I'm sorry it took this long, but since this is the epilogue, I considered a million ways to write it before a lot of RL got in between. Anyway, here it is. See you in the end.

(We reached 500 reviews! :D THANK YOU!)

Epilogue: Time

A couple of days had passed since I had woken up and was completely free sleep inducing drugs just to heal the rest of my wounds without the fear that I would never wake up again. Despite me not being awake all the time, Darren had stayed with me throughout. He refused to leave me.

And now that I was not sleeping all the time, I told him to leave and get some rest. He looked more haggard that he had ever, and had dark bruised looking shadows under his eyes.

"I can't leave you," he whispered, holding my hand in his feverishly warm hands.

"I will be right here, I promise," I whispered.

"I don't want to lose you." He stated as if it closed the case.

"You won't," I said firmly. "You need some rest, Darren."

"I – I can't leave," he whispered and closed his eyes and looked as if he was in pain.

As I watched him, I realized that he had gone through worse ordeal than I could ever have imagined. Not knowing if I would wake up or not. Being very sure that I was going to die. I could see it on his face, and it pained me to have put him through this torture.

"You can leave for a couple of hours. And honestly, you really should. You look hideous." Both Darren and I jumped at the sound of . . . Alex.

Darren looked like he was about to say something extremely rude, but Alex cut him, "I'll stay with Adriana until you return." He added without looking at me; his eyes intent on Darren's.

"No way –"

"That's not a bad idea, go get some sleep." I interjected. Not that I was looking forward to some quality time with Alex, but because Darren really needed some rest.

Darren looked at me incredulously, I could almost read his thoughts. He hated Alex. It was because of him that I had been put here in the hospital. I should hate him too. And I did, but some things had changed – from what I had been told, I had woken up to Alex's voice.

"You stink too," Alex added as if that was supposed to help.

I pursed my lips to keep myself from smiling. Darren groaned, "Fine. Two hours, I'll be back." He told Alex harshly.

"I love you," he told me in a gentler manner, and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too," I replied. Smiling at me, and with one last rueful look, Darren walked out.

"Um, how are you doing?" Alex asked, walking over and sitting where Darren had previously sat. A chair on the left side of my bed.

"I'm better," I mumbled. I began to feel awkward. Alex and I never really had gotten along very well. Honestly, he had hated me. And he was the reason for most of my troubles. But if I had woken up to his voice, then maybe there was hope for us.

"I'm sorry," he abruptly said.

I looked at him surprise. His voice neither held the previous confidence when he had spoken to Darren and nor was it lined with his usual cockiness. He even looked different without the scowl on his face; the one he always put on when he looked at me.

"I never should have behaved that way as I behaved with you. I was being bratty and extremely childish. And honestly, I was just plain jealous. Taking away my father's attention and then Darren."

"I didn't mean to," I whispered.

"I know, I know that now. Like I said, I was being a total jerk. I just didn't realize it until I saw you and knew that you wouldn't wake up. I'm sorry for everything," he said without looking at me.

"I –"

"You don't have to say anything to me. You don't even have to accept my apology. I just wanted you to know that I'm different now."

"I can see that," I said. I didn't really hold any grudges against Alex, well – he had been a total ass toward me, but hearing him speak now – maybe be wasn't all bad.

"I hope everything between you and Darren gets okay soon," I said instead. My way of telling him that it was okay, I suppose.

Alex just chuckled.

He spent the rest of the time updating me about everything that had happened after I had woken up. He told me that our father and Emily wanted to see me but weren't really sure whether I would want them to. I didn't really give him any answer because I wasn't sure whether I wanted to speak with them. From everything Alex told me, it felt like he practically was being considered as an outcast by the rest of the tribe. I could see that it affected him more than he let on.

"Hardly an hour is up," he noted as Darren walked in. I looked toward Darren at once, feeling warm just like all the other times. He had switched out of his muddy looking clothes and was now wearing a black t-shirt and some faded jeans. His hair looked wet and cleaned. He looked much better, and the only thing he now needed was some sleep.

