Author's Note: Alrighty, everyone, I have created this little hand book for all of the things in my story that can be confusing or easily forgotten. So, instead of having to search back through countless chapters, you can just come here! Now, without further ado, here's the first chapter of the Hand Book!

Disclaimer: For the full disclaimer, you'll have to read the story that this hand book was created for: Love, Where Is Your Fire?

Word Count: 513


Hi, everyone! Raygan here! You might know me from a little story called "Love, Where Is Your Fire?" No? Well, go check it out sometime! It's all about me, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Once you get past all of the boring stuff, that is.

Let's get down to business, hmm? This Hand Book has been created to help keep everything straight in the story of my life, because…let's face it, things can get a little confusing sometimes. (Between me and you, my own author gets lost most of the time.) We'll start off with dates, because my author is under the belief that they're important. So, let's get started!

Raygan (that's me!) was actually born on December 24 of 1270. Yeah, I really am old as dirt.

I was only a few days old when I was delivered to the Human World, and Kate (my "human" mother) read the small note attached to my blanket. All it had was my name and birthday.

I returned to the Demon World on December 24 of 1490, but my body was only twenty years old. Time is a pretty weird thing, huh?

Well, my brother Raizen had been ruling since somewhere around 1290 (I never got an actual date). He had already met his human by the time he began ruling, so he was already beginning to weaken when we first met.

Now, I'm not going to go into detail here. I'm just gonna lay down some years for ya, just in case you ever want to look back. It's mostly just my meetings.


Raygan Meets Tiger: 1530

Raygan Meets Yoko (along with Yomi and Kuronue): 1747

Raygan Meets Jin & Touya: 1873

Raygan Meets Mukuro: 1908

Raygan Meets Chu: 1939

Raygan Returns to the Human World: 1940 (meets Genkai/Toguro—goes to Dark Tournament)

Raygan Returns to the Demon World: 1980

Raygan Returns to the Human World: 1989 (allowed in 1985 but waited)

Raygan Allowed to return to the Human World: February 2000


The Dark Tournament, where Team Urameshi was the winner, was in February of 1990.

The very first Demon World Tournament took place in March of 1991, a little over a year later.


I am not allowed to tell when most people's birthdays are. Why? Because they've threatened to physically harm me, and…well, have you ever seen Mukuro or Koku in a bad mood? Yeah, I wanna live for a few more centuries.

Yusuke's birthday is December 17, 1975. Wanna know something funny? Kuwabara's birthday is November 15 of that same year, so he's older! Yusuke hates it when you remind him of that.

Yoko's birthday is on March 22, but Shuichi's is on March 23. Weird, eh?

I know a few more, but I don't know most of the years. Apparently, some demons like keeping secrets about their true ages.


Well, that's about it for dates. Yep, that's basically it. If there's anything else you wanna know, feel free to ask! I consider myself a friendly person, and I never bite (unless you ask!).