This is my AN about this plagiarizing thing with Bradsmithgold12 as well as any remaining issues that I may must have an account starting from tonight if you want to review if not I don't care.
To all this is my last review about this plagiarism thing I am totally done and I'm not going to let it take away from my process of me finishing Come Outside as well as other stories that I have. I'm writing this because I'm very sick of all reviews negative and dramatic. Along my short writing career as well as long reading career on here, I have noticed things have changed and they are not good. To let all people know I'm not writing for anyone else I'm writing for myself whether you like me or don't does not matter. As for the people, I have come to know personally from Fan Fiction you will still be in my heart as I write.
As of right now, I have just gotten a review from a person saying I'm NOT professional with my responses as well as list of other things. Even though this person has not read my work, they still sent this review with the intent on keeping all of this drama up. To that reviewer I don't need you to tell me anything about the real world or my personality that you know nothing about.
First, you're not god so pretend to give advice that you can't follow yourself. Second, you really should not judge a book by its cover and read all of the author's notes I put and see the change within them. Meaning I was professional until drama came at me. Third, you're contradicting yourself on massive scales. How can you start your review saying you have NOT read my story but you're going the guess the situation? Then, come to your sick conclusion that I'm unprofessional person for standing up for myself and my work that was almost in attempt to be copied? Please get real, work on YOUR personality, and know that there are two sides to a story not just one. As well as your review is completely bias and personally unnecessary and very much an attempt to keep drama going. Last, you may need the F7 button as well I ran your review too and I spotted a lot of red and green.
Now that the situation is of that person is over on to a wider subject.
This is site has changed so much and not in a positive light since me being a reader on here in (2007 to present day.) I have compiled a list of things have happened and that maybe happening to other writers. A lot of these things are said to people with very rude intentions and make other writers feel uncomfortable. To all readers know that you are a READER if you want to write your own way do it on your own account and become a WRITER.
People on this site have no sense of decency when writing constructive reviews.
Ex. Certain reviewers try to guess your personality through your writing and judge situations that they do not know about.
Too many people are ANAL Retentive.
EX. Certain Reviewers think that Shizuru and Natsuki should be a certain way. Leaving no room for your creative process to happen without being insulted 24/7.
People defend stupid causes they don't know about and try to place you as the "bad guy" while ceremoniously keeping up drama.
EX. Would you let someone try to steal your work that you worked on. In addition, if they stole your work or attempted would you not be mad? Would you want people to be against you without knowing your situation? Really, people ask yourselves that question and it's sad that some of you are guilty of doing that to people.
Too many people think they are the censor squad on Fan Fiction.
EX. Many people say that all I write about is sex but they are the main ones reading my sex scenes. Really, ask your selves if you don't like certain thing with too many sex scenes would you change the channel or act like someone forced you to watch it? Somewhat hypocritical don't you think especially when you're the ones reading it and then commenting on it?
Too many people think they are the spell check police.
EX. Really it's funny how some people put reviews about grammar and spelling, but when you copy and paste there work to word and other spell check programs its riddled with errors.
Now for rebuttal to these questions and more I'll list them in order from the top.
1. Stop judging because I'm sure you don't know the situation whatever it is. In addition, you have nothing to do but be a troll all day. Second, there is a way you say things to be "constructive" even through writing. Third if you don't like it don't read because at this point after writing this I can give two cents to care about what you review because it's not about YOUR entertainment it's about MINE. To people that are always in drama, those that like a certain writer on here stick to their story. Don't not hop on my story and talk crap about my story to show your "support" for another author. As far as I'm concerned, this matter is DONE.
2. For those that are ANAL retentive and think that Natsuki and Shizuru should be a certain way in MY stories get a life. If it's your lives goal to correct me on if Natsuki should ride a fucking motorcycle or if she likes blue you have real issues that you need to see a therapist for. In addition, as I have said this is FAN FICTION the slogan says UNLEASH YOUR IMAGINATION NOT CONTAIN IT. So the point I'm trying to make if I wanna make Natsuki Shizuru's bitch till the end of my writing days so be it. It's MY story not yours. If you want to do your story the way you want to do it open a fucking account REALLY.
3. As for those, trying to label a bad person get a fucking life it's because of people like you Fan Fiction has so much drama not me or any other writer. I remember there was a time when you could say what you wanted in an author's note without the drama. Also too for those that started that shit with Bradsmithgold12 and me really stop being trolls and messy and really you dick heads can fuck yourselves. You know its people like you "guests" that start the most crap so fuck off be a man/woman and get an account.
4. To those perverts that think they are the censor squad I don't know where you come from, but I am person that is very comfortable with my sexuality and expressing sex. If you don't like that I want Shizuru to have a dick and fuck Natsuki senseless or they fact that they are fucking in general go to someone else's story. For me I'm a huge fan for Futa like I said I'm not writing for you people I'm writing for myself. So if you don't like it don't read and don't even take up your time filling my inbox or review box with bullshit comments. As far as I'm concerned, some of you flamers are perverts for even reading my shit when you know I make Futa stories. All of the flames I get for making a Futa story sounds like guilt coming from you personally because you like the story. So stop trying to censor my stories you know there's a T section you can go to if you don't like it.
5. As for the spell check police, first if you are so good at writing you should do a story yourself and stop thinking you can insult me and others with your "better" writing skills. I'm going to tell you this I have read many stories with people that have "better writing skills" and they are boring compared to the most messed up stories riddled with mistakes. In addition to that, until I can copy and paste someone's work in a spell check editor and come out with no red or blue mistakes no one should talk about my writing being messed up in anyway. This is fan fiction this is a place where you" let your hair down." Now the only things that couldn't be acceptable are rude comments from "guest" reviewers and Plagiarism. I swear really, if you're so into correcting peoples work offer to be a beta on the site until then please stuff it.
Well I'm done now with everything said I wish fan fiction the best of luck. As I am saying, I'm writing for ME these are MY stories NOT ANY OF YOU RUDE REVIEWERS. If I want to update when I want to then I'll do it. If I want to do any changes to MY story then I will do so. I don't need to beg people to review for something I love to do. Things were better when I didn't give a care what half of you thought and I'm back to way of thinking. Much love to my true supporters and half of you that are in contact with me personally as for the rest you know what you can do with yourselves.