A/N: Some more!
"What are you doing tonight, Nathaniel, because I have an idea that I think you'd be incredibly intrigued by." He smirked, but to his surprise Nate was practically glowing and he guessed it wasn't over the underage drinking and barhopping he was about to suggest.
"I'm busy, man. I've got a date."
Chuck raised his eyebrows. "Yeah? Who with?"
"Blair Waldorf." He beamed.
Something between a blush and a sheet of white ghost color slammed onto Chuck's face. He was shocked by what his best friend had just said. Somehow he'd just never imagined Blair Waldorf with his dork of a best friend. He could see the eventual heartthrob in Nate, but Blair seemed so above him. He couldn't imagine how in the world he'd managed to snag her for a date.
"That's great, man." He squeezed his shoulder a little too tightly. It was the first time he felt that little green monster.
There was a knock on the door. Even the dainty sound of a female clearing her throat set off warning bells. He knew exactly who that was. He could sense her no matter how many of his senses were blinded to the outside world. Blair Waldorf was on the other side of his door, and she had come to play. Problem was he already had two hotel maids draped around him on the tousled bed, the tangled sheets entwining them. The girls had managed to maintain most of their clothing but that didn't stop the fact that they were there and Blair would see them.
He shouldn't have been concerned, but he was. He and Blair weren't anything official technically, but he was quickly becoming addicted to her and he didn't want to do anything to send her running, even something that was commonly acceptable in the general vicinity of Chuck Bass.
"Room service," she said in a sing-song voice.
He inwardly groaned. Role-play. This was not going to end well.
There was a knock on the door – another one. Carefully, he unwound himself from the two sleeping girls on either side of them. He would have given them each a rude awakening, but he knew they would react with some sort of loud shriek or grumble and he could not afford that. He kept trying to remind himself that Chuck Bass was Chuck Bass and he didn't change for anything or anybody, but he wanted Blair Waldorf inside his hotel room and he guessed it was not going to happen easily if those hotel whores were wound up in his sheets.
Unfortunately he had no other choice. The only way in or out of his suite was through the door that Blair was standing on the other side of. He slid into his silk red robe and crossed the room, straightening himself further when he was directly in front of the door. He looked into the peephole and groaned inwardly at how delectable the petite brunette on the other side looked. Briefly he turned back to look at the maids on his bed and cursed the day he was born – but only briefly. He had managed to bed Blair Waldorf a few times already, and every time it had been pure heaven. His libido had been in overdrive, and he sensed that the reason she kept coming back to him was that he'd pushed hers to that place as well.
He opened the door in one swift move, knowing that if he opened cautiously and carefully that she would sense immediately something was up and look straight to the burdens in his bed. This endeavor did not do him much good however. Her gaze was only diverted for about five seconds longer than usual before his casual, confident, cocky demeanor proved overkill and her face went from an embarrassed pout to narrowed, agitated eyes.
"Are you busy?" she asked, seething if he was not mistaken.
He looked her up and down and smirked. "There's always room for one more."
She scoffed and started to walk away.
Briefly, he stood his ground, letting her walk away. His pride diminished very quickly though at the sight of her walking away from him. The feeling was unlike any he'd ever felt before. He knew he had to have her – and before she made it to the elevators too.
Quickly, he turned around and hurled some rolled up towels at the maids in his bed. They groaned, as he'd known they would, but the deadly tone of his voice got them moving fast enough.
"Out. Now."
Their eyes still half closed and their skirts a little rumpled, the two girls made their way across the room and out the door.
"And make an excuse to get that brunette by the elevators over here!" he called after them.
One of the girls tossed a confused look over her shoulder, but he ignored it. He was already anxious to see Blair Waldorf's face again. He could almost feel her luscious curves beneath his fingertips.
"I don't know why I'm doing this—"
Her voice was music to his ears. The muttering annoyance clear in the sound made his heart flutter because somehow the demand he'd made to the maids had been fulfilled. The brunette before him also tended to get incredibly feisty when angry, and annoyance was one degree closer to anger than pure neutral or even kinky was.
"Your whores said you needed me for something?" she huffed, placing a hand on her hip.
He smirked, slow and steady, now very sure of himself. "Since when do you take orders from hotel maids? You could have kept walking easily."
She blinked, looking caught in headlights she could not back out of. She contemplated for about half a second mentioning to him that the real maids had made fun of her little 'room service/maid' get-up and that the only thing worse than actual jealousy over these maids regarding their rendezvous with Chuck was being insulted by the lower class who actually made their living by cleaning other people's belongings – and sleeping around, clearly.
She decided against it, the thought dissipating from her mind as she realized he was undressing her with his eyes. She felt hot and bothered all over again. Finally, she cleared her throat to get his attention.
He moved back and gestured for her to enter his room. Reluctantly, she went inside.
