Three of a Kind.

By CC.

Jensen struggled to get his keys out without dropping all the groceries. He unlocked the door to the apartment and shoved it open with his hip. As he walked through the door he spotted Cougar on the couch with an odd look on his face. Jensen stopped abruptly, the sniper looked as if someone had sucker punched him. He set the bags down on the counter and crossed to the chair. He sat down and studied his friend. He quickly grew alarmed when Cougar didn't acknowledge him. He leaned over and laid a tentative hand on his arm. "Cougs? You ok buddy? What's wrong?"

Cougar blinked and turned a blank gaze on the hacker.

"Come on man, your scaring me here. Did somebody die? Talk to me bro," he demanded.

Cougar cleared his throat. "I…," he paused unsure where to start. "I need your help."

Jensen nodded. "Anything you need. You know that."

"I need a phone or email address that can't be traced back to us, but I have to keep in contact with Alexa."

Jensen frowned. "I thought you decided not to see her anymore. You said she was getting clingy."

Cougar blushed. "I did but things have gotten ... complicated."

Jake cocked his head. "Complicated how?"

Cougar's eyes darted to the side and he shifted uneasily in his seat.

Jensen waited until Cougar met his eyes with a look that held a mixture of fear and some unidentified emotion. "No es un bebé por venir."

Jensen froze not sure if he had heard correctly. "You wanna run that by me again?"

Cougar blushed deeper. "A baby. She is having my baby, Jake."

"Are we happy about this?" Jensen asked cautiously.

He watched as one corner of Cougar's mouth twitched in a slight, tentative smile.

Jensen threw his head back and laughed. He jumped up and pulled the sniper into a hug as he pounded his back. "Congrats man!" His smile was brilliant and his blue eyes sparkled with delight. "This is so cool. I'm gonna be an uncle again!" He thought about it for a minute and then asked. "How much are we telling Clay and Pooch?"

"Mierda, hermano, I can barely wrap my mind around this and now you want me to do advanced tactical planning?" Cougar pulled away and paced five steps across the room and five back. He ran his fingers through his hair and now his expression was back to that unidentified look. "I don't know. She says she will have the baby, but isn't sure she wants to raise it." He turned a stricken gaze to Jensen.

"Lo siento. Don't worry, we'll figure it out." He shot the sniper a speculative look. "Cougar… Carlos. What do you want? Do you want her to give the baby up for adoption?" The revulsion that crossed the sniper's face was all the answer he needed. "Got ya. Ok, so we are gonna be raising a baby."

Cougar smiled again and Jake knew that had been the right answer.

A/N ~ I do have some more ideas for this story, just not sure if I should continue. What do you think?

~ CC