OK been cockblocked (figuratively) by the SOWK video on youtube, read way too much Klaine smut and just had to get this out. Short, anything but sweet and strictly SMUT with a capital S M U T. Enjoy my little horny monsters. If it's too much ... GOOD

Blaine was about ready to kill Kurt Hummel. As if dressing room blow jobs hadn't been enough, Kurt insisted on teasing him at every opportunity. During dinner he kept looking up from under hooded eyes and running his tongue slowly across his bottom lip. In the taxi on the way to the theatre he leaned over and gently nibbled on Blaine's earlobe while whispering "I want you Blaine". During the first act of the show he moved his hand from the armrest to lightly graze across his cock. Needless to say by the time they got back to the apartment after the show Blaine was extremely horny and frustrated.

They hadn't even gotten the door closed before Blaine slammed Kurt against the closest wall and hissed in his ear "You fucking cock tease" grinding hard against his hips. "You asked for this"

Kicking the door closed he spun Kurt around and pinned him face first against the wall, left arm pressing against his shoulders as he ran his right hand down to Kurt's belt. He attacked the back of Kurt's neck with his lips and teeth, sucking and nibbling until there was a dark purple bruise beginning to form and Kurt was growling deep in his throat. One handed he undid the buckle on Kurt's belt and in one swift movement pulled his jeans and boxers down to his knees and then off onto the floor. "You want me do you? God you have no idea what want is Kurt. You want my cock buried deep inside that ass? You had better because I am gonna fuck you until you can't breathe"

He spun Kurt back around to face him and reached down to grab his thighs, pulling Kurt's legs up to wrap around his waist digging his nails into Kurts ass cheeks as he walked towards the bedroom. He pushed Kurt abruptly off him when he reached the bed and roughly rolled Kurt face down, pulling his hips up so he was on his elbows and knees. In one smooth movement Blaine had his pants and boxers off and was reaching for the bottle of lube on the sidetable.

"God Blaine" Kurt moaned as with no foreplay Blaine slid three fingers swiftly into him. His hips were slamming back into Blaine's body and fucking hard on his fingers. Blaine pulled back quickly and with no further sound he slammed himself deep into Kurt. This was different that their recent lovemaking, this was sheer base need in every sense of the word. The room was filled with moans and loud "fucks" and the stinging slap of flesh on flesh. He grasped Kurt's hips tightly in his fingers not caring that there would be bruises left, he bit down on his shoulder blade as he slammed into him almost mercilously. Without even a fingertip touching his cock Kurt screamed at the top of his lungs that he was going to cum and Blaine released everything he had been holding all night into him when he felt the muscles tighten around his cock.

As they both panted in the dark Blaine leaned up to Kurt's ear and hissed "Will you be a cock tease again Mr Hummel?"

"Most definatly" came the gasping response "If that is the response I get"