It was ridiculous how much she suddenly hated blonde hair. In magazines, on book covers, dressing wigs of all shapes and sizes – all of it was blonde and she hated it. What the hell was wrong with brown hair? For so long she'd stood by her own hair color of silky, smooth brown, while secretly longing to have the talent to pull off blonde hair, without the hassle of trying to convince people that she was not copying her best friend or trying to match her boyfriend. Waldorfs did not fit into the niche culture provided when it came to stereotypes. Waldorfs were unique while simultaneously gaining all the power. Blair was proud to call herself a Waldorf, and now detested any hair color the opposite or even slightly different from her own.
She sat, watching people in the bar pass her by, shooting flaming glares at the blonde twigs who didn't even notice. She was hardly aware of Chuck's presence on the bar stool beside her until he interrupted her comfort zone. Irritated, she looked up at him and his amused grin.
She did not snap at him she'd tell herself later.
He blinked once, the fake innocence he almost always used as a veil covering up most of the amusement that remained firmly intact.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning back towards the crowd and returning to the people-watching hobby she'd just acquired.
"Thank God you're not a blonde," she seemed to say to the world on a heaving sigh.
Chuck raised his eyebrows but said nothing. He motioned to the bartender behind them to bring over some drinks.
It took just a touch, just like those commercials had said it would. It wasn't as if she had been anticipating it all night, wondering if she could test out her little experiment, but she had been curious to see if that was all it would take. It was ridiculous really, since their frequent sexual acts tended to be sparked by merely thinking of each other, a sultry look from across the room, an unexpected, possibly overdramatic gasp. Just one of those, amongst many, and he'd have her pinned to the wall or fallen off the couch and ripping at her clothing like it was the one thing blocking him from the breath of life.
She hardly had to ask for sex, so it didn't make any sense that the Cialis commercial was suddenly engrained in her head. Normally all she'd get was a mere chuckle out of it, because even in his eighties Chuck couldn't possibly need any pill or stimulant to get him going. Some people might say that since he was so sexually active in his youth that karma would surely pay him back for it when he got old and gray. Blair begged to differ however. Thus, it made even less sense that she was challenging their past signs to see if a mere "simple touch" (as advertised by the commercial) could spark a flame that would change a normal moment into a very, very hot one very, very quickly.
Perhaps in hindsight she should have chosen a more subtle touch than sliding her fingers along the envelope containing spam that he was about to throw in the trash. It was too obvious and he would sense it, but he would also ask about it later. When the back of her forefinger touched his thumb his eyes had flashed to hers. When she looked up at him a second later his eyes were filled with heat. She got chills just knowing how hot he was for her, almost as if he'd been biding his time, waiting for her to give him the signal to pounce.
She could barely breathe, and it seemed he knew she couldn't move either. Their tightened hold on the insignificant piece of mail just heightened the sexual tension sizzling between them sent it flinging into the air in the opposite direction when he pulled her around the counter faster than quicksand and possessed her mouth with the need of a man losing touch with reality and fighting for his breath.
The passionate onslaught was almost more than she could bear. She fought to stay standing, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and grateful for the fiercely snug hold he held on her as he crushed her to his chest. Soon his hand was down on her buttocks, squeezing hard. She growled into his mouth following her initial loud moans. He grunted roughly against her skin as he tore his mouth away to nibble down her neck and bite softly on the skin leading to her shoulder. Of their own accord, both of their hands started ripping at each other's clothing. Blair wanted to say something dirty, or just to thank him for being so god-damned sexual, but he beat her to it.
"I missed you today." He growled again, pulling her somehow closer.
Her moan turned into an almost whimper. "Take me now," she whispered, gaining back her strength and pushing at him as she got herself off the side of the counter. Still they were intertwined and she could tell her words alone and her fierce physical reaction to him had set him on fire. His erection was hard and upright against her thigh, almost as a lever to sit on were she to lean any closer.
His nails dug into the still far too much clothing covering her top half. He pulled her to him again and stuck his hand into her panties, searching for that sensitive nubbin that was now drenched in her liquid arousal.
"Chuck," she whimpered.
He nearly fell over as he pushed them onto the couch.
"I hate pants," he mumbled, realizing he had even more clothes on than she did. He stood to his feet to release himself of them and she did the same of herself.
Then she lied back down and smiled up at him. Surprisingly, he paused and looked at her with humored confusion on her face.
She shook her head. "Nothing." She pulled him down to her by his wrist and then slipped his condom into place, causing another guttural growl to flow out of him. "I am just now fully assured you will never need Cialis."
He was torn between amusement and confusion still, but his libido was in overdrive now and his gorgeous wife was damp and ready, heated beneath him. He didn't have the energy to hold back anymore, so he just chuckled, and then he kissed her – hard and hot and heavy.
"Damn, woman, I could have told you that."
She smiled against him and let him take her. She screamed into the warm afternoon light, an exultant groaning cry emanating from him shortly after.
"We were just kids, weren't we?" She shook her head thoughtfully. "All that talk about eternal love and never leaving each other's side…" she paused, dwelling on the past. "Not that it wasn't real or anything. It just sounds very extreme and almost ridiculous now, doesn't it?"
