Branches to a Tree.
She sighed, sitting against the knobby stump, pink strands wafting in front of her view, slightly obscuring her vision. Though, there wasn't much need to see since she was off in her own world, wandering too deep in her own thoughts again. Sakura wasn't an ordinary girl, she was too observant for her own good. A flicker of emotion in someone's eyes, she would see it. The tightening in a muscle tendon, oh she would see it. She could detect when someone was lying, or when someone hid their true feelings. She stayed silent and observed it all. That is…Until he came.
She pressed further into the tree, feeling the decaying bark etch through the material of her clothing. A single Cherry Blossom petal drifted to her opened palms. She looked at the filmy coating that protected the delicate blossom petal and she let her eyes roam past, only to see him staring at her. The new guy, the one kid she wasn't able to read. There was no flicker of emotion, a blank mask that caused her to frown. It wasn't normal, and it was infuriating. Her brows furrowed and her face creased slightly as she stared back. She wasn't exactly sure why he had been staring at her, but she wasn't intending to just look away or let the slow rising blush crawl up her features. He was quite handsome, really. Blackish blue Hair, spiked naturally to the back, and eyes that matched. She had glances of him earlier that day, but now she was much too far to see how dangerous his eyes looked. Indeed, his eyes and hair were an unnatural comparison to his skin. He wasn't deathly pale, but his skin was a creamy white, with just a tan-like tent to it. His clothes, another contradiction for his skin, all he wore was black and blue. Well, as far as she could tell anyway. He wore a black hoodie with a black muscle shirt underneath. His pants were black baggy jeans with blue chain links and his shoes were blue and black. She didn't know the brand, nor did she care. Her over speculating green eyes traveled back to his face, where he showed the first flicker of emotion. A smirk. Her brow twitched with annoyance and she stood up, still holding a small scowl. She flipped her pink locks, that fell just beneath her shoulder blades and brushed herself off. More petals fell around her, but she chose to ignore them. She cast her eyes back at the raven haired boy and started walking, her red knee length skirt swaying softly with the wind, her red and pink short sleeved top also ruffling a little with the wind. She continued walking toward him, and his smirk just widened, that is, until she passed him right up and just continued walking, not even casting a glance back.
He looked over at her, raising a brow in slight surprise. He had already become quite popular today, and he was sure she was going to be another fan girl. She truly had unusual pink hair, the shade that hair dye wasn't capable of just yet. Her eyes were a dazzling green, setting her off to look like candy, and her skin, was a milky rich color that reminded him of whipped cream. He had heard rumors, peculiar ones at that. Watching her, he saw where they came from, she was quiet and strange. Though, her speculating eyes were nothing like a stalker's eyes. They were curious, calm and gentle. Watching her hold those flower petals to her palm was so innocent looking. The thing that really surprised him, though, is how she completely rubbed him off, not saying a word, not raising a smile, like the six other girls that were currently swooning over him. Sighing, he straightened and stood up, not bothering to make conversation to the giggling freshman that passed by, giggling and waving. 'Hn..annoying.' He thought, before shrugging his black and blue backpack over his shoulder.
"Hey FOREHEAD! Cha, can't you slow down, you know I can't run in this skirt!" A blonde haired, blue eyed mischievous looking girl said as she ran(more like waddled) through to the girl. 'She really is starting to get on my nerves.' 'Cha, she is a loudmouth pig, whatcha expect, eh?' Her inner, replied.
"Yo, forehead…Stop daydreaming when I'm talking to you." She snapped, Which Sakura retorted to. "Ino-pig! Stop being so damned loud! I can barely hear with you yelling like that."
The blonde just frowned and rolled her eyes, then her face lit up again. Sakura almost immediately realizing what got her eyes to flicker the way they were.
"Omygooosh Sakura! The new-" Ino was interrupted by Sakura.
"Don't say it, Ino. He looks like a prude with a stick up his ass. I don't care if you think he's cute, you think the majority of the boys' population is cute." She finished, not realizing the said boy was listening only a couple lockers behind her. Ino seemed to notice and quickly disregarded her friend's behavior.
"Hunny, he isn't cute…he is FINE!" She clasped her hands together, tilting her head dreamily.
Sakura shook her head. "I think he looks like a malnourished vampire-and if you dare say anything about those stupid vampire movies or how hot vampires are, I'm seriously going to push you into a crypt with one." She finished, turning on her heal to walk to her class, only to bump into none other than the malnourished vampire himself.
He snickered, looking down at her, watching her face muddle from confusion to surprise, then back to an annoyed scowl. Ino eeped and whispered into Sakura's ear, "Ohhh…yeah I think he heard you." She giggled at Sakura's scowl and quickly retreated from the close to fuming female.
"Hn…prude? Stick up my ass…malnourished vampire?", His deep voice dripping into her ear, making her flinch and shiver. She backed away slowly, simply nodding.
He raised a brow and then sighed, deciding to piss the clearly irritated pinkette off some more. "Coming from a girl that looks like she got a makeover from the clown academy, that's really hurtfull!" He let the last words dip, showing sarcasm.
She twitched, but turned. She wouldn't take the bait, she had no intentions of fighting him, and she knew that even if she tried, she wouldn't win. Though, she did let out two small quiet sentences, to let him know she hadn't brushed him off completely. "My hair is natural, and I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my looks. Your personality is easy to read, even if your face is not." Without further words, she walked off to her class, ignoring the, once again, surprised Uchiha Sasuke behind her.