Geez, I don't know what it is, but it has been so much easier to update, even with a bunch of work. The good news is...i have off tommorow! So I want to get in another update tonight and then another one sometime tommorow! I know that my chapters have been a lot shorter than what is usual for me...but I decided that I wanted this story to be a little more fast paced than what I had originally planned. Hopefully, it's still good with the speed. Anyways, someone reviewed and said that they like Landon, and I have a feeling it was because they looked up a picture of Sam Claflin, which is totally understandable. He is HOT. Not as much as Ben Barnes (in my opinion), but yeah, it's so much easier to love Landon after you see a picture of this guy. Especially shirtless. Lucy's got some hot guys fighting over her, just saying.

Oh, and the rating changed because I decided not to write out their first time together, which was my original plan. I'll leave that up to the imagination(;

Chapter 10

Caspian watched as Lucy dashed from the courtyard, determination and love in her eyes. His heart sunk, and he knew that that was it. That she had chosen Landon over him. I'll never find someone like her...His eyes passed over Aslan, laying in the exact same spot that He had been before Lucy had ran from His side. He was staring at the young king intensely, so intensely, that it made Caspian feel rather awkward. Is He trying to make me feel bad for loving her? For wanting her so bad that I'll fight for her, and causing her to be upset? I hate that she is so upset, but I will never apologize for being in love with Lucy. And He better not expect me to go and marry someone else either. I'm going to be a loner. I'll grow old in this castle without an heir, and never marry if I can't have Lucy as my wife. I don't give a damn. The thought of never seeing her again, of having her ripped out of his life yet again was overwhelming. Never again to hold her in his arms, or hear her laugh. No longer being able to stare into her hypnotic, crystal blue eyes as she stared up at him with that child-like curiosity. He put his head in his hands, forseeing his life alone, without her. Never knowing if she was dead or alive, or if she even remembered him at all.

"Caspian," he heard Aslan's smooth voice sweep around his ears, and realized that he had looked away, and was probably muttering incoherently to himself. Caspian looked up once more, seeing that Aslan was making His way over to him, not one bit of sympathy in his hard, piercing eyes. Sighing deeply, dreading the conversation that he knew was about to take place, Caspian stood, bowing his head to the great lion. "Lucy should be happy." Caspian felt anger burning in his heart. If only I could be able to make her as happy as she makes me, I would be the one she was running to. I suppose that I'm not good enough for her...

"I know. It is her decision," he mumbled logically, even though he hated that sort of logic. He did not want to look Aslan directly in the eye, and settled upon staring at his shoes as if they were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

"No matter who she ends up with," Aslan continued, sitting down in front of Caspian, His eyes locked on the young king's face as he sat back on the bench once more. A sense of hope fluttered in his chest.

"...what do you mean?"


"Landon?" Lucy started hopefully, pushing open his bed chamber door uninvited and peeking her head inside. She found him sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He didn't acknowledge her presence. She thought back to the times where she would find him upset, and remembered how easy it had been to just sit on his lap, kiss his lips, and shoo his pain away. Unfortunately, things weren't that simple anymore. Lucy closed her eyes tightly for a moment and took a deep breath, turning to close the door behind her and taking a few cautious steps toward him. "Landon," she whispered, getting on her knees in front of him and waiting a moment before prying his hands from his face. He made no effort to fight her, letting her take his hands in her own, but his gaze still was held to the ground.

"When I asked you to marry me," he began, his body rising and falling with deep breaths, and Lucy knew that he was fighting to keep his composure. She couldn't tell if he was trying not to cry from her presence, or scream in her face, but either way, she was glad he was trying to be calm. "You didn't react as I thought you would," his eyes finally trailing up to meet her own, and she felt her heart break a little at the sadness she found in them. "I couldn't wait to see that ring on your finger. To know that I would have you forever, only you. I love you so much," he murmured, drawing her forward so that he could press his forehead to hers, his breath tickling her lips. "But you hesitated when I asked, I didn't say anything then because I was just happy that you agreed, but I knew that something was holding you back. You seemed..." he fought for the right words. "Distant." Lucy sighed, closing her eyes once more. I have to be honest.

"Edmund had told me moments ago that Caspian loved me. That I could have stayed with him instead of ever coming home the last time I was here. It threw me off. I didn't think then that I felt anything for Caspian, but as soon as Ed told all came on really fast."

"You must have loved him before," Landon muttered, his eyes averting to his lap once more. "Some part of you did. Or you wouldn't have thought twice about it." Lucy felt a drop on her hand, only then noticing that she was crying once more.