"Well, I'm sure Adriana is irritated with you already. Why don't you get the hell out now?"

"Your boyfriend is a douche," Alex whispered to me as if he was conspiring. I couldn't react very much mostly because of shock – I had never seen Alex act normal – and because I was too tired.

"Yeah, get out," Darren said, using the same cold tone. Alex flashed both of us a grin, and began to walk out whistling.

"Alex," I called out almost hurriedly. It wasn't necessary to call his name loudly because of his superhuman wolf powers but I did anyway out of habit.

"Yeah?" he turned, his eyes alert and curious. The whole time he was here, I hadn't really spoke much except of one liners concerning Darren.

"Thank you," I said, hoping he would understand that it was for more than just baby-sitting me here Darren's absence.

He nodded once, and walked out.

"He's the douche," Darren mumbled in an irritated tone as he sat down.

"I'm just glad that he isn't full of teenage angst anymore," I mumbled.

"You sound so old and wise," he replied softly.

"I feel old," I rolled my eyes, thinking of my broken (sort of) body.

"Was Alex mean to you?" Darren asked cautiously.

"No, he actually apologized. That was nice of him, I guess."

"Of course, considering that he almost got you killed a hundred times, yeah." But he looked thoughtful and not very irritated as before. This only made me think that there was probably hope for them too.

Not everything was broken.

A week had passed since I had been released from the hospital and was allowed to leave the house. (I had been taken back with Seth, who had been very firm on where I would be staying, and was currently back in my mother's old home.) I had been visited by almost every member of the tribe. Even Sam and Emily had dropped in once, but that had just been awkward and I didn't really know how to react. We hadn't really spoken much, and then I had told them that I wanted to sleep. At that they had left me alone, very confused and tired.

Seth had been very hovering, always wondering if I needed anything and if I was doing okay. I suspected that he held himself responsible for everything that had happened and also wanted to make things okay for me for the sake of my mother. The only person more overbearing than Seth was Darren. But his antics, though slightly tiring, were rather adorable.

Finally, after a week of nothing but bed-rest and house arrest, I had been allowed to venture out of the house. Not alone of course. Darren had asked me where I wanted to go, and I had told him that I had missed the beach a lot. The beach wasn't very crowded when we arrived; we headed toward our usual quiet spot and seated ourselves on the sandy welcoming ground.

Darren pulled me closer to his body, his warmth made me feel less cold.

"I – I was here before," I whispered. Something felt off about this whole place, like there was something that I was refusing to see.

"Of course you have been," Darren said, his lips brushing my earlobe.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," I mumbled trying to concentrate while his lips hovered over my ear.

"Then?" he asked, confusion lining his tone.

"I can't explain. It just feels weird," I finally said.

"Are you okay, Ade?" he asked, turning me toward him.

I didn't have to hesitate to answer that, "I'm fine. I just am feeling weird about this place," I said.

"Do you want to leave? Maybe you should have spent some more time resting. This was obviously a stupid idea." Darren was rambling now.

"No! No – it wasn't. I'm feeling perfectly okay," I told him, holding his face in my hands. He worried too much.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm very sure," I nodded.

"Okay," he agreed but continued to look hesitant. Wanting to distract him, I leaned over and kissed his lips. They were warm and soft, the familiarity of them made me feel safe and at home. At first his hesitancy made him unyielding, but as I continued to press against him, his lips moved against mine in perfect synchronization. I loved the thrill of being against his warm body. Pushing Darren against the sandy beach, I placed my hands on his chest. His hands were exploring the skin under my shirt.

"I missed this," he whispered, breathing heavily.

"Me too," I nodded and brought my lips back to his and gained a moan in response. Ever since my visit to the hospital, Darren had been treating me as if I was something very fragile. His kisses had been very careful and I suspected that he only obliged to make me happy. I wasn't as breakable as he had thought I was, and was very glad for his enthusiastic response.

