Okaaaay! So I'm back! My brother's doing fine and will be released from the hospital soon! Anyways, I thought up a new story (while I'm working on Once Again) and I hope you'll like it.



Full Summary:

Takes place in Persia. Grimmjow is a rich merchant in search for a slave. Ichigo is a slave that hasn't been sold because of his violent behavior, and he fine with that.

Grimmjow takes interest in Ichigo and buys him.

Ichigo tries his hardest to escape but will he end up falling in love with Grimmjow, or actually becoming free?

Raven: Really hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for not updating Once Again, I need to put all the ideas together. In the meanwhile...

Ulquiorra: Raven owns nothing... NADA.

Raven: Enjoy!

Ichigo bared his teeth at the man, mocking, almost daring him to touch Ichigo again. You touched Ichigo's ass, he would bite your hand off. The slaveholder sighed.

"W-well... I'll be going n-now..." The man said scurrying off.

"That should teach him to touch me again." Ichigo said victoriously.

Gunjou frowned and elbowed Ichigo in the stomach causing the boy to cough and the chains on his feet to jingle.

"That is what you get for scaring away another customer", Gunjou said starting to hold his whip,"And unless you want me to whip you, I suggest you get your fuckin' act together."

"Che. Fuck you." Ichigo growled.

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"Only if my master thinks it's right", Ichigo said sarcastically. Gunjou's frown deepened and he punched Ichigo across the face.

"Another remark like that and see if I don't have you killed."

"Well, well. What do'ya know. Gunjou! 'ts been a while!" A voice said from behind the two.

"Sir Grimmjow!" Gunjou exclaimed before bowing respectfully. He gestured over to Ichigo and signaled for him to bow as well.

Ichigo just gave him a no-way-in-fuckin'-hell look and rolled his eyes.

"Ma, ma, someones got very little respec' here now." Grimmjow said eying Ichigo who just flicked him off.

"Well, unlike this dick-sucker, I bow to no one." Ichigo said growling at Grimmjow.

Grimmjow smirked.

"Tell ya what, Gunjou, I'll buy the kid from ya."

"What?" Both Gunjou and Ichigo yelled at the same time.

"Yeah, why not. I like his spunk", Grimmjow said, laughing as Ichigo scowled at him.

"O-of course, !" Gunjou said, pushing Ichigo at Grimmjow.

"How much is the boy?" Grimmjow asked holding Ichigo's upper arm.

"Well, for you , free of charge."


"Yes. You are always a very generous customer and it would be embarrassing on my part if I didn't repay that generosity"

Ichigo snorted at that, "Right. Generous."

"Well, thanks Gunjou! See ya later!" Grimmjow said saluting to Gunjou before dragging Ichigo along with him.

Ichigo gaped at Grimmjow's mansion as they arrived there. It was so big! They entered through the doorway, maids and other slaves bowing as they walked by.

Ichigo suddenly felt self conscious in his baggy pants and open jacket. (A/N: Imagine Aladin's outfit)

"Well, you're first job, is to get my niece to take a bath, eat dinner, and get to bed all by seven o' clock." Grimmjow said.

Ichigo smiled, "Easy"

"That's what all the pros said... before they met 'im"

Ichigo smiled and walked to the room Grimmjow had pointed to.

Opening the door, Ichigo peeked inside seeing a thin, blue-green haired kid screaming at an older man to get out of his room. The man did just that.

After the man had went through the door, Ichigo entered.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The kid asked, yelling at Ichigo. Ichigo only smiled.

"Well, bocchan, I am here to give you your bath" (A/N: Bocchan- young master)

"No! Shou doesn't wanna take a bath!"

"And why not?"

" Cause it's annoying!"

"Well then", Ichigo said walking back towards the door,"I'll just have to throw these good caramels away"

"C-caramels?" The five year old asked. Ichigo stopped walking and smiled to himself. Bingo.

