You're Yuna now.

Someone's staring at you.

You aren't so sure who, but whoever it is, their gaze is strong enough to make you feel rather self-conscious. You wonder if there was something on the side of your face or if your clothes were worn the wrong way. You chance a sneak through the corner of your eye and spot the stoic female soldier watching you.

Did you do something to make her pay so close attention to you?

You turn to face the woman standing a few feet away and realize that she isn't really looking at you. Her eyes are glazed, as if she was in a daze of some sort, apparent that she wasn't really focused. Her brows were furrowed slightly, as if questioning something. You can't suppress the slight feeling of disappointment at such, but when you returned your attention back to Laguna, you feel those same critical eyes observing your every movement. You pretend to laugh at what the gunner had said, gambling that he had made a joke - which to your luck was - and couldn't keep your cheeks from turning red because you're painfully aware that the soldier was unconsciously watching you.

You're rather delighted.

You're thankful that Vaan had taken the gunner's interest and you're finally able to return gazing curiously back at Lightning. She's still looking at you, those aqua eyes holding in so much emotion that her outside persona had hidden. People usually thought she was just as she looked; strong, indifferent, quiet and unsociable. She was, but when you looked into those pools of blue the first time as her blade pointed at you menacingly, you knew there was more to it than that. You weren't at all nervous once you delved into those seemingly cold eyes, already taking slight interest in the stranger that hid behind a mask.

Perhaps the bright pink hair had a part to do with it too.

"Doing some sort of staring contest?" you give a warm smile at the fighter that now stood beside you, a witty grin plastered on her face. You shake your head, knowing that Lightning was currently elsewhere, not paying attention to her surroundings which had taken you by surprise.

"No, it's just-" you pause, not really wanting to have everyone else know that their leader was currently defenseless. Cosmos knows what Vaan and Laguna would do if they found out the great Lightning was currently unguarded. Tifa laughed.

"It's okay. You look like you're just as curious as I am, wondering what might be on Light's mind." you nod, trusting the third female of the group to keep it between just the two of you. Those blue eyes hadn't left you and you start to question if it was you she was thinking about.

"Just call me Light."

You remember you were recovering from a fight against those manikins. After getting acquainted and finally getting the newfound comrade to warm up to you; much to her chagrin, a group of imitations had ambushed you. Maybe it was because you hadn't bothered to hide the fact that she had your complete trust that made her willing to help you. The brush of rough, calloused but gentle hands caressed your cheek as she moved a stray strand of brown from your eyes. You were in pain moments ago, but you can't seem to remember what it felt like anymore. You're too busy trying to etch the tingling sensation that erupted from her soft touch into your memory.

"There's dirt on your face." how overly blunt and honest of her, but you like her that way.

"Light.." you try, voice weak and you know it's not from your injury. You like how she seemed to shiver from your call and it's making you feel all the more warmly. From her body language, it's unbelievably obvious that the stoic Lightning was embarrassed. It's as if you had some sort of control over her.

You kind of like the thought of that.

You force your brain to remember this moment, every little detail because you're sure this won't happen very often. Or much at all. This was Lightning we're talking about.

"Right.." the pink haired woman muttered, not knowing what to say or what to do considering she had never allowed anyone to call her other than the given name. You assume so anyway.

"Thank you." she just nodded before standing and lending you a hand. You took it gratefully and smiled in return, not the least bit surprised that she looked away hastily, trying to avoid your sparkling green and blue.

"Don't get used to it."

You won't. But you wouldn't mind it happening more often.

"You've been staring at our sweet Yuna for a while y'know." those once clouded blue eyes were now becoming clear after realizing that she had everyone's attention. You blush at the comment of 'sweet' as well as the intensity of Lightning's gaze; but you don't dare to look away. You're taken aback at the painful tug in your chest along with the feeling of disappointment when you watch the soldier turn away, unperturbed of the revelation. Then again, perhaps she really was just staring out into space.

You just happened to be on the opposite end of it.

"She's nice to look at."

And it wasn't just you that made an audible sound of astonishment. Tifa's nudging you in joy of what could be, while Laguna and Vaan was still absorbing the whole thing. But you know there won't be. Wouldn't be. Couldn't be. Shouldn't be.

Can't be.

Because there's him and you know Lightning understands you just can't abandon your beloved now; not when you're within reach. Not when he's so close, and not when your heart still belongs to him.


You think as you smile to yourself, watching the soldier walk away. You don't want to exclude Lightning from your heart, so you make room for one more and you know just who to save it for.

As you can see, Tidus is still in the way. (A little) but there's hope. I feel that the first chapter was done a lot better, but this one seems to end on a much happier note.