A/N: Right; Well this has potential to be the last chapter, I have the majority of an 'epilogue' written, but its up to you if want it, because I'm not sure if I should end it here, and pick up a new story set a few months down the line. Anyway, let me know in a review (Just because I love them sooo much) And if this is to be the last chapter, well thanks everyone who's reviewed, there all amazing and have really helped keeping the chapters coming! I hope this is a successful end to a story I really enjoyed writing! SO thanks again!

Jess xx


After nearly 3 and a half weeks in the ICU, Kono was finally getting her breathing tube removed. She was happy as hell about getting rid of the atrocity. She felt like she couldn't breathe, and that pen and pad was starting to drive her loopy. However happy she was about getting rid of the tube, another part of him was terrified; she knew that she'd have to be awake for the procedure. Her heart beat a little faster when she saw Steve, Danny and Chin stroll into her room. Only one of Steve's arms was still in a sling, the other graze was healing nicely, and he'd ditched the sling the moment he'd been released last week. His neck was still bandaged heavily, making his tee bulge in all the wrong places. But he looked healthier every day. She raised a hand, giving them a small wave.

"Hey, how you doing cuz? Getting that tube of yours out today." He grinned, giving kiss on the forehead before flopping into a seat that he swore had moulded to his shape over the last 3 weeks. She gave him a scared look, and he grabbed her hand. "Hey, it's gonna be fine. They'll explain everything first, and we're all gonna be here." He smiled, patting her hand.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Steve said, walking to the other side of the bed, careful not to knock her leg, which was in traction. It was still looking swollen and nasty, but the infection hadn't spread to her knee, which was counted as a small blessing considering everything that had happened.

"How we doing in here then?" Dr Chung said, clapping his hands together as he entered the room.

"Slightly scared, I think." Chin said to the doctor, still holding Kono's hand.

"Don't worry about anything, Miss Kalakaua. This is the only going to take a few minutes." He said with a calm smile. But she shook her head weakly as she looked at the equipment and her hand shook slightly in Chin's.

"Just relax, you'll feel much better soon."

A nurse wheeled in a trolley with all the necessary equipment, and after several minutes of giving Kono air with an AMBU bag, the tube was quickly removed. As soon as it happened Kono began coughing, gagging and thrashing violently. The nurse hooked her up to the oxygen machine and after several tense minutes and a mild sedative, she settled down, and her breathing stabilized.

"See, told you everything would be fine." Chin said, squeezing her hand supportively.

"Get some sleep Miss Kalakaua, we'll move you downstairs this evening." Dr Chung said with a warm smile, before shaking Danny and Steve's hand.

"See you're nearly right as rain kiddo." Steve said with a grin. Danny gave her a quick hug, before sitting down beside her. She smiled for the first time in what felt like forever. Chin smiled to himself when he saw Kono's smile. The swelling on her face had gone down considerably, but the black eye was still one of the most impressive he'd ever seen. Her arm in a sling, and her leg in traction were the most obvious injuries.

"Thank...Guys." She whispered hoarsely, her body starting to feel heavy again, her eyelids drooping. Chin felt her hand go limp, and stood up, resting her hand carefully back on the bed.

It was Monday morning when Sang Min left holding and boarded the transport bus to prison. They were put into prison uniforms and directed to their cells after they'd been processed. Sang shuffled into the cell, the door slamming shut behind him, he slouched against the bars glad he was without a cell mate unlike the last time.

Once he was in the yard, he sat on one of the bleachers beside the weight benches, scoping the joint out, not much had changed in the few weeks he'd been released. The two men on the weights beside him stopped, mopping the sweat of their faces.

"Newbie." Sang looked over, to see the smaller of the two men giving him the once over.

"I've been here before."

"Well, we ain't see ya, that makes you a newbie." The beefier man strutted over, straddling the bench beside Sang; he shrugged, not wanting to get into anything on his first day back inside, his leg was still fragile, and he wasn't feeling the infirmary just yet.

"So how'd you end up here?" The smaller man asked, sitting on his other side.

