A huge rush of regret almost destroyed my body. If you could die from regret, I wouldn't even be talking to you. Sitting on the bleachers, all alone, at one in the morning can really make a person feel like shit. I didn't really care though. It was either break the lock on the back emergency exit of the school, or stay in the school and risk a talk from the one and only Carly Shay. Of course I took the risk of getting detention, grabbed some tools from the woodshop room, and mauled the lock.
I felt horrible about what I did. To both Sam and Brad. Mostly Sam, though. Brad deserved it. They way that she looked at me after I finished him off made me regret even being born. To make someone so innocent look guilty of murder, isn't the best feeling in the world. Her expression made me feel as if I had taken something so precious from her. Almost as if I 'deflowered' her. It made me feel horrible to put her into that much pain. If I could, I would have went back In time to at least hold Sam and tell her how sorry I was. But I know I cant do that, and that she wouldn't forgive me.
Wow, I really fucked up.
I felt the spring breeze on my arms and face. I looked up at the moon. It was full. Just my luck. I always went crazy whenever there was a full moon. And no, I am not a werewolf. My mom told me that it was completely normal for teenagers to react to both weather changes and even changes in their atmosphere at an extreme point. Well, who knows. She also continues to tell me that the boogie monster in my closet will come out to eat me if I ever have Carly or Sam in my room if she isn't home.
The stars were beautiful and bright. Like Sam's eyes. Her amazing, baby blue, intense orbs that make me want to melt. The birds chirping reminded me of her laugh. The way that she laughs whenever Carly makes a stupid joke at an attempt to be funny. Or the way when I get hurt. The color of the flowers on the ground are strangely enough, the same color as her soft, curly, blonde hair that I would just want to feel for a living. Everything about Sam is perfect. And to think that the wonders of nature remind me just of her, makes my stomach flutter.
I remember like it just happened an hour ago that I told Brad that I was in love with her.
(Flash back to two days before)
I trudged to my locker in step with the slow beat of the music beating through the speakers of my Pear Pod. Brad just started coming to Ridgway and had a locker seven over and on the bottom from mine. I spun in my combination and opened my locker. There was a picture on the door of my locker. It made me smile. It was a picture of Sam and I that we took right at the end of the eleventh grade. We were at the park and Carly wanted a picture of us to put on Splashface. At first, Sam and I objected but then Carly threatened us that if we didn't take the picture, she would stop buying ham and stop letting me use her Pear phone charger (because I lost mine a few months before) so we just had to take the damn picture. It made me smile because my arm was around Sam and her head was resting on my shoulder with her nose in the crook of my neck.
"Watch'a smiling at bro?" I hear a deep voice say from behind me. I quickly spin around to find Brad smirking at me in a knowing way. "nothing," I state. "Just nothing."
"you sure? Because you seemed to be staring at Sam for a little while longer then I thought you would be." I chuckles out. He knows nothing. "Dude, you like her, don't you?"
"What? No! I do not like Sam!" I yell. "Oh so you do like her?" says Brad.
"Yes," DAMN IT!
"Gotcha!" he jokes. "Don't worry Freddie, I wont tell her, but you might want to snatch her up quick before its to late." He winks and leaves.
(End flashback)
Then I found out what he meant by that.
The thought makes me shiver. To think that he would do that even though he knew that I liked her. He has some pretty big balls to do that.
"Enjoying the outdoors, Benson?" says an unknown female voice. I turn to my right to see the beautiful blond headed demon standing right next to me.
"Well," I start "I was. So what's going on?' I ask in an attempt to be friendly and make her forgive me. She shrugs and sits on my right side. "Nothing much." she unconsciously plays with a stray strand of thread hanging from the waist of her top.
"I'm sorry." I say from out of nowhere. "I didn't mean to hurt anybody. I just got so pissed watching him kiss you. I just felt like he wasn't the one who should be doing it."
"Its fine."
"yeah, I know I was stupid but I- wait, what do you mean, it's fine? I beat up your boyfriend!" I ask confused. What the hell is going on here.
She looks at me and smiles. She knows something that I don't know. I know it.
"Well, for one. Brad isn't my boyfriend." She smirks at me when she says this. "And I'm glad you beat him up." she speaks with such a proud tone, I am so confused!
"Why?" I ask. "Because he turned out to be such a total jerk. He only kissed me because he hates you. And he wanted to make you angry so I thought you were a bad person. Talk about a bitch, right?"
"I'm sorry. I still never should have touched him. Even if he didn't know that I like you didn't give me a right to-" I was interrupted once again from warmth and pleasure.
Sam was kissing me. And this time, I responded.