they love anymore. Sane people don't break their necks to save someone's life only to turn their backs on them

forever, no, not sane at all... but then again, I'm not exactly at the top of the list of people that one would describe as "sane".

But then again who am I kidding? The debate of whether or not I'm a sane person is insignificant to the fact that the person I'm talking about, didn't even give

me a second glance as he walked out of my life. Edward, he didn't give me a second glance as he walked away from me, leaving me alone in the woods. Edward,

who didn't come back after I chased after him for hours, searching frantically for any sign of him, but there was nothing. Nothing but the bone chilling darkness

of the forest as night overcame the day and turned all the light into black. Edward, who left me with nothing. Me, a stupid, reckless girl that doesn't think twice

about the consequences of her actions, a girl who sees the world as a more complex place, and has been frowned upon for doing so. Me, a girl with a stick

tucked in her boot, a stick that wasn't a stick, but a wand. A wand that belonged to the girl who had planned to show her true self to the man that she loved

most, about to show him that she wasn't some weak girl that couldn't protect herself, but someone that could protect him too, show him that they could be

equals. But only to be left behind before having the chance to do so. Me, Isabella Lily Marie Potter, the girl who has been through more than even the most

experienced of Aurors, but not enough to withstand the agony of a broken heart.

"It will be as if I never existed" rang through my head repeatedly. He did exist, how can someone who caused this much pain inside me not exist? He lied, he

knows it and I know it. He does exist, he was here, I smelled him, I touched him, I saw him... I loved him. He does exist.

Authors Note:

I know it's been awhile but I plan on continuing this story with a few tweaks here and there. I'm going to update whenever I promise that it won't be another Sherlock worthy hiatus. Thank you for being patient, lord knows that I've certainly worn it out, enjoy. Please R&R, until next time.