"It isn't like I just-"

"I know," he murmured, wiping away her tears. "I love you too. But I know you, and I know what you want. You want him," he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and was quiet for a few seconds. "So he had better take good care of you..." Lucy let out a sob and threw her arms around his neck, noticing how he hesitated before returning the gesture. But he did hold her tighter than he ever had before, burying his head in her hair. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, before he finally pulled away, asking her if she would send Aslan to his room. Lucy had a gut wrenching feeling that it would be the last time that she ever saw him, so she simply nodded her head, and pressed her lips to his cheek.


It seemed like hours, or maybe even days had gone by, before Caspian finally heard a knock at his bedroom door. Getting up, he hoped that it was neither Aslan telling him that Lucy had left him, and had gone home to her own world, nor Landon, hoping to get in one last attack before stealing Lucy away. Aslan hadn't told him much of anything about the talk that He had had with Lucy, so Caspian had no idea what he expected to happen. After sitting in the courtyard for a while, he had excused himself, deciding that it were best if he were left alone in his room. Taking a deep breath, Caspian pulled open his door, surprised at what who was on the other side. Lucy peered up at him silently, no longer crying, and no longer looking as if here world was crumbling underneath her. He gripped the doorknob tightly in his hand, waiting for her to speak. She bit her lip nervously.

"Caspian," she whispered, trailing off. Her eyes remained locked with his as she stepped forward, placing a hand to his chest and another to his cheek. The flesh of his cheek felt as if it were on fire and he even felt the warmth of her hand on his chest through the layers of clothing that he was wearing. No, she couldn't possibly, he tried to give up any false hope, telling himself that she had come to say goodbye. "Can I-" she blushed deeply. "Can I have that necklace back?" Her words stunned him completely, and he stuttered slightly on his response.

"W-why?" A dazzling smile spread across her face, somehow lighting up the dim corridor.

"Well," she breathed, daring to get even closer, wrapping her arms around his neck and grinning as he folded his own arms around her small waist. "When you first gave it to me, you told me that it would remind me that you would always come back, and always care. Since you are a king, you go off to other lands for war and meetings, and I must always be assured that my love will come back for me," with this last, she picked herself up on her tip toes and placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He groaned, claiming her sweet lips with his own, and they molded together perfectly as they moved in perfect synchronization. She tasted just as he remembered, like the sweetest candy he would imagine. He pulled her inside, never breaking their kiss, and closing the door quietly. She pressed herself against him as he dipped his tongue in her mouth, stroking her tongue affectionately as it explored her sweet mouth. She made a sort of whimpering noise in the back of her throat and let one of her hands travel down to brush over his chest, her innocent touch alone making his body quiver with pleasure. Lucy pulled away from the kiss, ignoring his groan of protest, placing her lips to his neck, pulling the skin between her teeth and sucking gently. Finding that her shoulder was the only area of skin that he could reach in the present moment, he gladly pressed warm kisses there. "I love you, Caspian," she whispered against his skin, placing one last soft kiss on his neck. He grinned like a fool, and wrapped her in his arms before brushing his lips across her forehead softly, never wanting to let her go.


"Your majesty?" Sophie said softly, putting a hand to his shoulder as he turned around to look at her, hoping that everything was alright and that Lucy was well. "Would you like to meet your daughter?" Warmth spread throughout his chest as he nodded, at a loss for words. Putting out his hand, he allowed his four year old son, Landon, to go into the room with him. Following Sophie closely, Caspian smiled as he found Lucy lying beneath the blankets of the infirmary bed, propped up against the headboard and holding a delicate looking baby girl in her arms. At his arrival, Lucy's eyes lit up with joy before her attention was refocused on her daughter, obvious love and pride flooded in her blue orbs.

"Come on," Caspian whispered to Landon, leading him towards the bed and picking him up so that he could sit next to his mother, Caspian sitting down as well and wrapping an arm around his wife. He kissed the side of her head, and put his lips to her ear. "I love you, sweetheart," he whispered, and she leaned into him so that her back was to his chest, and he could wrap his arms around her from behind. He reached out and brushed his fingers across his daughter's cheek gently, shaking his head in amazement at how beautiful she was. When Landon had arrived, Caspian was filled with pride and love. Love and pride filled his heart as he looked upon his daughter, but sheer adoration dominated all the rest. She already had him wrapped around her tiny finger.

"She's pretty," Landon said sweetly, bending down to put a kiss on his new baby sister's cheek, and action that had Lucy and Caspian nearly in tears.

"Before I leave," Sophie whispered, gaining everyone's attention. "What have you decided to name her?" Caspian smiled and looked down at Lucy, nodding to her.

"Aurora," she said, the name escaping her lips like a musical melody. A name nearly as beautiful as the child herself.

The end! Yay! Originally, I was gonna name their son Liam, but then I thought it would be sweet to name him after Landon. And I am in love with the name Aurora, which is also the name of Sleeping Beauty, and that will probably be my first daughter's name(: