Allie: Alright! Another new chapter! And guess what everyone! This chapter is like a little preview to my new fanfic I will be making soon! XD
Chiro: A new fanfic? Sweet :D
Allie: Yup! So please read this!
(Remember everyone; this is a preview for my new fanfic, which will be up shortly called "I remember you")
Chiro let out a gasp of exhaustion as he hunched forward, resting his hands against his knees. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face, dripping to the floor in a small puddle. "Gross…" he muttered, lifting his face to rub away any other traces of sweat with the towel draped over his shoulders. Glancing towards the clock, he was satisfied to see that it was now 3:02. His training session was now done, and he could now hand the room off to another one of the team. If he remembered correctly, it was Nova's turn to train now.
It was odd, for the past few days Chiro had been training by himself. None of the team offered to train him and had been busy lately.
Not that he could blame them. With the various attacks of Skeleton King, the team had fallen behind to the chores, inventions, experiments, meditating, and reading.
Luckily, Sprx had been given the chores with this week since he was foolish enough to anger a certain yellow monkey right after an extensive attack against the Skeleton King.
Stepping out of the room, Nova quickly passed by him. "Good job Chiro. You can go rest now if you want. We've had a tough week after all." She smiled softly, grabbing his hand long enough to give it a small squeeze before she let go.
"Thanks Nova. Don't push yourself in there too much either." The young hero smiled back.
Giving a small chuckle Nova said, "What me? Over work myself?"
Grinning Chiro stopped to tell Nova one more thing. "Oh Nova. So since I can rest a bit, I'm going to go head over to Rain's." He explained. (For those who don't know, Rain is a character from my story "Stay with me". She is an old Child hood friend of Chiro's who went to the same orphanage with him before it closed down. Rain runs a little place called "The Fun House" where kids of all ages can go just to be kids. They can have fun, relax, and have the freedom away from their parents. Though there are rules, Rain allows the kids the freedom most of them are never allowed to have)
(If any of you want to see what Rain looks like, you can go to my DeviantArt to the name AllieJenzie. The link is also on my profile XD)
Looking over her shoulder at him, she nodded. "Alright, see ya soon."
With that the young hero eagerly exited the Super Robot and to the large 4 story apartment building that had been changed into the beloved building known as the Fun House.
The familiar white painted fence surrounded by the multitude arranges of flowers of all kind was the first thing that came into Chiro's view.
Jumping up to the porch Chiro gave the door a few knocks and pressing the doorbell just for extra measure.
The similar sound of children screaming "DOOR BELL, DOOR BELL, DOOR BELL!" Came from within the house.
That was a siren the younger kids would yell to some of the oldest in the house, allowing them to know from anywhere in the building that someone was at the door.
"Don't worry you little ankle bitters, I got it!' A new voice shot out from behind the door. The door was swiftly swung open, a red headed, camo wearing teen standing behind it. Her bright green eyes blinked at him rapidly, trying to remember just who he was.
Her bangs had been pulled back, showing off a slightly pink scare leading across her left eye. Even to this day Chiro wasn't sure how she had gotten that scare, but didn't really feel like asking about it.
"Hello Ashren." Chiro grinned.
"Well if it isn't pudding cup!" Ashren, one of Rain's many friends and constant visitors to the Fun House, exclaimed.
"Chiro." He corrected.
"Right. I'll get it one of these days." She shrugged, stepping aside to let him through. As Chiro stepped into the building, he sighed contently at the sweet smell of scented candles and flowers.
It was always so relaxing at this place, yet very hectic at the same time. Chiro didn't have a clue on how Rain managed it all by herself.
"Well, take off your shoes, you're silly sweater vest, what ever you want. Make yourself at home." Ashren waved him off absentmindedly, returning towards the kitchen.
The bottom floor of this large building was rather home like. It was where Rain actually lived. Her room was right down at the end of the hall, just past the kitchen. Her living room was too the left where many of the kids gathered around dinnertime to watch movies or to watch the Sun Riders. While her kitchen, made just for in case several dozens of kids suddenly stayed for dinner, had every ingredient and utensil imaginable.
"What'cha cooking?" Chiro asked, peeking his head into the kitchen.
"Oh, just some of grandmama's special brand of coffee hot chocolate." She grinned, holding up the large pot.
"Coffee hot chocolate?" the young hero questioned.
"Why of course. What other way to cheer up a down house leader!" Ashren cackled.
Tilting his head, Chiro frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You don't know?" Ashren sent him a look of puzzlement. "Rain's been down a bit lately. She's more distant for some reason."
"Rain?" Chiro couldn't believe the sound of that. Rain, the kind and over-active teen, down in the dumps? What could have possibly caused that? "Why is that?" he pushed on.
Letting out a shrug, Ashren sighed, which wasn't like her, "I dunno kid. I've only started to realize it recently myself. She's good at hiding her feeling after all. Maybe it is stress or all the kids? Though the community isn't helping much. The city has been on her case about how influentially correct this place is. They think that we might not be the most perfect influence for these kids. What a bunch of crap that is though, am I right?" Ashren shook her head at the ceiling.
Chiro couldn't help but agree. Rain was the most mature and responsible person he knew. She was the perfect role model. Perhaps since she had only recently turned 18 and was running such a large place by herself the city thought she couldn't handle it?
Yet letting a 13-year-old boy protect them was perfectly okay.
"Either way though, she won't talk to me about." Ashren murmured softly, placing the back of her hand to her forehead. "Me, her bestest friend in the world! Oh what cruel events fate has placed upon me!"
Chiro stared at the older girl dully. That was Ashren for you. Always taking things was to over-board. "M-Maybe she just needs a day off?" he suggested. He knew how hard it was to have such large responsibilities. Sometimes all the stress just pilled up so much that he felt like he would just burst if he tried to continue. However the monkeys helped him threw all those times. They supported him and gave him someone to talk to, to get out his frustrations.
Did Rain have anyone like that? Although she constantly listened to others problems, did she ever take the time to stat her own? Now that he thought about it, Rain had never once complained about anything since he came to know her. Never once did she whine, or cry about what was thrown at her.
She only praised for what she was given to her in her life.
"Hey, maybe you can talk to her pudding cup!' Ashren suggested.
"Right, whatever. Anyway, you've known her much longer then I have. Maybe you can persuade her to tell you what's been nipping at her nerves. Give a chance to shack off what is on her shoulders."
Rubbing his chin, Chiro nodded. "I can try."
"Great! Now go bring this to her." Forcing a steam hot of hot chocolate coffee into his hands, Ashren sent Chiro down the hall and on his way. Slowly walking down the hall as to not spill any of the drink, Chiro slowly made it to Rain's room.
Using his feet, he softly knocked on the door. "Uh… Rain?" he called.
First there was silence, then the sound of the doorknob turning. "Oh… Chiro?" the door slowly creaked open, and Rain came into sight.
Her long black hair had been pulled back, curling around her shoulders and back. Her bangs, hanging down as usual, covered her left eye, masking the beautiful light purple color.
"Hey Rain, brought you some of Ashren's Hot chocolate… coffee." Chiro still didn't understand how Ashren had come to mix these two things.
"Ah, thanks." Rain smiled carefully taking the cup from. "Would you like to come in?" Rain motioned for him to enter. Shrugging Chiro stepped in, not sure if it was okay or not to enter an older girls room. Surprisingly enough, this room wasn't much different from the ones upstairs. It had a single closet, a bed, but several of Rain's favorite band posters posted up on the wall.
Taking a small sip, Rain sat down on her bed, patting the spot next to her for Chiro to join her. Accepting the offer, Chiro hopped onto Chiro's bed, momentarily wondering how she was able to find one so soft.
"I'm surprised you came to visit today Chiro." Rain mumbled, placing her cup down of her bookstand.
"What do you mean?" Chiro tilted his head.
"Well, the city has been attacked a lot recently. So I thought you would be home, preparing for the next attack or resting." Rain looked at him, worried that the young boy might be over exerting himself.
Giving a small nod, he shrugged. "Nah, I'm fine. It's true the Skeleton King had been attacking much more frequently though. However, the monkeys and me are ready for him. We're used to this kind of stuff anyway." Chiro grinned at her. "I'm actually glad I came today. It feels like I'm getting a quick break from all the fighting and getting to hang out with friends."
Nodding, Rain smiled at him. "We'll you are always welcome here Chiro."
"Thanks." He paused, wondering if he should bring up the subject Ashren talked about with him. "So… how are you recently Rain?"
A little surprised by the question, she gave him a warm smile. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." She looked towards her purple covered carpet, her smile never fading.
"She is good at hiding her feelings, after all." Ashren's words echoed in her brain. Rain had always been good at hiding when she was worried or sad. He had come to realize that long ago.
"Are you sure about that?" he inquired. Startled, the glanced at him.
"Ashren's been worried about you, y'know. She is actually the one who told me you've seemed a little down lately." Chiro looked towards the cup of hot chocolate coffee Ashren had made.
"…Really now." Rain folded her arms, folding her legs over one another. "So she sent you here to check on me?" she chuckled.
"I came to make sure you were okay myself." Chiro insisted.
Rain fell silent. "Hmm, seems I can't keep a secret from you two for long." She chuckled dryly. "I guess you could say I've… 'been down' lately."
"Why?" Chiro asked.
Rain shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe I'm on my last leg of stamina? This place is getting harder and harder to run each day. Lately some things have been happening in the fun house that have made the city question if I can handle this place or not."
"What sort of things?" Chiro frowned.
Rain bit her bottom lip. "A few days ago on of the walls on the third floor collapse suddenly. Although it is fixed and much more sturdy now, one of the kids almost got crushed. Although there was no explanation to what caused it, the city is holding me responsible."
"That's ridiculous!" Chiro gasped.
