I have no idea where this fic came from. I've seriously never written anything like this before. So, sorry if this first chapter sucks.

Chapter One: Party

It was Mercedes Griffin's end of summer party. Every student that went to the local high school was in attendance. They were celebrating their last week of freedom before the horror of school started.

People were dancing in the dining room of the large house. Dozens of people were in the pool, and some people were getting frisky in the hot tub. Others were using the living room to get high, play drinking games, or just hang out and watch their peers make asses out of themselves.

Kendall Knight-soon to be high school junior-was walking through the house searching for his friends Wayne and Jett. He stopped when he got into the living room. But not because he saw his friends. His eyes had landed on James Diamond, Carlos Garcia, and-the person who pissed him off most-Logan Mitchell.

James, Carlos, and Logan were three very openly gay kids in their grade. They weren't the only out students, though. Most just tried to keep a low profile. Not these three best friends. They figured if no one even noticed when a straight couple practically fucked in the halls at school, why couldn't they partake in PDA.

Kendall and his friends did not get along with them.

Kendall walked up to them and grinned evilly. "Hey, fags."

Carlos found. Kendall noticed that while James was glaring at him, he ran a hand up and down Carlos' back soothingly. Kendall figured the two must've become a couple over the summer.

Logan rolled his eyes at Kendall and said, "Shut the fuck up."

A girl with dark brown hair came up to Kendall. "Hey, Kendall," she said with a flirty tone. She trailed her fingertips over his arm. "You wanna go somewhere... private?"

Kendall snorted. "No." He shot a glance at Logan before looking back at her. "I'm not into brunettes." He spotted his friends over her shoulder and walked away without another word.

The girl pouted and went in the other direction.

Logan watched the other boy for a second. He just didn't get Kendall. He had lived across the street from Kendall all his life. Their moms were friends. Hell, they even used to be friends. When they were in the third grade and Kendall's parents divorced, Logan was there to comfort him. Then, in sixth grade, Kendall turned into a complete asshole. He would make fun of Logan and occasionally beat him up. In freshman year, when Logan came out, the beatings got worse. But luckily, Logan started fighting back.

What confused Logan the most was that Kendall's green eyes never showed the emotions that matched his actions. When hitting Logan, Kendall didn't seem like he hated Logan. His eyes looked almost sad. Whenever Jett or Wayne made a homophobic joke toward Logan or his friends, Kendall would laugh. But Kendall's eyes always seemed to say "sorry."

James nudged Logan with his elbow. "Pete's coming this way."

Logan looked in the direction James pointed. A tall guy-taller than James-with black hair and striking blue eyes walked their way. Pete was a senior. He had been there for Logan when he was struggling with his sexuality. In Logan's freshman year, they started to become pretty good friends. The month before this party, they had started dating.

"Hi," Pete said when he reached them.

"Hey," Logan, Carlos, and James replied.

"Carlos, let's go dance," James said, dragging Carlos away.

"You enjoying the party?" Pete asked as he leaned against the wall next to Logan.

"Same as it was last year. But it's fun. Music's awesome. Mercedes picked a good playlist."

"She always does."

While those two chit chatted, Kendall would surreptitiously glance at the pair. Rage boiled inside him. Logan and Pete talking should have affected him like that. He watched as Pete stroked Logan's cheek, making Logan smile sweetly. Then, Pete leaned in and kissed Logan.

"Fucking gross," Wayne said, nodding in the direction of the couple.

"I know," Kendall said as Logan and Pete's kiss deepened. Kendall couldn't take it anymore. "Lucy!" he called.

The pretty red head turned to him. "Yeah?"

"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?"

Lucy smirked. Kendall was rumored to be very good in bed. "Sure." She took the hand he offered.

When they passed the lip locked boys, Kendall took the time to bump into them. "Sorry," he lied. He grinned when Logan flipped him off.

They reached the bedroom and Kendall shut the door. He turned around and saw that Lucy had already removed her dress. She was wearing nothing but a lacey set of bra and panties.

"Sexy," Kendall commented. "Bed."

Lucy sat on the bed. She watched Kendall remove his shoes and pants. He was now only in his grey boxer briefs and black shirt.

Kendall got onto the bed and crawled over to her. He pulled her into a kiss, trying not to get his hands tangled in her hair. That was one of the may reasons he hated long hair. Their tongues fought for dominance, and Kendall refused to let her win. After she let him take the lead, he unhooked her bra. He took it off and threw it onto the floor. He pushed her so that she was laying down then took her breast in his mouth.

