AN: Okay so I wrote this story like three years ago and it was originally the sequel to 'I Can't Live Without You' that my Sister actually deleted off my fanfiction account but I'm going to slowly recreate this story so you guys can understand it without the first story.

Nina's POV:

I couldn't believe the old Anubis house was finally ours as Fabian and I stood hand and hand appearing at the old abandoned house we has spent so many memories all those years ago. We didn't need to move our stuff into it for it to feel like home, it just suddenly did. As soon as we walked in and saw the familiar dark draped flapping around the windows and that same chandelier in the hallway we couldn't help but smile and feel...well, homely. It just automatically did. I stared at it just remembering everything- the visions, the ghosts and of course Rufus who had endangered all our lives on more then one occasion.

Even in the last few years he had threatened all of us once again but luckily we were able to stop him and send him to prison for a long, long while. The death of Joy, who had been killed in his ravage attempt wasn't for completely nothing.

It was all a distant memory though, Rufus was long gone and even though the memories were still very alive the house hadn't had a strange occurrence in years and I couldn't help but feel thankful for that. The thrills it gave me three years ago wasn't quite the same now as it was then.

Even when I peered out of the window of the taxi as it pulled up, my hand clasped in Fabian's I felt the familiar jolt of electricity that came from my necklace every time I neared the house.

The Anubis House still stood there with its freaky cellar, unusual attic and the memories continuously buzzing around each room and each secret hideout we had managed to find in the time we had lived there. I couldn't believe it when Fabian told us we could live there with the rest of the gang. We had all offered to pile in the money for rent as we decided to board together just like old time except without Victor's signature bed time warnings and Judy's cooking.

s Mara, Mick, Amber, Alfie, Patricia, Jerome, Fabian and I had all scribbled down our names as the chance buzzed up. Not many people would want to go back to their own boarding home but honestly no one else was a part of Sibuna.


'Nina,' Fabian yelled. Fabian and I had been together for over three years. We had been through so much; a mystery, some phyco killer out to get us. Our friend and Fabian's ex-girlfriend killed... but we had managed to stick through it.

'I have some great news.' He continued as he kissed me hello, a little peck on my lips as he squeezed my hand. His dark brown hair that was deliberately messed up swung around his face and I didn't miss the chance to giggle and push it away so I could see his eyes.

It has been two years since we moved out of the Anubis House after graduation to separate to universities or in Jerome's case a future job in a joke shop, which actually didn't come as a surprise to majority of us. Fabian and I had been selected into the same course for archaeology in the University of Edinburgh, where we were able to spend time together while working on the course for six months in Egypt.

It wasn't unknown at the time we had no idea where we were going to live now the course had finished and we had to return to the U.K to finish off the rest of the semester. Fabian was constantly on real estate websites desperately searching for a place to call home.

When he was telling me I had to stare at him for at least ten minutes as he jumped about and smiled, trying to find the best way to start the sentence. He would probably still be there now if I hadn't said anything.

'And are you going to tell me what this good news is, or are you just going to continue jumping up and down?' I asked him

. His smile suddenly increased twice in size when he said 'We are going to move back into the Anubis House with everyone!' All I can remember after that is a heck of a lot of squealing.

-End Flashback-

The House of Anubis had been abandoned once the school had moved to a different area, I still hadn't quite understood why but Mr. Sweet had made it clear that the land was being sold off.. After frantic discussions with the other six, everyone decided to move back into it while our course's finish off nearby.

Fabian and I both finished our course three months ago but have looked at other courses for the following year. I got excited when Fabian told us the room we were staying in. It was one I remembered all to well but I don't want Amber to feel upset that we had chosen to stay in it.

Patricia and Jerome shared one room, Alfie and Amber another room, Mara and Mick opposite us and Fabian and me in the room Amber and I had both shared a little over two years ago..

'So what do you think?' Fabian asked from behind me as we entered the old house's doors. We were the first one to arrive and will be alone for a further week.

'It is home already.' I said while pecking his lips and with that we walked into our home.