We continued to make out for a little bit longer and then sat next to each other, holding hands and looking at the ocean. I had never felt this peaceful and content in a very long time despite feeling that something was missing – very incomplete.

Hey baby. It's OK. I'm here, now . . .

I froze, "What's wrong?" Darren asked, noticing the sudden change in my body.

I had just heard my mother. My dead mother. My mouth began to dry up and fingers trembled. And for some reason, there were tears falling down my eyes.

"Adriana, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I heard the panic in Darren's voice and wanted to assure him that all was fine but he seemed so far away.

And then I realized what I had been feeling all along. I had seen my mother here, and I had spoken to her. She had been here for me. She had shown me the way home. And I had forgotten that, until now.

You have nothing at all to be sorry for. You haven't hurt me, I am happy in fact – to see you grow into a strong woman! You have made choices that have changed you, taught you things. And you have no reason to be sorry. None

"Adriana, you are scaring me." I turned to Darren. His eyes were wide with worry and he looked helpless. There was only love in his eyes. I realized that I hadn't known back then but he was also the reason I had returned. I could have died, I would have died. But I had chosen to return. And now knowing that I had been so close to death, had almost crossed the veil, I truly felt the seriousness of everything that had passed. I pulled Darren into a hug and held onto him tightly. He was here, and I was with him.

"I'm sorry, I am sorry." I said repeatedly.

"Ade, talk to me," he whispered, hugging me back.

I held onto him for another moment before letting go. His eyes followed my moments, and then I began to speak. I told him everything I remembered. Being here back with my mother, one last time, our conversation, and all my fears were out in front of him.

Darren didn't say anything, and he didn't need to. He simply held my hand, and pulled me into his arms.

"I think I know what to do now," I said quietly, hearing his rhythmic heartbeat against my ear. It was relaxing and comforting.

"And that is?" Darren asked, his voice calm and collected.

"I need to talk to my father." I said with surprising firmness. Darren didn't reply, instead he held me closer and tighter against him. With a sigh, I wriggled free and stood up. Darren got up too and after we brushed the sand off our clothes, he said, "Ready?"

"Ready," I told him, smiling slightly.

I knew where I had to go now, what I had to do.

Make amends. Forgive. Remember.

My life had never been the same as most of the other children of my age. I didn't have parents who loved each other, and I didn't have siblings who often fought but with love that ran deep. I only had my mother. And yet I couldn't have and nor would I ever wish for anything else. Because of the time I had spent with her, and the way she had molded me into the person I was today – I owed everything to her. The people I had in my life and everything else. She was the first person who had taught me that love empowered everything, and I'm glad that she was there for me. Even though I didn't understand parts of her, I believe that I was the only person she let her guard down to. I knew her, and loved her. Our time together was cut short cruelly, but I didn't have any regrets anymore.

I was at peace. And I really hoped – I thought so – that she was too.

AN: There you go – finally. I had a hard time writing this epilogue, considering all the possible things I could have written and I thought of this idea in the end. I can't believe it, but I have finished my first long multi-chaptered story. It's a bittersweet moment. It has been so long since I began this – I would like to think that I have evolved as a writer over the years (I will be going back and editing that previous chapters.) And I really feel sad that this has come to an end, but I'm also glad that I didn't abandon it.

I would really like to thank each and every person for showing me their constant support and being here, continuing to read, despite the long intervals in between chapters. THANK YOU! You mean a lot to me. I would really like it if you reviewed one last time (I feel emotional now.)

Also, I would like to thank all of my friends on , when I deleted my account there and left you a link to this story – I was really astonished to find that I had gained new followers. In fact some even created new accounts, I believe. That just showed your love for Broken Hopes – thank you, thank you so much for everything.

This has been a long journey, and I'm grateful to have shared it with you. I hope this has been satisfying and you have enjoyed reading it until the end.

Thank you once again. And you can drop me PM any time, I would surely like to stay in contact even though BH has been completed. : )