That was when her moans began. Kendall was never fond of the sounds girls made during foreplay and sex. It just didn't do anything for him. Wayne and Jett always talked about how it turned them on. Kendall meanwhile, could only get hard if he was touched, or if he ground his hips against whatever girl he was with.

As his mouth went to her other breast, he put his hand down her panties and began to finger her. This was a part of foreplay he didn't enjoy. But it was better to him than going down on the chick.

Lucy began to whine with pleasure, signaling to Kendall that she wanted more.

He went to his pants and grabbed a condom out of his pocket. He freed himself of his underwear and got back on the bed. He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth before putting the condom on.

He looked at Lucy and saw that she had already taken off her panties.

He was about to get inside her when she asked, "Are you gonna take off your shirt?"


"But wh-"

"Just deal with it, chickie," Kendall said before shoving into her.

She cried out when he did this. The more Kendall thrust into her, the more she screamed and moaned. Kendall wasn't one to go slowly or gently.

After a few minutes, Kendall felt like forever had passed. He knew he would only be able to get through sex if he imagined being with someone else. He hated himself when he did this. Especially since he never thought about girls. It was always guys. A lot of the time it was Justin Timberlake, sometimes other male celebrities. But when those didn't work, his mind went to the annoying Logan Mitchell.

Seeing that boy's face in his mind's eye was what finally made Kendall come.

Lucy must have too, since after he pulled out of her she said, "That was amazing."

Kendall finished dressing then said, "Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself." He left without waiting for her to put herself back together. He didn't really give a fuck about what she did now. He was on a mission.

Kendall walked into one of the upstairs bathrooms, and shut and locked the door. He sighed and removed his shirt. He look at himself in the mirror with sad eyes. He was disgusted by the sight. His stomach and sides were covered in scars and cuts.

Kendall tore his eyes away from the mirror and got his wallet out. From his wallet, the grace a razor blade. He sat down on the bedroom floor. He inhaled deeply as he dragged the blade across the skin of his stomach. He let the breath out when he was finished, relief flooding through his body.

It had been like this for years. No matter how hard he tired, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about other guys. He had sex with so many girls to try and force himself to want them. It never worked. And Logan's existence didn't help.

The cutting had started when he was in the eighth grade. He started to loathe himself for not being able to be normal. So one day, he decided to punish himself in a way for thinking of other guys when he touched himself. He figured there was a deeper psychological reason for why he hurt himself, but he refused to dwell on that.

After watching himself bleed for a bit, he grabbed some toilet paper to press against the cut, and clean the blood. He looked through the cabinets, but found no band aids. He was glad he wore a black shirt after finding that out. Once the blood stopped, he got rid of the toilet paper and put his shirt back on.

When he got back downstairs, he was no longer in the mood to party. He texted his friends, telling them he was leaving. Jett had driven him, so he would just walk the whole mile home.

He made his way down the driveway, but stopped when he heard a moan. It was almost music to Kendall's ears. He quietly walked forward. He ceased moving when he saw Logan.

Logan was sitting in the backseat of the red convertible Mustang he drove. His head was thrown back against the seat, his bottom lip was caught between his teeth, and he had a look of pleasure on his face. Soon, Logan groaned out a "yes!" obviously coming.

Kendall watched Pete pop up as Logan got himself situated. Kendall saw Pete say something and heard Logan giggle in response. Then they kissed.

Kendall stalked up to them. "What the fuck are you two queers doing?"

Logan turned to face him. "How is that any of your fucking business?"

"No one wants to watch your gat fuck fest."

"Well, you were watching, so at least one person liked it."

Kendall pulled back his right arm then punched Logan straight in the jaw.

"I thought we agreed on no more face hitting?" Logan yelled.


Logan flew out of the car and knocked Kendall to the ground. They rolled around, hitting each other, ignoring Pete's cries. Eventually, one word made them stop: "Cops!" Both boys were on their feet in seconds.

Pete got out of the car and said to Logan, "I'll walk." Pete only lived three blocks away in the opposite directin Logan would be driving.

When Pete was gone, Logan hopped in the car and started it. The sirens were getting closer.


Logan looked at Kendall. "What?"


"Get in."

Kendall did so, and they drove away. The ride was silent until they got to Logan's driveway.

"Thanks," Kendall mumbled as he got out of the car.

"No problem," Logan said.

While Kendall walked across the street to his house, he knew he would dream of Logan.

So? How was this? I mean, I'll continue even if it sucks, but I just like to be aware. :D