"Mm-hmmmm. Tasty salt-water caramels", Ichigo said pulling out a small tin, and opening it to reveal little caramels.

"C-can Shou have one?" The little boy asked quietly.

"Of course! But only after you take a bath."Ichigo said, putting the caramels away.

"But Shou doesn't wanna take a bath!" The child whined, stamping a tiny foot on the ground.

"Well then, no caramels", Ichigo said walking away.

"W-wait!", the boy called out. Ichigo stopped again.

"S-Shou will take a bath", the boy said in defeat. Ichigo smiled.

"Okay. I'll run the water. Bocchan should take off his shirt and other garments okay?"

"Okay. By the way, what's your name?"


"Like Strawberry?"

Ichigo laughed, "No. It means something else. I'll tell you later."

"Okay, Ichi-nii", Shou said jumping into the now warm water.

"You know, you can call me Ichigo, bocchan"

"No! Shou wants to call you Ichi-nii! I like it better. But Ichi-nii call me Shou!"

"No, I'll call you bocchan."

"No, Shou!"

"Fine, fine, okay... Shou"

Shou smiled brightly and hugged Ichigo, causing him to get all wet (Raven: Wtf? Isn't the kid naked? XD lol don't take that hug the wrong way)

Ichigo smiled and washed Shou up.

From the doorway, Grimmjow stood agape at this. How did Ichigo know how to do this? Not even he, Shou's uncle, could control him like that.

Ichigo dried Shou and changed him into his pajamas and gave him a caramel.

"Yummy!" Shou exclaimed.

"I know", Ichigo said.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Shou said.

The door opened, revealing a tall man with snowy white hair.

"Hello, Shou. I came here to meet the new... slave", the man said.

"That would be me", Ichigo said holding out a hand, "Ichigo."

"Cute, Strawberry. I'm Shirosaki Ogichi, better known as Shiro." Shiro said shaking the hand.

"It does not mean Strawberry."

"Haha whatever."

"Are you a slave?"

"Yes. Have been for about two years now." Shiro said.

Ichigo felt a tug on his shirt. He looked down.

"Ichi-nii, can you carry Shou to dinner? Shou is *yawwwwwn* really tired", Shou said raising his arms out for Ichigo to pick him up. Ichigo picked him up and nodded towards Shiro, before walking out the door to take Shou to dinner.

After dinner, Ichigo walked Shou up to his bedroom to put him to sleep. Shou crawled into bed and held Ichigo's hand.

"Please stay?" Shou asked.


"Please stay with Shou, Ichi-nii. Shou is sad."

"And why is that, Shou?"

"Because Shou misses mommy. She's in Japan right now."

"Well... I'm from Japan."

"Really? Why isn't Ichi-nii in Japan right now then?"

Ichigo winced at the question.

"I'll tell you later, okay? But I'll stay here."

"Yeaaaah!", Shou exclaimed, jumping onto Ichigo.

Ichigo smiled and crawled into bed with Shou on top of him.

Ichigo smoothed out Shou's short hair with his hands and rocked side to side, attempting to put Shou to sleep.

Shou nuzzled into Ichigo's chest and soon fell asleep.

Ichigo himself fell asleep to, hugging Shou.

Grimmjow entered the room and let out a quiet snicker. They were so cute.

He made his way to the bed and tried to get Shou off of Ichigo but Shou whined something and tightened his grip on Ichigo.

Ichigo stirred and Grimmjow let go to see what would happen.

Ichigo rocked Shou back and forth, patting his hair (all unconsciously) and mumbled, "It's okay, Karin and Yuzu. Just go back to sleep."

Grimmjow's smile turned into a confused frown. Who were Karin and Yuzu?

Raven: Yeaaaaaaah! First chapter, DONE!

Ulquiorra: .'

Raven: Yeaaaaaaaah! Hope you all enjoyed it!


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So please, if you like this story and want it to update,


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