Sang grinned, thinking this would be the perfect moment to let the other inmates realise he wasn't going to be no push-over. "Murder. I killed some bitch cop, tortured her a bitch, and killed the rat who put me in here the first time." The other men on the weights paused, listening to the story. Keha who'd been spotting for one of them walked over slowly. Not sure he wanted to hear what was coming.

"It was so funny, killed the rat after he squealed like a baby; shut up once there was a bullet in his head though. Woulda gotten out scott-free if the damn cops hadn't showed up." He said with a sneer. "It's okay though, we had some fun before we put them down."

"What kinda cops you talking about?" Keha asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Two pigs showed up when I shot the rat." He grinned. "What did you do to them then?" Keha asked, acting like he had a genuine interest in what he was saying.

"Hunted them in the woods like the pigs they are; hunted them for three days and nights; sometimes i pulled back, let them think they were safe. But when we caught up with them we shot them, burnt them and had a hell of a time beating the crap outta then. Only downer was the 5-O and HPD showing up. Still managed to get a shot to the bitch, straight thorugh the chest – reckon she's long gone now. But the stupid boy scout stabbed me in the leg, got him in the neck good and proper. You shoulda seen it." He said with a sick laugh. "5-O choking on their own blood."

Something snapped inside Keha's head. Chin had visited him earlier that day, explaining how Kono had finally had her breathing tube out, and how Steve had recounted the tail of what had happened that weekend. And he'd told Keha every sickening detail of what happened to his baby sister in the woods. And it was this animal sitting in front of him. This son of a bitch before him was laughing and talking about his baby sister and Steve. Keha felt his rage bubbling in his chest, pulling Sang of the bench before he knew what he was doing.

"Get the hell off me!" Sang said furiously. But Keha put his knee into his stomach.

"You sick son of a bitch! You're the one who kidnapped and tortured my baby sister and her partner." Keha growled furiously, punching Sang across the face.

"Your sister, man? Who the hell is your sister?" Sang screamed fearfully, for the first time his eyes widened with shock.

"You should know, you sick son of a bitch. You tortured my baby sister and Steve out there in that jungle. The cops you almost murdered, the ones who tried to keep you from murdering that snitch. Now that I know who you are, I swear to god you're going to pay for what you did to my family. That's what they are. There my family. You're going to regret the day you ever laid a finger on them, you slimy piece of shit." Keha growled furious as he gripped Sang by his throat.

"IS there a problem here Keha? Do I need to escort you back to your cell?" The officer asked, strolling over to where they lay. He didn't look down, ignoring Sang rolling around on the ground.

"No, boss, there's no problem here. My new friend and I were just having a chat. We were just talking about what got him locked up here. Apparently, he's a lifer." Keha said calmly.

"Just be careful Keha. I know you have the chance to see your sister. Don't jeopardise that. Especially when you only have 4 months left of your sentence. Friendly advice Kalakaua." The guard stepped over where Sang lay, and walked off. Keha let the rage slip from his system. He'd be no help to Kono if he was locked up for another year or more.

"Yes, boss." Keha pulled himself up off the floor, and stalked across the yard. Leaving Sang writhing on the floor.


After the humiliation he'd suffered in the yard, Sang was furiously planning his escape. Ever since his encounter with Keha, the prison guards, and a number of Keha's fellow native inmates were making threats. When six o'clock came Sang was reluctant to grab his clothes and join the line to the shower, until the prison officer, came and pulled him out of his cell, telling him to get himself to the back line.

It was several minutes before Sang realised he was alone. Two guards walked into the shower, one forced him to the ground, and kicked him in the stomach. Sang was struggling to breathe as he was thrown roughly against the wall.

"That was for McGarrett and Kalakaua. You shit; Keha has a lot of friends round here, Kalakaua knows enough of them from when she was growing up. You'd best watch your step boy." They let him, crumple to the floor in a heap.


After nearly two months in the hospital, and 3 more surgeries, Kono itching to be released; she couldn't understand why they wouldn't release her. Sure the full leg cast was a pain in the ass, and she wouldn't walk properly for a while to come. And so what if she couldn't quite string a sentence together properly and she was a tad on the forgetful side. She just wanted to get the hell out of there already, and get back into the swing of things. If Steve ever let her through the doors of 5-O again.

