Hey! everyone I'm back! with more Outsiders! This Outsiders story is gonna' be more then ten chapters...for now. I might change it by adding more, but I'm going for ten to start out with. But, I'm glad everyone loved my other Outsiders stories. I just wish people would Read my South Park stories too..Well, I'm gonna' have some songs in here as well, just to clarify you...


I don't own the song...or the Outsiders...I can only wish I did.

bold lettering: song
normal lettering: story.



Darry's P.O.V

"don't you yell at him!"
after that, I punched him...well, more liked slapped, but who cares? i hurt...my baby brother. I hurt him. I've never felt so bad in my entire life. he hates me, Thats why he ran away. He;s gone, And I'll never see him again, no matter how hard Soda, and everyone else, and I look. We wont find Ponyboy. Or even Johnny. I'm glad Johnny is with Pony, I'm not saying I'm glad he's gone, but I know he's with Ponyboy. I just hope...Ponyboy isn't lying somewhere in some steet...dead.

"Darry!" I jumped. I looked up at a tired, and pale kid brother of mine. Sodapop. He must of been calling my name. Wow, I yell at Pony for just zoning out like this? I guess I do take it on him too hard.

"Sorry, Soda...just thinking where to look next for Pony."
"we've looked EVERYWHERE!" Soda sounded hopeless. Soda plopped down on the kitchen chair and pintched the bridge of his nose. I looked at Soda more closely. Yup, those were tears...

"Our kid brother is smart." I said. "I know...he is...and I know, that he is somewhere safe." I sighed. forget what I said, I HOPE he's somewhere safe.

I got miles of trouble spreadin' far and wide
bills on the table gettin' higher and higher
they just keep on comin' there ain't no end in sight.

I'm just holdin' on tight...

I gulped. I tried to get the image of Ponyboy yelling and screaming at me, cursing my death to come faster, wishing I would send him away, or worse...I find him, but he's dead...I chucked on my spit.
"Darry? you gonna' live?"
I get up and drink a glass of water.
"no, Soda...I'm not..." I tried to hide the tears...I really did, but they ran down my face.
"oh..honey..." Soda gave me a hug. I returned the hug, but I still felt empty inside. We needed Ponyboy, to compleate this hug.

I've got someone who loves me more than
words can say, and I'm thankful for that each and
every day. and if I count all my blessings
I'll get a smile on my face.

Still it's hard to find faith.

We had the whole gang look for them, even Tim had some of his buddies on the look out for Pony and Johnny. I held on to Soda as hard as I could, I didn't wanna' loose another brother. I don't know why that thought just now came to me, but I guess it was what everyone thought when they lost a sibling.
"Darry, we got a few more hours, lets look for Pony..."
I nodded. Even though we were drenched in sweat, and our clothes were soaking wet (from running around, and pusshing the truck back to the house because it was brok down,) we still went to look for Pony and Johnny.

Soda and I were now running, literatly, running as if the devil was at our heels. I called out his name, even though I didn't know what good that'll do.
We stopped at soda's work, and I put in two dollars and out popped two ice-cold Cokes. I handed Soda one bottle and the first thing he did was put it to his temples. I didn't blame him. Steve went out of the shop, he was working for Soda's shift as well.
"any luck?" He asked. Since when was Steve concerned about my kid brother?
I shot Steve a mad look. He backed away a few feet.
"Shut up!" I screamed. I think it was the worry and the heat that got to me. "you don't care bout' him! you never did! all you want to know is when he'll come home, so you can make him feel bad!"

Steve gave me a blank look, then went back into the shop.

"Darry..." Soda put his hand on my back..."I have faith in Pony...he'll come home..."

But if you look in my eyes
and tell me we'll be alright if you promise never to leave
you just might make me believe...

I looked at him. You better be right Soda.

I stood up after finishing my coke and started running again, looking for Pony. Soda followed, I didn't notice the MISSING sign steve put up in the window...showing Ponyboy's smilieng face. I didn't mean to snap at Steve, but I always noticed the mean looks he gave Ponyboy. Ponyboy would just be saying "Hello" to him, and he'd call him a lingering-brat!
I'ts not as if I noticed, he's been doing this to Ponyboy since the kid was two, when Soda really wanted to be in Ponyboy's life. I'd play with Ponyboy when I was little too, but now...I guess the days with Ponyboy are gonna' be memories.
I shook my head, no. I wasn't gonna' let that happen!

it's just day to day tryin'
to make end's meet What i'd give
for an address out on easy street.

I need a deep margarita to help me unwind

Leave my troubles...behind...

We stopped running after ten minutes or so. We just wound up back at our house. Now looking as if we came from the swimming pool. I sighed and phanted. wheezing and coughing. Soda went to the back of the house, grabbed the hose and sprayed himself, he sprayed me too. But I still took a shower after that. Soda and I sat on the couch. I was staring at the blisters we had on our feet.

"we...haveta'...call it...a night..." Soda said, still phanting.
I nodded, but when the phone rand I got up to get it. "Hello?" I answered.
"Yes, this is Oaklahoma state hospital, we have a paitent of ours...saying he wants his brother..he gave me this phone number and asked if I could call."
I gulped...Ponyboy?

But if you look in my eyes
and tell me we'll be alright if you promise never to leave
you just might make me believe...

I useed to believe in us, When times get tough
Lately I'm afraid that even love is not enough.

The doors opened and there I saw a dirty Ponyboy. I heard he went into a building that was on fire to save some kids! I would of yelled at him, but then I remembered I would of done the same thing.
Soda gave Pony a big bear hug.

"Ponyboy..." He ran over to me and gave me a hug.
"Darry!" he said. "Darry...I'm so sorry..."

My emotions didn't last long..."Pony...I thought we lost you, like we did mom and dad"

If you look into my eyes And tell me
we'll be alright if you promise never to leave
you just might make me believe...

oh, you just might make me
you just might make me believe...

We brought Ponyboy home that night...I made a vow over mom and dad's grave, I sowre to them, I would never let Ponyboy get hurt, or feel unwanted! I cried again that night, seeing soda hold Pony, he never wanted to let go, neither did I, and I intend to do so.

oh, you just might make me
you just might make me believe...


Cool, huh?
Well, Darry has some plan up his sleeve...I wonder what it is?

Oh, well, R&R my loyal fans!

no flames!
