Clare's pov:
We have one more hour until we go home, I can't wait. My mom is at her apartment and my dad is at his. I have the whole house to myself this week. Me and Eli were holding hands and talking.
"So, what's your home life like?" I asked.
"Awesome, I can do whatever I want and barly get in trouble" smirked Eli.
"That's awesome" I sighed.
"What about yours?" asked Eli now I'm gonna have to tell him.
"Quite" I replied.
"What do you mean?" asked Eli confused.
"My parents got divorced in the beginning of the school year. My mom and dad stay at seprate apartments, while I stay in the house" I replied.
"What, why do you stay in the house" Eli was still confused.
"One week my mom stays with me, the other week my dad and the week after that I stay by myself" I sighed again.
"Wow, I'm sorry" said Eli.
"Yea, I am to" i replied.
We didn't talk much after that. Just a little small talk. An hour passed and Simpson walked back in.
"Okay, you guys are free to go" smiled Simpson.
"Thank god, this was complete torture" sighed Drew.
We all laughed. We all walked out of the library and outside. We all had good friendships now. The enemys became friends. Some enemys started dating and the rest just fell into place. Eli took his car, Adam and Drew got picked up, Dave took the bus and me and Alli walked home. It was a pretty fun day.
A/N: this chapter sucked but this is the end. If you want a sequeal tell me if not then settle for the ending of the story.