Ron was sitting at the table, fiddling with his portable radio. He had been searching for anything interesting but at 2 a.m. there were hardly any programs being broadcast. The angry static was the only noise within earshot besides that of Hermione tossing her bed covers around for the last few minutes or so. Ron reached for the volume dial to silence the radio and focus his attention to her. At last she let out a drawn, exasperating huff.

As Ron made his way over to check on her, he allowed the events of the night to replay in his mind.

He popped his head outside of the tent to check on Hermione, something he did regularly. He peered into the distance, the last rays of daylight long gone below the trees. His eyes squinted, desperate for a clear view of the…was it two silhouettes before him? Ron exited the tent and began to sprint toward her, his fingers wrapping tightly around his wand.

Yes, he was sure now that there were two people. "HERMIONE!" he called foolishly, knowing full well that her protective charms muted all noise from within. If she was beyond them she had no chance of hearing him. And if this stranger was within them…well, Ron wanted him to know that Hermione wasn't alone.

"Don't touch her!" He had yelled for good measure. Luckily it had not been needed and the snatchers continued on their way. Something about the way the stranger looked at Hermione… how he sensed her, made Ron want to kill him.

Now, hours later, Hermione was clearly still upset. Ron came into the little alcove that held her cot. "Mione?" he asked tenderly. It was enough to make her jump. "Sorry! I could hear you, and you seem like…I mean I guess you can't…"

Hermione sat up on the cot and placed her fingers to her temple, massaging in small circles. "I can't get his face out of my head…he knew I was there. It's like he knew I was there and he knew who I was and he was promising to come back and get me… to come get all of us. I just feel so…exposed…" she trailed off, voice quivering.

Ron sat on the edge of the cot, stopping her from finishing the thought.

She continued, now looking into his eyes. "I know we're about to move camp and he'd have a hard time tracking us but…I can't help but imagine he's outside the tent right now, just waiting for us to fall asleep."

"He's not. And even if he was, I would kill him before I'd let anything happen to you."

"Don't say things like that."

"I'm going to say things like that because it's the truth. There are a lot of dangerous people out there, Hermione. We can't just let them all off with a memory charm."

Hermione scooted closer to him, thoughts of her Obliviate spells making her queasy. Ron wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him tightly. Instantly he could feel her trembling. "He couldn't see you, Mione." He said, trying to convince himself. "I bloody screamed at him and he didn't even flinch. It looked like they were transporting someone. They had somewhere to be and it looked like they had been walking for a long time so I think that even if he wanted to he couldn't have remembered where we are."

Ron's voice was suddenly filled with conviction, "I think we should apparate tomorrow. That way…just in case… there is no chance for him to follow us or have any idea where we are."

Hermione shook her head, "No. It's too risky. I'm not letting you get hurt again."

"I'll be fine. I promise. You need to be able to sleep." There were a few moments of silence, in which Hermione became focused on all of Ron's tense muscles before he asked, "And while we're on it, what's going to help you get some sleep tonight?"

She pulled out of Ron's arms, suddenly transfixed with her feet. "I'm not sure… If you're going to stay up, I think I'll just stay up with you. This probably sounds silly, but I feel better being able to see you."

Ron smiled a bit, rubbing a hand up and down her back. "It's not silly. I've got an idea." He patted her pillow. "Lie back down. I'll be right back." In an instant Ron reentered with a folding chair, which he placed near the head of the cot. He plopped into it, propped his feet up near Hermione's stomach, and unfolded a quidditch magazine from under his arm. She smiled and lifted her blanket up to cover his feet. They studied each other for a few moments before Ron lifted his hand and stroked her curly hair. Hermione closed her eyes at the contact and immediately relaxed.