Nina stood there beaming at me with that gorgeous smile of hers. God I loved her so much. As she twirled around to look at it all for probably the billionth time I couldn't help but stare as her brunette locks spun with her. She was beautiful and boy was I ready to take that extra step.

'Let's go put the luggage down in our room and then we can take a look around.' I recommended and she nodded in agreement. She ran up the stairs just as energetic as she was three years ago to be back. I chuckled at her. She was my Nina. I knew her all too well and I loved her just the way she was, I wouldn't change a thing about her.

'Gosh I didn't really realize how much I have missed it in the past few years.' I whispered slowly walking up the stairs. I couldn't help but chuckle at the creaky tile.

'Who knew four and a half years ago in year ten, when I arrived here the first time we'd end up here? I mean Patricia and Jerome married, you and I together and the same with Amber and Alfie, Mara and Mick-all of us living together at age twenty here in Anubis House.' She said looking deeply into my eyes, once I had caught up to her. She stood outside of the doorway into the room.

'I did!' I told her and kissed her lightly before pulling her towards where it all had started. The Attic.

'This time we have the keys.' Nina joked while holding up the key to the Attic. Victor always hid it secretly so we couldn't enter, so Nina, I and the rest of Sibuna used to always have to pick the lock.

I chuckled.

'What are you thinking about?' She asked.

'You.' I answered pulling her in for a kill and wrapping my arms around her waist. 'And how beautiful you are.'

'Yeah you told a whole load of people from the top of Moresbury Hill once remember.'

I laughed a loud at the memory.

I stopped her hand from pulling the door open watching as she turned around to look at me in confusion.

'Sibuna.' I said while covering one of my eyes with a hand, she giggled and did the same and with that we entered the attic.

Amber's POV:

'Welcome home Babes.' I called as I heard Alfie walk through the door. He shut it behind him.

'Hey Ambs.' He said while pecking me softly on the lips. 'I missed you!'

'Not as much as I missed you.' I replied while being pulled into my daily bear hug.

'Is that the best I get?' I asked him.

'What do you mean?' He asked. I just huffed. I didn't know what was wrong with me lately I just wasn't getting that spark between Alfie and I like I used to and I dear hoped that wouldn't cause a problem. Amber Millington doesn't do break ups.

'How is the fashion line coming on?' He asked me. I had been designing an Amber Millington fashion line for the past four months, or my secretary had- I just added my name. But lately my inspiration had been in denial, not that I'd ever admit it.

That was why I was so eager to get my bags packed to move back to Anubis House, to find hopefully some enlightenment there with the help of my friends and the whole theme to the house with so many memories. I smiled at the thought. Maybe I could actually convince Nina to help me out by trying on some clothes?

'It is going.' I replied and rushed up the stairs to retrieve what I liked to think as my beauty sleep only there was no way I could get any more beautiful. I was already up at the top on that rank board.

'Woman.' I heard Alfie mutter before taking a loud bite from his apple.

'Men.' I scoffed

Nina's POV:

'Do you ever miss her?' I asked Fabian as we were both staring at a picture of Joy Mercer, an old housemate of ours that had died to save us during Rufus's last rampage.

The memory of her still haunted me night and day, and Fabian knew this as he looked at my scarred face from the memory, and he put the photo away but the pain still remained and the constant reminder always nudged at the back of my brain.

'Sometimes.' He whispered. 'But mostly I'm just thankful it wasn't you!' He told me.

'Same.' I whispered back.

'I'm so glad I have you.' He kissed my forehead.

'I love you.' I whispered in his ear, my breath tingling his ear.

'I love you too.' He said back, his lips slowly piercing my own in a small kiss.

'Something doesn't feel quite right.' I whispered and Fabian knew better then anyone my intuition was always right, especially when I couldn't shake the feeling away.

The last time I had that feeling was when Rufus returned, and suddenly the thought struck me.

'Calm down Nina, Rufus is in jail.' Fabian reassured me.

I bolted out the room as quick as I could and sat cross-legged on the floor while staring at the television which approved my theory.

Breaking News: Prisoner Escape!

Rufus had escaped and he's out for revenge.