Hey everyone!
I'm sorry I disappeared without an explanation and I'm sorry this isn't the update you were hoping for, but I feel I owe you the reason why I've been/still am away from my writing at the moment.
I doubt all of you follow me on facebook, so I'm not expecting you to know everything that's been going on, but here's the deal, on June 5th, my maternal grandfather passed away because of covid-19, and I fell into a slump because it was like someone had cut the rope on my parachute. Less than a week before, I was flying on cloud 9 from the news of being accepted at AADA in New York, and then the only grandfather I've ever really known is just gone.
It felt as if I wasn't allowed to be happy, and I couldn't write a word for the life of me.
Just as I was preparing to step back into it again, about two weeks later, I got the news that my grandmother tested positive for covid as well. On top of that, my mom, who immediately drove to her after grandfather passed, had to get tested and they're now quarantined together.
Add to this, the stress I feel of preparing everything for the fall, always hoping I will actually be allowed to fly to the states. AND, I am the temporary store manager at my job so I always have to be on top of things there, AND I am one of the chief editors of TwiFandomNews, and therefore in co-charge of The Golden Onion Awards, plus a bunch of other graphic stuff on the side.
Simply put, I am stressed, stretched out, my mind is spinning every day, and my creativity as at an all time down-low.
As of right now, I do not know when I'll be able to get back into it. Personally, I'm hoping sooner rather than later, but only time can tell.
Thank you for being patient with me, and I hope you'll stick around until the time I can start updating again.
So much love to you, and as always, until we hear from each other again,
Stay Awesome!
(This message will be deleted and replaced when I update next time!)