"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them."

-Albert Einstein-

The phenomenon was dubbed 'H22' by the small cluster of scientists who found the unexplained region of memories in the hippocampus of the brain. The 22 referred to the amount of time between impulse conduction of nerves. 22m/s was a vital number as it had once been thought of as a refractory period where nothing should happen. Had it not been tampered with, very few would have naturally experienced the anomaly.

Déjà vu, the butterfly effect, chaos, string theories, meta physics, alternate realms and soul placement all hinged on the physical concept and identification of H22.

It was not a blessing; H22 was a spiritual occurrence that when defined, crumpled into a situation no one could handle.

Using one hundred and eleven randomly chosen candidates to experiment with H22, unexplained planetary events began to occur. The scientific community struggled to clarify the mass amounts of species death, catastrophic weather upheavals, increased reports of mental insanity and social instability.

Nobody could predict the events or reasoning. They weren't supposed to.

The project -after twenty-seven months- was quickly disbanded, never to be spoken of again. Officially the files were erased and the term 'H22' was only referred to as a hazard.

In an individual such as Jacob Black, an H22 trigger occurred naturally; having such an intense contact to metaphysics alone, left the door to his Pandora's Box wide open.

Unfortunately, Bella Swan was the catalyst to Jacob Black's 'Hazard 22'.