Well, this story was inspired by Vampire Knight manga (Have you ever read it?)

If you think I have some kind of obsession for the vampire... well not quite right ^^;

It's just vampire stories are interesting, that's all XD, and besides vampire Tsuna is awesome X3

Summary: Gokudera and Hibari were assigned to guard the night class' students from the rabid fangirls in Namimori High school. But, night class had a secret that only known by them.

Warning: English is not my native language, so there will be some grammar mistakes. Inspired by Vampire Knight manga, well, a lot of pairing, but the main pairing is 2759 ^^, rated M for reasons

I DO NOT OWN Katekyo Hitman REBORN! It belongs to Amano Akira

Italic = thought

Normal =normal

underline = flash back

Chapter 1

Gokudera opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a snow field. He couldn't remember anything and his head felt so dizzy. When he was trying to stand up and kept his balance, suddenly a group of wolves surrounded him. Gokudera agape, he couldn't do anyhting, he just a normal 5 years old boy. But somehow, goddess of fortune was on his side. A boy around his age appeared to rescued him, he had spiky brown hair and brown eyes, but when the eyes change its color into glowing amber he killed all the wolves with just a split of seconds. The boy who saved him looked at Gokudera with warm smile "It's okay, I'm here to save you"





"Hey, wake up ,moron"

"Hn... Shut up, herbivore"
"Dammit, Hibari! How many times I have to wake you up, you're wasting my time!"

It had been ten years since the incident and when he met his most respected person for the first time. The boy was Sawada Tsunayoshi, he brought Gokudera to one of his acquaintance named Cavallone Dino. Dino was a chairman in Namimori Academy. He entrusted Gokudera to Dino to take care of him, so Gokudera lived in Dino's house. Years later, Dino found a kid with raven hair covered by blood. His name was Hibari Kyouya. Hibari Kyouya's parents were killed by unknown person, and Hibari always refused to tell anyone about his parents death. Despite of their bad relationship, Gokudera and Hibari get along quite well. Well, sometimes they mocked with each other. Three of them lived together, and even Dino considered them as his brothers.

"Ahahaha, Good morning my dear brothers! I have to say, that I really proud of you! You have grown up so fast... I feel like I'm becoming old" Dino said while running childishly into Hibari's room.

"You ARE old, old man" Gokudera scoffed him.

"AAAA, you're so cruel! Hibari wake up! Geez, I can't believe it, you have skipped class 2 times... At least, I want you to graduate soon"

Hibari lazily woke up from his bed and walked towards the bathroom. Hibari was older 2 years than Gokudera. Hibari had skipped class, because he hate to associate with people and he hated crowding. But, after 2 years, in the end he decided to enrolled Namimori High together with Gokudera, since Dino wouldn't stop lecturing him.

"You guys are becoming fresh men this year, ahahahahaha, I'm so proud!"

"Shut up, old man! You have said it thousand times! Speaking of which, Sawada-san too, he already third years in high school..." Gokudera said.

Tsuna too, he was 2 years older than Gokudera, but different than Hibari, Tsuna never skipped class.

"He will leave this school, right?"

"Why sad? He just a herbivore" Hibari said, he had finished his activities in the bathroom.

"Tch, shut up. Let's go"

"Bye Gokudera, Hibari! And don't forget your job!"





This academy looked like a normal school, but something was different. This academy was divided in two class, day class and night class. Not only that, day class and night class have different dorms too. Night class have their secret and those secret, only known by Gokudera, Hibari and Dino.

"Aa~h, that old man. I can't believe he put me in the disciplinary committee to work with you"

"If you want to complain, talk to the Bucking Horse"

"Even if I complained to him, he won't listen to me. And you should help me once, idiot!"

Gokudera and Hibari had to guard the night class' students when night class and day class switching place. When day class had finished their lesson, the building would be used by night class. The night class' students were very special. They were all smart and had a good looking face, and the night class didn't have too much students like day class. Sawada Tsunayoshi was in night class too. He was considered to be the leader of the night class by all of the people. Tsuna was the one who had a good leadership. And because of these, the chairman decided to make a disciplinary committee to guard them from the crazy-rabid fangirl.

When the gate was opened, those girls had been waiting for night class' students. They were squealing like crazy.

"Kyaaa, Yamamoto-senpai!"

"Noo, I think Sawada-senpai is the best"

"Senpai, I made chocolate for you"

"Hahaha, thanks!" Yamamoto was the kindest student in night class, so a lot of girls loved him.

"Uwwoooh, they always in high spirit to the extreme!" Sasagawa Ryouhei was the loudest, well you can guess it.

"Geez, nii-chan. Stop shouting" Kyoko was Ryohei's little sister, she was in second years in high school. Her best friends were Miura Haru and Chrome Dokuro.

"Yare-yare, how noisy" Lambo was the youngest in the night class together with I-pin.

"Sawada-senpai, here, I made it for you too"
Tsuna starred at the girl, he didn't like sweet things, but he accepted it anyway.

"Thank you" He said plainly while taking the box from the girl's hand. When the girl was running away from him, Tsuna could hear the girl giggled to her friends with a blushed in her cheeks.

"OOOY, GO BACK TO YOUR DORMS, NOW!" Gokudera yelled to the girls, it was so frustrating to hear them shouting and squealing, Gokudera felt his ears were being tortured.

"Ah, Gokudera! You always ruin the mood! We haven't met all of them, just wait for a bit!"

If they knew who they are... Yes, night class' secret was the students weren't ordinary people. They were vampires... While the day class' stunets were ordinary human. Gokudera learnt this truth from Tsuna when he was a kid, but since Tsuna was a vampire too, Gokudera couldn't help but respect him a lot. He never hate vampires even though Gokudera just a normal human, and beside... Hibari was... a vampire too. But Hibari hated the vampires itself. That's why, he hated night class and choosed to stay in day class.

"Go back to your dorms, herbivores" Hibari suddenly appeared and threatened the girls with his tonfas. Because they scared of Hibari, they ran back to their dorms.

When the girls were running back to their dorms, one of the girls bumped into Gokudera. Gokudera who was in the state of shock (Hibari rarely helped him guarding the night class, so it was a surprise for him) fell off to the ground.

"Ouch! Bastard, do you have no eyes!"

"You okay, Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna reached his hand to help Gokudera to stand up.

"I-It's okay. I'm fine by myself, Jyuudaime" Gokudera said and he stood up by himself.

Tsuna was a leader in Vongola's clan. And the night class's students were his follower, he was the tenth boss of the Vongola.

"We rarely talked these days, are you avoiding me?" Tsuna said with a sad face.

"No way! It's just we-"

"Let's go, Gokudera, the chairman need us" Hibari interrupted them and he had an irritating look on his eyes.

"Always scary, right? Mr. Prefect?" Tsuna said while crossing him arms. Hibari became more annoyed. He grabbed Gokudera's wrist and dragged Gokudera along with him. From all of the vampires, Hibari hated Tsuna the most, he had his own reason.

While Gokudera was being dragged by Hibari, he took a glance to Tsuna and smiled sheepishly. Tsuna met his eyes and smiled back. Gokudera was wondering...Just what happened between them?

End of chapter one

Well, if you have read Vampire Knight, you should know the story, but I make some differences, so don't get bored XD