[SUMMARY]: Lucy and Jellal get engaged to each other for business. He is her ideal man, and for him, she is not half bad. Problems arise when Jellal's first love, Erza shows up again in whom he still has feelings for, and Lucy slowly falls for Jellal's brother, Loke. Complicated as it is, the four are both torn between family, responsibilities and love.

Author's note: I hope you enjoy reading my Fairytail fanfic this time. I'm writing it with all my heart. I'll do my best and please support me. Thank you and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail.

Lucy woke up early to prepare for school. As soon as she was finished, she went to their dining hall for breakfast. As always, his father was already there, reading newspaper, and didn't necessarily talked to her over meal. She missed the days when her mother was still with them, the days when they bonded as a small happy family.

She quietly sat at her chair which was at her father's left. "Ohayo, oto-sama." Was her usual greeting to him.

"Lucy," putting aside the newspaper, the Heartfilia Empire Chairman called his only daughter's name. "You're graduating from college in six months."

A little surprised that her father was even a bit concerned in her education, Lucy answered, "Yes, oto-sama."

"After graduation, get ready to marry. In these six months, you'll prepare for that."

"Oto-sama! That is –"

"Your marriage will both benefit you and our business. I want you to marry this man." He presented her a picture of a young handsome guy. "He is the heir to the Fernandez Group, Jellal Fernadez."

Lucy's eyes both widened in shock. She didn't expected to be the fiancée of the most eligible bachelor in town and the guy who always topped the list of perfect boyfriends in girl magazines'. Jellal was indeed her ideal man.


After Jellal had finished his meeting with some of the investors, his secretary told him that his father, the Chairman was calling him to his office. It was another tiring morning for the young man in the company. He, together with his team, was busy working on his current resort project. Although his father initially opposed him about it because it was too risky for the company, Jellal persisted. He wanted to succeed on this to prove himself to his father, to prove what he was capable of.

"I'm well aware that you need investors for your project. I've just found one."

"And who is this investor?"

"The Heartfilia Empire."

Jellal was a bit taken aback. The Heartfilia's business was not particularly concerned to resorts and hotels since they were manufacturing appliances and other electronic devices. "Although I'm really happy about your news, they're the least I expect to invest, oto-sama."

"Don't be such a simple mind. You are to marry his daughter, Lucy Heartfilia. You know well what this means. Right?"

"Oto-sama… Right now, marriage is not yet in my mind. I want to concentrate in the business first."

"Jellal, don't be naïve. I command you to marry her." The Chairman exclaimed with a very authoritative voice. "Don't you want to fulfill your mother's wish? Marry the Heartfilia daughter, and I'll go and see Lily."

Jellal's mother, Lili Fernandez, had been at the mental hospital for twenty years. It wasn't particularly clear for him on how did his mom go crazy. All he remembered was that when he was five, she started acting weird and people from the hospital forcibly took her. "Just what did you do that turned mother crazy? Didn't you ever feel guilty for making her like that? Oka-sama loved you all her life. Can't you repay that with just a simple visit?"

"I don't have any obligations to answer your questions. Now, answer me. Will you marry the Heartfilia daughter or not? Say yes and you'll have everything. Say no and you get nothing. It's your choice."

Jellal could only clench his fist in ager. He always felt powerless before his father who seemed to control every single thing in his life.


Catching her breath, Lucy rushed to her classroom to tell her best friend, Levy, the good news. She quickly found Levy who was quietly seated at the back, reading a book. "Levy-chan!"

"Ohay, Lu-chan!" she greeted her with a warm smile. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lucy inhaled and exhaled deeply and finally recovered her normal breathing. "Levy-chan, you won't believe what I am gonna tell you."

"Eh? What is it, Lu-chan?"

"I'm getting engaged to Jellal Fernandez…" she whispered to her ear.

"WHAT?" Levy's loud voice attracted the class's attention. Good thing that it was short lived, and everyone went on with what they were doing. "Lu-chan, but how?" she asked, lowering her tone this time.

"It's for business though. But still, I've never imagine to be engaged to Jellal."

"Lu-chan, I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm meeting tomorrow night. My gosh, Lecy-chan! I'm so excited that I don't think I can wait."

"Relax, Lu-chan. I'll help you dress up for tomorrow."

"Arigato, Levy-chan!"

The two were rejoicing with Lucy's good news when their best friend, Sally, went to them, crying non-stop. "Sally-chan, what's wrong? What happened?" Levy asked her.