He was not going to break – not in front of her and not with anyone watching. He had risen above all of that. After all, it had been his decision to let her go and give her the happiness she deserved. The string of relationships and heartbreaks that came after that had driven them so far apart at times he thought he'd never get her back. Even now he didn't really have her, not even in the friendship state. She had just come to see him when his profits had started to rise again after their downfall in the previous years. He'd been thrilled to see her standing in his doorway, looking at him cheerfully as if nothing had changed. Maybe it was the denial in him – or just the fact that he didn't want to hurt anymore – but he just felt that sometimes it was best to start out that way. Confessions could be made later on into the night when they were too drunk to think straight but he'd always somehow manage to remember everything she'd said involving him or a relationship she was partaking in by way of romance and soul-searching. Even after all these years when he'd finally let her go, had stopped fighting for her the way he used to despite the fact that it was their baby that inevitably broke things off with Louis. The miscarriage had completely broken her and Chuck had wanted to beat Louis to a pulp for not being more sympathetic, cheating be damned. It was Blair, and she was hurting, probably in more pain than she'd been in during her entire life. He hated himself for it, but Chuck was glad when Louis ended things. After what had happened, it turned out the damned prince didn't deserve her after all. She deserved better than that, though it seemed she still hadn't found whatever "that" was. It certainly hadn't been Humphrey – thank God.
And as much as he sought her happiness and for her fairy tale to finally come true, she was tossing aside their past as if it was child's play, close to the importance of a particular headband she'd demanded for a special occasion or the first day of school – extremely important then but hardly significant now. That certainly wasn't the case with him. His relationship with Blair had been – and still was – the most important thing to him. It gave his life meaning, even just the memories, and her tossing all of that away just because it had mostly happened about five years prior made him want to throw some daggers at a wounded puppy. He knew Blair would both cry and be horrified at that image though, so he quickly discarded it for something more civil – him overdosing on alcohol and pills.
"Not exactly," he managed.
She seemed to not have heard him, sighing dreamily mid-speech. "I miss it sometimes, you know?" She looked across at him. "Being so young and…dramatic." A tiny smile graced her face.
He felt his heart skip a beat. So, she was being a little bipolar. She still hadn't voiced that they were a mistake – like she'd done so many times in the past when she'd been "immature". That was hopeful, though taking the whole of the conversation into consideration, he was not entirely pleased with where the subject had turned.
"What about you?" she asked. "Do you miss it?"
He felt himself grow hot. Did he miss it? What an understatement.
"What?" he asked, going for nonchalant and uninterested.
Her eyes narrowed. "Have you been listening at all?"
He raised his brows in amusement. "Quite." He knew he'd gotten her irritated, but it was all he could do to keep his bitterness from showing through. How could she not see what was still between them? The electricity between them was like fire, burning the space around them. The lightning was bound to strike eventually, but it was obvious Blair was trying to avoid that particular outcome. She was doing everything possible to direct the feeling toward memories, not present time.
His bit her bottom lip hard in the interior of her mouth and forced herself to remain calm. When she believed she'd recovered well enough, she looked up at him and smiled her best polite smile, hoping that over all these years he didn't know her as well as he used to claim. People change after all.
"I should be going," she said, clutching the purse in her hands so tightly her fingernails started to make creases.
He made no comment to the state of her purse. "No, you shouldn't," he said, standing to his feet a moment after she had. She hadn't moved a muscle, and was now even more reluctant to go anywhere. "You should stay right where you are, so we can pick up where we left off."
"Chuck…" Her lips parted, her heart beating a million miles a second. She couldn't believe how anticipatory she was for a kiss from him. One minute ago she was avoiding their chemistry again like the plague, the next she was hoping he'd deny her so they could maybe try again. It startled her that all her defenses didn't immediately go up at the mere suggestion.
"Please." He gestured towards the wicker chair she'd been sitting in. "I want to hear more of what you've been up to?"
Her face fell, but she'd already sat down and it would be too ridiculous to repeat the up-down motion. So, she nodded once and continued the tale she'd half forgotten already.
Inside he smirked secretively. He'd caught her off-guard and he'd been given his answer. Blair Waldorf wasn't over him either, and she wasn't going home tonight.
A/N: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry it's taken so long! But my schedule has exploded…*regretful sigh* Anyways, hope you review. These are my inspirations:
#1 – Pretty self-explanatory. Nate informing Chuck of his first date ever with Blair, and Chuck being just a little bit jealous. Hehe.
#2 – During their secret affair in season 1. Blair shows up unexpectedly for a rendezvous and Chuck is in a bit of a bind, but he can't help but want her. ;)
#3 – either early on in the pilot or pre-series. I honestly can't remember at this point. Lol.
#4 – Yes…randomly I saw a Cialis commercial and thought of Chuck & Blair, as odd as that is. So, it's just a little shpeel off of that. Lol.
#5 – I was just thinking of that scene from The Notebook where Noah & Allie are catching up on the front porch when she comes to "check on him". lol. It's years later, not necessarily taking into account stuff from the tail end of season 4, just that things went wrong officially at one point and they just never worked things out. They moved on & then she just came to visit him sporadically. Heheh.