Alrighty then, First H 5-o story, because recently I've become obsessed with the show LOVE it =] Especially Alex O'Laughlin! Anway just trying this out, probably post the second chapter later today =] But hope you all like it, R&R please =] xxx

"So, you decided what you're going to do this weekend Kono?" Steve asked with a yawn.

"I'm thinking about going hiking, Ben told me about an amazing spot that overlooks a lagoon. What about you? Got a few dates lined up I bet." She said with a grin, and chuckled at the abashed look on his face.

"Not this time. All the beautiful ladies turned me down." Steve said with a frown and then grinned as he looked at her giggling silently. "Anyway, see you Monday. Have a good trip." He headed towards the door.

"Boss, wait up." Kono called as she picked up her backpack and headed to wear Steve was holding the door open for her. "Look if you're really not doing anything, you're welcome to tag along. I'm sure having a SEAL along for the ride won't do any harm."

"Sounds great, tell me when and where."

"My place for 6 tomorrow?" She said with a wicked grin.

"Aw, come on Kono. It's the weekend!"

"Man up brah," Kono laughed, highly amused.

"See you tomorrow then." Steve said with an overexagerated sigh as he smiled.

Steve groaned loudly and annoyed as his alarm clock shrilled loudly for the third time.

"Oh shut up!" He groaned, falling asleep again after he his the snooze. But the rest was short-lived as his phone began ringing loudly.

"Hey boss,"


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty. It's nearly 6.45. Figured I'd have to come pick you up."

Kono was sat on the porch, carrying coffee and a muffin, when Steve finally appeared, showered and dressed.

"Mmm. Thanks. So, where are we going?" Steve said with a yawn as he gratefully accepted the coffee.

"We're going hiking for the weekend." Kono smiled as she bit into her muffin.

"I know that. I was asking where we're going?"

"Well, we're hiking on the Kalalau trail. Reckon we should let Danny know where we're gonna be if a case comes in?"

"Yeah, I'll do the honours." Steve said.

"You'd best pray to got that you've got a good reason for this." Danny moaned, well and truly peeved that his weekend lie-in had been disturbed.

"Just letting you know that Kono and I are hiking the Kalalau trail., so if you need us that's where we'll be."

"You're nuts. But fine, enjoy – if you can"

"Thanks for the support Danno. We'll see you on Monday." Steve chuckled and then ended the call.

"We should probably get going. Yeah, just let me grab my pack and we'll leave." Steve said with a yawn as he grabbed his pack and sunglasses. Steve loaded his pack into the back of Kono's jeep. And yawned as she pulled away.

After what felt like forever, they arrived at their destination. They geared up, secured the car and began walking towards a forest ranger who was handing out flyers.

"Good morning. What brings you today?" The ranger said happily.

"We're just taking on the Kalalau Trail." Kono said with a smile and the ranger whistled with admiration.

"Tough trail that, had someone get lost and hurt out there just the other day. Be careful and you'll be fine. And watch out for any wildlife." The ranger said as he shook their hands.

"Thanks a lot. I think we'll be alright the SEAL here can handle almost anything." Kono said happily.

As they began their ascent, Kono and Steve couldn't begin to imagine that this was going to be an adventure that neither of them would ever forget – an adventure that would test their friendship and their will to survive.