He glanced at the calendar. July fourteenth.

Six years have gone by since she left. He'd found those years excruciatingly dull.

It's really not the same without you.

Though they rarely contacted each other over the years, he had never forgotten her. He hoped she didn't forget him.

College life was hectic and annoying. He couldn't find the time to enjoy life like the teenager he had been. He had to improve his grades, finish papers and assignments, get on the teachers' good sides.

Just like high school, really.

He sighed. He would be going back home today for the summer break. Holidays had started early in the month, but he had been busy. Most of his other friends had gone back already, so he really didn't have much company then.

He touched the Chappy keychain he attached to a loop in his wallet on the table. He let out a breath as he started to pack.

Late in the afternoon, he left the small town by bus to return to Karakura. The journey took a couple of hours and he arrived at his family home by six.

His family was happy to see him. His dad sent the usual flying kick in his direction, Yuzu had given him a big hug and Karin had said 'hi'.

He'd unpacked in his old room, now used to store things. It wasn't too crowded, so he didn't mind.

Dinner was good. He missed Yuzu's cooking, so he appreciated the extra effort she made for his return home.

He slept early that night, tired from all the stress of college. He slept well into the next day.

When he woke up, his father insisted he go meet up with his old friends since they were all around in town. He thought it was a good idea to catch up with them.

He met with everyone later at the park, the place they usually hung out at during their teenage days. Chad, Inoue, Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro, even Ishida! Everyone was there and he smiled seeing them.

They went out for late lunch and just talked. They asked each other or their colleges (everyone went to a different place except Inoue and Tatsuki, who ended up in the same college) and of life there. They talked about meaningless things, people, everything.

As he finished eating, his phone rang. He picked up to hear his father's voice screaming into his ear, urging him to be back for dinner. He said okay and went back to talking with the others.

Late in the evening, they dispersed and he walked home alone. His phone rang again. Yuzu asked him to get some strawberries from the grocers. He decided to visit Urahara Shoten since the owner was someone he knew from his childhood days.

Urahara-san looked older, but still had his energetic air about. The boy was invited in by the storekeeper, who asked him about college and such as he went to get the strawberries. He answered the questions and the two men talked a little while longer.

After a while, he noticed the time and told Urahara-san so. He paid for the fruit and thanked the man before taking his leave.

Outside his home, he felt a merry buzz inside. Curious but wary, he cautiously opened the door...



His friends were there, the ones he had just hung out with earlier and his family too. They were grinning at him as he stared stupidly at them.

It's my birthday?

Oh. July fifteenth. How could he have forgotten.

He smiled at them, thanking them. Yuzu took the strawberries from his hand and went to the kitchen.

Everyone trooped to the dining table for dinner. The food was served. Yuzu had made dishes she only prepared on special occasions. Everyone began eating.

Cake was served, a tall, white-icing cake with strawberries on top. He scowled a little seeing the small fruits, but everyone else laughed at the intended purpose of the strawberries. He cut the cake and passed them out to the others.

As everyone was laughing and talking, the doorbell rang and Karin went to get it. He suddenly noticed that the air in the room had changed. Looking at the others, he noticed their eager faces and raised an eyebrow at it all.

"Ichi-nii!" Karin called, walking into the dining room. She pointed to her back with her thumb. "Delivery for you!"

"What?" He sighed as he got up. When he opened the door to the dining room, he stood, frozen.


She was there, standing in the hallway, walking towards the dining room. When she saw him, she smirked, stretching a hand out in front of her and said, "I missed my keychain. I want it back!"

He stared at her like an idiot.

Her face said 'irritated'. "Hey! Say something, idi –"

She couldn't finish her sentence for he had enveloped her small frame with his own. He breathed in the scent he had missed so much, her scent.

She chuckled. "Didn't I promise that I'd come back?"

She pulled back and gazed at him tenderly, tears watering her violet eyes. She went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Happy birthday, fool."

You've returned,

my ray of light.

A/N: Inspired by a drawing I did. You can view this drawing at my DeviantArt. Just search 'coaxx' and there'll be several results. You'll know which one it is when you see it (based on the first chapter, that is).

Hope you liked it! I kinda found it hard to do the Epilogue.. so it might not be at its best.


( *-* )