"He… He… broke up with me…"

"Broke up with you? Loke-kun?"

"Who else could it be."

Lucy sighed and patted Sally's shoulder for comfort. "Get over him already. You knew he wasn't serious from the start, right?"

"Well… Well… Lu-chan's right. Forget about him and move one," Levy tried to cheer her friend up.

Lucy and Levy were no longer surprised with Sally's broke up. They were well aware how much of a player Loke was. His girlfriends only lasted for a month or less. He was never sincere about them, but girl still throw themselves into him. Who wouldn't dream of being his girl anyway? He was the handsome, charming, popular and smart second son of the Fernandez Group, Loke Fernandez.

"Seriously, this Loke guy is… my future brother-in-law…" Suddenly realizing this fact, Lucy felt her energy was drained out of her. Loke was surely one of the people she never dreamt to be connected to.


Lucy Heartfilia was all dressed up to meet her fiancé. She had put on the most beautiful dress and make up for the evening. Of course, she knew she was cute enough, but she wanted to impress Jellal.

When Jellal saw Lucy for the first time, he really thought that she was pretty, in fact, much prettier than in the picture. She also looked smart and elegant for him.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy," Jellal tried to sound casual to make the lady feel comfortable since it was obvious that she was nervous in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, too, Jellal…"

Jellal invited her to sit so that they could enjoy their dinner. There was nobody in the room except for the two and a waiter in the corner to serve them. The silent atmosphere kept getting awkward every second. Wanting to make her feel at ease, even though he himself was also a little stiff, Jellal finally broke the silence. The dinner that night was for them to get to know eact other so it might as well serve its purpose.

"I heard that you attend Tokyo University. In what area are you majoring in then?"

"I'm in the writing department. I may not look like it, but I really love reading books. Someday, I wish to be a great writer whose books are well loved by many people."

"That's good… It's good to have a dream. I'm looking forward to read your books."

"A-Arigato…" said Lucy as her cheeks blushed a light shade of pink.

"My brother happens to attend Tokyo University too. Perhaps you have hared of him. He's in the business department. Loke."

"Oh, yes! That jerk…" and there was a pause. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to –"

Jellal laughed lightly. He wasn't news to troubles caused by his little brother. "What did Loke do again this time?"

"He broke up with my best friend, Sally, yesterday. He has made too many girls cry. I always wonder on how are you sibling with him because you're very different from each other."

"I'm apologizing for my brother. I'm so –"

"No! You don't have to…"

Seeing the need for it, Jellal changed their topic. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why did you agree to marry me? Arranged marriages in this day and age are very old fashioned. Don't you think? What made you settle on someone like me?"

Lucy's face turned red as a tomato. "Jellal is not just anyone. I think you're a great person… kind, smart, handsome and respected by people. I think you are… perfect."

To hear such a compliment made Jellal blush a little. "Let's use these six months before your graduation to know more about each other, learn each other's personality, likes and dislikes. Everything… I know this is not how I should ask you to date me, but shall we take the opportunity to know each other better before our wedding?"

Lucy realized how kind and considerate her future husband was. What she could have done in her past life that she was this blessed to marry the man of her dreams, she wondered. Smiling brightly, Lucy agreed and exclaimed, "Hai!"


Lucy was happily humming to herself as she walked down the school alley to the elevator. There were only a few students left in the campus since it was passed dismissal time. She stayed a little late in the library to finish some paper works before going home. She couldn't stop thinking and imagining about her date with Jellal this weekend. They were texting each other once in a while although it was Lucy who mostly texted him.

When the elevator reached the ground floor and opened its door, the Heartfilia daughter her future brother-in-law much to her surprise. She was trying to avoid him in school as this might just attract his girls' jealousy. "Eh…. Lucy-chan! Konnichiwa."

"Ko- konnichiwa. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have to go somewhere…" Lucy wanted to run away from him. However, a girl, most probably one of Loke's girlfriends, came to him.

"Loke-kun, who is this girl? You're hitting on her, aren't you?" she was sure quick to draw conclusions

"Of course, not! Didn't I tell that my brother is getting married? You see, this is Lucy-chan, my future sister-in-law," he eagerly announced.


The next second, Lucy could only feel the daggers of jealousy and hatred being thrown to her by the other girls in the lobby. She wished to keep the whole marriage thing a secret until she got out of the university, but thanks to Loke, everything was revealed. I must be dreaming….

Author's note: Thank you for reading and please leave some reviews.