Soda and Darry take care of three month old Ponyboy. Adventure, excitement, tears, and laughs will come along the lines of these gaurdians.

tee- hee.

(don't worry, I'll still up-date on my stories!)

Soda's P.O.V

I'm in a candy shop...
I work along side Steve, we get all the free candy, sodapop, ice-cream, cookies, cakes, and fruit smoothies we want. The job pays me a million dollars an hour. We don't have to worry about bills anymore, we can go to parties, and mom and dad...are alive..

Everyone is happy, Dallas is even smiling. Two-Bit is entertaining people with his jokes. And just as everything was going good, a ton of Socs walk threw the door, We get ready to fight, when some big tuff guy comes up and says: "Enough...we don't want to fight...we should all be friends..."

everyone forgives one another, and we go back to partying...Everyone is and dad...are here...

"WAAAAAAAA!" A cry shot me up from my slumber. Ponyboy...he's up again. I groaned But wasn't mad, just tired. I made my way to the white old crib Ponyboy was sleeping in, and picked up the crying child. I yawned, it was four-thirty in the morning. I put Ponyboy over my shoulder and patted his back. I sighed.

about five minutes later, Darry comes threw the door.
"whats wrong?" he mumbled.
"nightmare..." I said. I knew what Ponyboy had, did or needed. I sighed again, then came a yawn, I'm so tired. I'm pretty sure Ponyboy is too.

Darry stood in the door way watching me put Pony to sleep.

About three minutes later, Pony started calming down, then he was breathing silently, then...finally...he was sleeping.
I put the sleeping Ponyboy back into the crib, and went over to my crib as well.
"Soda...I know this is hard, and I have done a lot more of watching Ponyboy then I have, thank you...thanks verry much."
I didn't respond...too tired.

Ever since mom and dad died, things have gotten rough. my new baby brother was born three months ago. I was happy to know that I was going to be an older brother, I was so happy! I don't regret it either. I love Pony with all my heart. But, when mom and dad got into that car accident...I had to quit school. And stay home and watch Ponyboy. Also, I had to work as well. But, I don't work as much as Darry does. Darry and I agreed to watch our kid-brother. We would raise Ponyboy to be a smart, and tuff Greaser. But, with the way things are going...and with my lack of sleep over these two weeks, I highly doubt I have the strenght to even look at a Soc, and say boo.

I missed mom and dad. Darry does too. But, I'm not sure Pony even knows they're gone.

I went back to sleep. But it didn't last long, my "personal alarmclock" Ponyboy woke me up five minutes later.

Soda and Darry agree to take care of Ponyboy! how cute! But, smiles wont last long. read more!

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that's not a threat...its a promise