This fic has and will take influences from the film The Magdalene Sisters, the book A Better Place, and unfortunately, real life situations that still happen to people and take place today :(
I don't own Glee, or the characters from it, make no profit from it, blah blah...
It's AU. I won't go into how, everything will be [hopefully :)] answered in the story :)
"Try to relax, Kurt."
A month had passed since he had been transferred to Dalton Academy and Kurt Hummel had sure as hell learned in that time that a smart ass comment to a stupid remark like that would get him into big trouble, and so he kept his mouth shut. But it was a stupid remark. How the hell could he relax? He had been stripped completely naked and ordered to lie down on a stainless steel examination table, after which he had been forcibly restrained to the table by three orderlies who then proceeded to apply thick straps across his chest, bounding his arms by their sides. He couldn't move and most certainly couldn't relax. How the hell could he relax when he had this thing around his… thing?
Oh god. Kurt looked down as best as he could at the steel ring attached to the base of his penis and tried not to whimper. Even if he hadn't been informed by his peers in hushed tones about 'the ring', he still would have been scared because the situation he was facing was just terrifying. He forced himself to draw his eyes away from down there and stared straight up ahead at the plain white ceiling as orderlies in plain white gowns busied themselves, attaching various wires to his body. Kurt's eyes followed to where the wires led and he just about managed to turn his head enough to see them hooked up to some high-tech machine a bit behind him, equally as white as the coats and the ceiling and the walls of the sterile room he was being held captive in.
"Keep still, Kurt."
Kurt turned his head back and stared again at the ceiling. The weary tones of Dr. Lawrence were almost kind, well, as close to kind as the staff at Dalton got anyway and it almost relaxed him. Almost. He couldn't fully relax though; he knew what he was up against, knew what was about to come. The ring was Notorious with a capital N - and in a place like Dalton, this was a Very Big Deal indeed. Kurt closed his eyes and prayed. He hadn't, or didn't ever believe in a god but he prayed anyway. Prayed to something he wasn't sure existed. Prayed to something, anything that was listening that they would burst in and rescue him - release him from the constraints of the table, to grab his hand and run, run, run away from the school without a backwards glance and guide him back home.
The word was like a steel fist to Kurt's stomach. Home was where his father was and his father was the one that sent him here, had even sacrificed his own honeymoon to his new wife in order to fund his stay here. Kurt had begged, bargained and even unabashedly sobbed his reluctance at being sent away to the infamous Dalton Academy. His father had sighed and looked away, unable to meet his eyes. Told him the institute would be good for him, would make a man out of him. That it would be better for him and for the family as a whole because Lima was not the right place for him, but not to worry Kurt, because Dalton would mould him into eventually fitting in.
"This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you, Kurt." Dr. Lawrence's voice was grave and his sympathy sounded almost believable to Kurt. Almost. "We'll run through a couple of the test slides first of all, I think."
From the corners of his eyes, he saw Dr. Lawrence give a slight nod to one of the orderlies, who looked just about ready to wet himself with the exciting anticipation of what Kurt was about to go through. The orderly pressed several buttons and then turned back to the experiment, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. From his command, the bright white lights on the walls of the room began to dim and an image of book appeared in front of Kurt; projected onto the ceiling above him so he was forced to look at it from his bound position. The book disappeared and then a picture of a television materialised in front of him. Followed by a picture of an ipod, a bowl of soup and finally an image of a woman in a bikini.
Thirty seconds or so went by before the last image disappeared on the ceiling and one of the orderlies smirked, "No reaction," as if Kurt had done something wrong. Kurt closed his eyes. "Open your eyes Hummel," the same orderly snapped viciously.
"That'll do, David," Dr. Lawrence shot back, equally as snappy. "I'd like to remind you that you're merely an observer in this exercise, as favour to Principal Lowry. If you do not be quiet I shall inform him that this little deal you have going on cannot continue."
David Karofksy mumbled something under his breath but kept quiet all the same and Kurt was momentarily grateful, until he realised that Karofksy would make sure he paid for that later. Ever since the first day he had been transferred to Dalton, Karofsky seemed to have it in for him. What made matters worse was that due to the structure of Dalton Academy, each new boy was assigned a 'mentor': an older boy who had been through the rigmarole and eventually granted their graduation from Dalton, but who saw fit to extend their stay there in order to help others. Dalton was meant to have made a fine man out of Dave Karofksy, was supposed to have set him back on the straight and narrow.
So why did his wandering hands grope Kurt whenever they got the opportunity?
A buzzing noise brought Kurt back to the present and an image of a shirtless man with bulging muscles appeared on the ceiling. Kurt had never thought of himself as a sexual being. At first, growing up, he put it down to being different, to being gay. But as he had gotten older, he knew that it wasn't because of this. Maybe it was because of everything he had been through? How he had been told over and over again until it was engraved forever in his mind that what he was and what he was attracted to was wrong. Maybe it was just the way he was wired? All the same, a shirtless guy was a shirtless guy and Kurt realised in horror that he was getting turned on. And that meant…
"Positive reaction," Karofsky confirmed, writing something on a notepad. His eyes met Kurt's and Kurt could see the twisted hatred that lay in them.
