Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia/Nekotalia.

Also: Lukas = Norway.

Lukas didn't really want another cat. He already had Iceland. Plus that weird bird that kept showing up, a half a dozen fairies and a troll. But apparently a cat named Denmark, decided otherwise.

Denmark more or less showed up out of nowhere and decided that Lukas' house would now be his house. And since then, Lukas found he couldn't even get rid of him.

He was the type of cat that would stomp down the hall and loudly announce where he was whether someone was listening or not. He could be heard from anywhere in the house. He also talked for the sake of talking, which greatly irritated both Lukas and Iceland, who would both rather enjoy the quiet.

Denmark was also the type of cat, that when he wanted attention he would push until he got it. For one reason or another, his preferred time to want attention always seemed to be when Lukas was trying to read or complete the stacks of paper that sat on his desk. Denmark would headbutt him continuously for his attention and if that didn't work, he would settle for sitting on the papers or the book. That way Lukas had to pay attention.

There were also the issues of the "drop down" hugs, where somehow, Denmark would appear from nowhere landing on Lukas' shoulder. Lukas still wasn't exactly sure how that happened.

Over time, Lukas grew to at least tolerate the annoying Denmark, since it seemed that he was going to be stuck with the other no matter how much he didn't want to be.

Late one night, a storm started. As Lukas was sitting in his chair with a book in his lap and Iceland on the headrest, he noticed Denmark hadn't made his appearance to declare the two were "safe from the storm". Although he wasn't usually too concerned where Denmark was, something about this time made Lukas feel uneasy.

Lukas put his book to the side and began searching around the house. By the time he was done all he found where a few missing socks which he wasn't sure if it was Denmark or one of the fairies that stole them. He sighed to himself before he pulled on his coat to go outside, recalling that one of the window screens had a hole in it.

By now the rain had mostly let up, which he was thankful for, as Lukas began his search outside. After only a block or five, he saw what looked like to be a cat huddled up under a park bench. Getting on his knees, Lukas looked under the bench to see a cold and shivering Denmark.

Carefully he scooped up the surprised cat and held him close, "Stupid cat," Lukas muttered under his breath, "Let's go home."

Denmark rubbed his head under Lukas' chin, quite happy to be going someplace he could call home.

Ack... it's kind of short... sorry about that.