Author's Note: Sorry this took so long. You see, I totally planned to update on Saturday...but then I found my old Disney movies...and well...I cannot be held accountable for getting lost in nostalgia. I asked Ashley if she wanted to say anything since this is the last author's note and her response was "I'm aboard the fail-boat? Because of my lack of update and not keeping you on point with updates? XD And I sold Many's helm in WoW by accident. I was so mad" so we both kinda failed at keeping each other on track but I think we have a good reason (actually only she does). =w= Anyway, this is the last chapter! :3 Ashley and I are really glad that you guys like the story! :3 It was a lot of fun to write and who knows, maybe we will partner up again at some point to write more collab work! :3 Thanks for reading! :3
Disclaimer: We don't own BTR.
Logan fought the urge to frown despite the delicious meal before him. Kendall was back to doing all those sweet and endearing things he had always done since they met, but he still didn't feel good about it. Nothing had been settled. He still didn't understand what the blonde had been freaking out about in the first place. One meal didn't make up for the week and a half of torture.
He bit his lip as he chewed on a piece of garlic bread, still deep in thought. As happy as he had been when Kendall had finally looked at him without glaring, now he was beginning to analyze the whole situation. In a way, Logan had always assumed that there was something between Kendall and himself that went beyond what words could describe. They belonged together, no matter what. And Logan had always been secure in that, without any confirmation that he wasn't the only one who believed that. But after the huge blow out, he wasn't so sure anymore. And Kendall's attitude now just furthered that insecurity. Nothing had been settled.
The other three were playing around while they ate, and it was nice to see Kendall back to almost his normal self. His brooding attitude of late wasn't the most pleasant to endure, so to see him made Logan melt a little bit.
He picked up his empty plate and silently took it to the kitchen to clean it off. Then he grinned at his friends before going to his room, he needed the silence to think, because he was starting to get irritated. He really didn't want to pick a fight so soon after Kendall finally calmed down.
Logan laid down on his bed, his hands coming up behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. His stomach was full and he was sure he could fall asleep at any moment.
"Logan?" He turned his head slightly to the blonde standing uncomfortably in the doorway to their room. He was bouncing a phone between his hands and biting at his bottom lip. "Uh, your replacement phone came in. I'm sorry I lost my temper earlier and broke yours."
"You already apologized, Kendall." Logan smiled softly at him, despite his mild irritation, and sat up. Kendall handed him the phone and he automatically checked his messages. Janice was surely wondering what happened, she didn't like stopping mid-conversation.
Boy was he right. Thirteen. If he hadn't already had the "just friends" talk with her, he'd be worried. 'I'm sorry about the love talk, I guess I'm a Bohemian at heart.' He laughed at that. A few more after it were apologies because she thought she offended him. That was probably right after Kendall had chucked his phone. 'So, James told me what happened with Kendall. You okay?' 'Oh wait, didn't he break your phone? Why am I still texting you?' He laughed again, she was really funny sometimes. 'Sorry about those...why am I still doing it?' The last one made him laugh the most. 'I swear I'm not a stalker!'
His loud laughter had Kendall letting out a huff of annoyance and Logan looked up at him. He had his arms crossed over his chest and was looking to the side with a scowl.
"What?" Logan asked, his eyebrows furrowing together as he watched the brooding attitude come back.
"Was it Janice?" The bitter tone got under his skin quicker than anything else the blonde had said since they started arguing all the time.
"Yes, it was. Is that a problem?" His jaw clenched as he stared at his friend. Why couldn't they have a civil conversation anymore?
"I don't get it!" Kendall bit out, his harsh tone not quite matching the depressed look in his eyes.
"What is there to get, Kendall? I only went on one date with this girl and you're just all for gathering up a lynch mob to go after her!" Logan stood up, his voice beginning to rise, he didn't want to fight already, but he was getting so tired.
"Exactly!" Kendall shouted back. "You went on one date! And now you are in loveand talking to her all the time! And it's stupid to think you can just fall in love with someone that quick!" It was like de ja vu all over again with Kendall's arms gesturing wildly with his heated words.
"But why is it such a problem for you?" Logan shouted back, not even hesitating to match the blonde's volume. They were right in each others' faces.
"Because I love you!" He bellowed, his face flushed from exertion. Logan, though slightly shocked, thought he looked beautiful like that. Kendall took a deep breath before continuing at a much more sedate tone. "And I don't see why she gets to have you when I...when I've been here the whole time." He stepped backwards and plopped onto his bed, his elbows resting on his knees as his hands went straight into his hair.
"Kendall..." Logan could feel his heart swelling with emotion, an emotion he could now put a name to. That's why he had always felt like he just belonged to Kendall. Janice was right, they loved each other. Which just explained the looks she had given him when he had told her he only wanted to be friends. Even she knew. And it was probably why he wasn't freaking out at the present moment, because he had just always known.
Logan took the two steps towards Kendall, pulling the blonde's hands away from his face and making him sit up as he deposited himself into his lap. Kendall quirked one of his crazy eyebrows as he was straddled, but then it didn't matter anymore, because Logan was cupping his face and their lips were meeting in a kiss that was a few years in the making.
"You're an idiot." Logan sighed, resting his forehead against Kendall's as they pulled their lips apart. "There's nothing going on between Janice and me. We decided to be friends, because we do have so much in common." With Kendall's face so close, he looked kind of like a green-eyed cyclops, the thought made Logan want to giggle. "I guess I always knew nobody else would do. And I said I loved her because I was having fun. You just took it wrong and I felt like I needed to defend myself." He leaned back a little to give them both a little breathing room, using Kendall's knees to prop himself up.
Kendall felt his heart racing, even if it was incredibly cliché, it was true. His heart felt like it was running a marathon. His hand reached up, petting Logan's cheek. "So," Kendall whispered, watching the boy's lips, "there's nothing going on with you and Janice?" He needed to hear it one more time.
Logan rolled his eyes and nodded, "Nothing at all."
Kendall grinned as he leaned up, kissing the shorter boy's cheek. "Good," he whispered.
"So," Logan began. "Are you going to explain to me why you went mental and ruined my phone then bought me a new one and did this entire 'let's forget everything' dinner?"
Kendall sighed out a laugh, moving his hands to wrap around Logan's waist. "I broke your phone because I'm a possessive jerk who got really jealous of Janice. I thought she had gotten you and I was just so angry." He placed his head in the crook of Logan's neck. "And when I was walking back here, I realized I should want you to be happy and not ruin it for you. So, I wanted to make you this awesome dinner to make it up to you."
Logan shook his head as he pet through the blonde's hair.
"So what does this mean for us?" He leaned more into the touch, enjoying the way Logan's fingers scraped against his scalp. The fingers stopped moving and Kendall pulled away to look into the shorter boy's face.
"I don't know, Kendall." Logan sighed, his eyebrows knitting together as he studied the blonde's face. "What has any of this ever meant for us. We've never really put words to it, but I know you're not just my friend. You never have been." He smiled sardonically, half his mouth tilting down as he shrugged a little too casually for his tone. Kendall smiled. He knew the exact feeling.
"You've always been mine, Logan." He stated, lowly, leaning forward to capture the brunette's lips once again in a sweet kiss that had them both sliding their eyes shut. He pulled back and rested his forehead against Logan's, his hands coming up to cup his cheeks. "Will you be mine? Always? Can we put a name to this thing that's been between us since the day we met?"
Logan's smile was radiant, even though he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth to contain a bit of his joy. "Of course." He rasped out, his eyes a little moist, only making Kendall think he was cuter. "I've always been yours." He kissed the blonde sweetly. "And I love you, too."