Dr. Lawrence nodded thoughtfully. "Begin the correction procedure," he replied, and Karofsky was only all too pleased to comply with his order. And then…
The pain was so unbearable that it was like nothing else Kurt had experienced in his entire life, even when he was eight and fell of his bicycle that one time and broke his arm and leg. It hurt so much that he didn't feel anything for a few seconds - it took his body a while to register that he was actually feeling pain. But when the signals eventually reached his brain and told him that actually, he was suffering from the worst pain in his life and he started to feel it, he certainly wished to god he hadn't. The ring was emitting painful electric shocks into the base of his penis that felt like a thousand sharp knives being stabbed into it at once, or a red hot poker being held mercilessly against it trying to kill off the inklings of an erection. A sheen of sweat adorned his whole body and beads of sweat started to drip from his hair and trickle down his face.
For a few seconds, Kurt made no noise, unable to scream as he choked on garbled yelps that got stuck in the bottom of his throat. But then his voice came back and he screamed as loud as he could - not because he hoped someone would hear him and help him (yeah right, this 'experiment' he was being forced to take was Dalton's sinister idea of 'help') but because it was the only way he could deal with the pain he was feeling right now. He screamed in a pitch that he didn't think was humanly possible for a boy his age and yet he kept screaming, a long, relentless scream that the plain white room just seemed to swallow up inside of it, maybe like so many before him. The electric shocks then subsided, but Kurt's penis still throbbed with pain.
"Please," Kurt begged, sobbing. Karofsky would rip the shit out of him for crying later, but right now he didn't care. He had to bargain with Dr. Lawrence. It was his only way out of this. "Please," he repeated desperately through his tears. "No more, please!"
"This is for your own good, Kurt," Dr. Lawrence said. "Pretty soon this experiment will teach your body not to react to your perverse desire for other men. It will suppress the inappropriate feelings you have and eventually, you'll be normal. Run the next slides."
Again, random pictures appeared on the ceiling above him as Kurt sobbed uncontrollably, knowing what was going to come. His new classmates were right, the ring was pure hell. All the new boys had to go through it. The only light at the end of the tunnel was that apparently, once you'd been at Dalton for a while, and learned to keep your head down and avoid any trouble or bring attention to yourself you generally didn't have to go through the ring… unless you needed punishing for breaking one of the many rules Dalton had. And Dalton had a lot of rules. In his first week of being there, he was stripped, beaten and then forced, head-first, into a huge barrel of freezing cold iced water. That was for not raising his hand in History to ask permission to sneeze. In his second week, he had been summoned to the principals office, forced to bend over the desk, and was then caned twenty times by Principal Lowry. Twenty times for being twenty seconds late to assembly one morning. He thought such shocking and outdated punishments had been abandoned a long time ago, but Dalton was seemingly a place with its own rules, and by being so cut off from mainstream society, it didn't seem there was much that any outsiders could do over what allegedly took place within the school grounds. Through his thoughts Kurt vaguely noticed the image of a sweet looking boy about his age projected onto the ceiling, his smile wide and open and his sparkling eyes made him look so warm, so handsome...
"Positive reaction," one of the other orderlies spoke up and fresh tears leaked from the corners of Kurt's eyes from both fear and frustration. He was gay: of course he was going to get a positive reaction from guys. If he ever stopped, it wouldn't be because this aversion so-called 'therapy' worked, it would be because somewhere, in the back of his mind, something would be programmed to remind him of the pain he went through today. To cut it short: he would simply be too scared to ever be attracted to anyone or anything ever again.
Kurt screamed out loud as a fresh bout of electricity shot through his penis and in turn, a surge of pain coursed the entire length of his body. The restraints were doing a great job of keeping him bound to the cold examination table - Kurt wanted nothing more than to thrash from side to side, to arch his back, anything to get this thing off of him. He thought he was going to throw up from the pain, it was that bad.
"Oh god," he moaned. They were the only words that were intelligible; every other word after that was just garbled random words and moans of pain. He faintly realised the lights on the walls were growing brighter and then saw the concerned face of Dr. Lawrence above him, mouthing something, only he couldn't hear him because he was in a faraway place now, in some black and silent corner in the back of his mind, somewhere safe. It was a defensive and very much automatic response of his body to try and deal with it, just like at his old high school when the bullies terrorised him. It was scary to the point of wild hysterical amusement when he thought back to his old high school and remembered how he thought he was being bullied. If he was being bullied at McKinley, then what he was going through at Dalton was something else entirely. He wanted to go back. He needed to go back. He had to get the hell out of here.
"Kurt." Kurt's eyes eventually focused into view and he was able to concentrate on Dr. Lawrence, who then looked away to face the orderlies standing at the machine. "David, check the correctional setting, please."
"Five," he heard Karofksy reply.
"Five?" Dr. Lawrence sounded genuinely angry. "For his first time? Are you stupid, boy? I told you to put it on two."
"Sorry," Karofksy replied, not sounding like he meant it in the least.
Dr. Lawrence sighed angrily, and then turned his attention back to Kurt, the anger on his face ebbing away as he took in the small boy below him. "That'll do for today, Kurt," he said, and it sounded almost apologetic. Almost. "You'll have another session in the next two weeks or so."
Ouch :(
Just like to point out that though Dave's at Dalton and Kurt has been transferred there from McKinley, in this fic Dave never went to McKinley and so they don't have history before Kurt got transferred. Any questions you have, ask away.
Next chapter up tomorrow or the next day. Please review if you liked it! Or hated it, i don't mind :)
Johnny :D