Danny had paid her a visit earlier that day, signed her newest cast, and snuck her a coffee, which she had drank like her life depended on it.

"Your an addict Kalakaua." She smiled sheepishly, taking another sip and gasping with pleasure.

"And your fuelling ... addiction Danno. Tell Grace she's ... come sign this cast. Chin already saved the other two, but she's ... to think of something really special ... this one, as it seems like it's going to last." Kono grinned. Remembering her weekly visits in which she'd received so many sweets and bears, Chin had had to take a bundle of them home.

"Last one? They finally done with you?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, leafing through the box of chocolates by her feet.

"Yep, Doc ... last replacement looks it's taken. ... is nice, cos it hurt like a ... everytime he changed it." Kono laughed lightly; the current cast was green, having already tried pink, purple and blue. She'd had her thigh bone replaced 3 times, each one failing to take, and each time having to deal with the muscles as they regrew around it, only for it to get infected and have to be removed weeks later.

"Steve will be impressed." Danny chuckled, tossing a praline truffle into the air, and catching it in his mouth, giving jazz hands as a celebration.

Kono clapped, and gave a little whoop.

"Any word on when there gonna let you go yet?" He asked, his mouth full of choclately goodness.

"You always had an air of gentlemen about you Danny." She chuckled. "They reckon ... two weeks, just too be sure this ones taken. Then I have ... joys of 8 months physio."

"I thought it was 12."

"Not if I can help it." She grinned. Danny shook his head.

"Well take care of yourself. We're trying to sort out your apartment. You're a right pig you know." He grinned, Kono winced, the word sending shockwaves through her body. She closed her eyes for a second trying to banish the memories.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry Kono." Danny grimaced; forgetting the panic the word set off.

"Don't worry ... it brah. I'm sure I'm ... to have to eat pork ... day anyway." She said, plastering on her 'brave' face, that she'd seemed to master the last few weeks. Danny leant down to give her a hug.

"Well I should probably be off. I'll bring Grace in tomorrow. Steve's coming in after his check up."

"See yah Brah." Kono waved a farewell, before going back to staring at her leg. It was still more painful than she cared to admit – but she wasn't going to let that stop her. The promise of getting to see Keha, and getting back to work was more than enough motivation. But she was still finding it hard to remember the little things; like breakfast, or what happened the night before; it frustrated her speech therapist to no end, as she could never remember the 'homework' he'd set her the previous morning. She always shrugged, gave him a wicked grin, and said she'd just have a nice chat. But truth be told, she was pissed off – with everything. She wanted a drink, a surfboard and her best friends.

"Hey kid." Steve knocked on the door, she grinned and waved him in; not realising how long she'd been daydreaming.

"'sup Boss." Kono leant forward to give him a hug, he kissed her on the cheek, and dumped a pack of boiled sweets in between her lap.

"You tryng ... make my teeth ..." she trailed off, forgetting what she was going to end the conversation with.

"Maybe." He smiled, he took note of the black bags under her eyes.

"How you been sleeping Kono?" Kono looked at him, he'd developed an uncanny way of reading her these last few weeks.

"Good ... bad." She sighed.

"Bad dreams?" He asked, sitting on the same spot Danny had been a few hours earlier.

"Yeh, you get ... dreams that feel so ... that you wake up and not sure .. if dream or not?" She said, her eyes downcast.

"Had a fair few myself." Steve sighed, offering a chocolate to Kono, who popped one up, and into her mouth.

"Sucks." She sighed, trying to force both chocolate and tears back.

"Yeah it does. But you know I'm always there for you right." He said gruffly. His own voice strained with emotions. He hated the thought of her being here alone and had tried everything he could to stay at the hospital with her at all times. Unfortunately practicality had a habit of destroying his best intentions.

"Yeah. Thanks." She smiled, gripping his hand tighter. "Thanks for everything." She smiled, "I owe you one boss."

"Oh yeah? And how might I claim this elusive reward?" He grinned.

"Well, gimme ... year to catch up ... and I might ... thought of something." She stuttered; her cheeks a flush with colour.

"I look forward to it." He said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, before swallowing what seemed like five chocolates whole.