Shrugging, Rain continued, "Stuff like that has been happening a lot lately. Rats were found in the basement, not sure how they got there. We cleaned and check that place every week. Then the railing on the roof suddenly fell off without any explanation either. The city just thinks that I'm not taking much time to check the safety of things in this place." Rain rubbed her temples. "Honestly, I'm starting to think they're right."
"That is impossible Rain. No one is more suited for this job then you! A few things broke, that happens. The city can't blame you for that. I mean, a lot of things in the city get broken everyday."
"Haha, that's true. Some are even broken by the hyper force, no?" Rain chuckled.
Chiro flinched. "Hehe, can't argue there. And that is exactly my point Rain. The monkeys and me don't intend for anything to break or get destroyed in our battles. Things still do anyway though due to the skeleton king. Most of the things you've been dealing with are just because of the buildings old age." Chiro insisted.
Nodding, she understood the point he tried to get across. "Yeah… I know."
Frowning at her, he tilted his head. "The Fun House isn't the only problem though, is it?"
Giving him a small frown, she shrugged. "Yeah Chiro. I'm afraid though… that's just a little too hard to talk about at the moment. I'm not even sure how to explain my problems to you threw words anyway." Rain sighed, running her hand threw her bangs.
"What do you mean?"
Rain looked at him, frowning. "I've been having dreams lately Chiro. Dreams of the past. Memories." She paused to take a deep breath. "Memories that I thought I had forgotten long ago. I think there is a reason though that I am remembering them now though. Like there is something important that I have to do, and I need your help to do them Chiro."
"Help? What sort of help?"
"I don't know yet. However, I think whatever it is, it is going to happen soon."
"Well, what sort of dreams have you been having?" Chiro asked.
Rain paused, hesitant to share. "Dreams of before my parents died. When I met… an old friend. And old friend that I think… is an enemy of yours."
Chiro frowned. What did she possibly mean by that? "An enemy? Who?"
Opening her mouth to answer, a large buzzer cut her off.
"Chiro! Come in Chiro!"
Looking towards his communicator, Chiro pressed down on it. "This is Chiro here, what is the problem Otto?" he asked.
"A large pack of formless was just picked up on our scanners. We need you towards the south-east part of the city, and quick!"
"Roger Otto. I'll be there soon. I'm sorry Rain, I have to go." Chiro jumped to his feet.
"I understand." Rain nodded softly, her face pale. Pausing to stare at her in worry, he took her hand. She looked up at him in surprise.
"Hey listen, don't push yourself too hard okay? I'll be right back Rain. We can finish talking about your odd dreams later, okay?"
Closing her mouth, she nodded. "…Yeah."
Giving her hand a comforting squeeze, Chiro ran for the door, bursting through it to run towards the exit, changing into his hyper form on the way.
Ashren watched him go, bringing her hand to her mouth. "Go get em' pudding cup!"
Rain, left alone in her room, stared down at her hand. It slowly began to tremble.
"I'll be right back Rain."
Bringing her hand to her chest, she clutched her shirt tightly. "…Right back, huh?" She murmured softly. "I think that is what I'm afraid of Chiro. What if you never come back? What if you leave forever… just like he did?" Flopping down on her bed, Rain hid her face in her sheets. "I don't even know what to do anymore." She mumbled into her covers. Slowly reaching her hand up, she reached for something that she had hidden under her pillow.
For some reason, although Chiro was gone, she felt as if she could talk to him a little bit better this way. When she couldn't see him.
Her words she desperately wanted to tell him spilled out of her mouth faster then she could stop them.
Too bad Chiro wasn't there to hear them.
"Because you see Chiro… I've remembered someone very important. Someone who I wish I never had. Someone who I know if you knew about, you might not be able to come here anymore. And what is worst, I don't understand why I remember him. From what you've told me, I should never have met him. But I did!"
Rain gritted her teeth. "I met him 10 years ago. I don't even understand how I did, but I met him. And Chiro… he was my friend Chiro. My very precious friend who disappeared. A friend you said you've fought many times already…."
Retracting the item from under her pillowcase, she examined it carefully.
It was but a toy. A stuffed animal in the shape of a monkey.
An orange monkey.
"I remember you… Mandarin."
)DUN DUN DUN( Important message, please read
Allie: What is with this cliffhanger! This preview?! Just a reminder this is a preview for my new story "I remember you" which will be out in a few days. Please tell me what you think of this odd preview! XD I'm really going to enjoy writing this story though, I can tell!
IMPORTANT QUESTION! PLEASE ANSWER!... IF you want of course ^_^"
Anyway guess, I need some OC's for the story "I remember you!"
This OC will probably be one of the kids that come to "The Fun House!"
You're OC can basically be any age from 2 to 17 :D
So if you want to add you're OC just send me a review saying the
Age: (2 to 17 please ^-^ Remember, this place is a place for kids)
Name: (Sarah, George Lucy, it doesn't matter. I welcome all names! XD)
Hair color: (Any colors welcomed! XD)
Eye Color: (Anything! XD Bring on the rainbow!)
Personality: (You can go wild with this one! Try to be specific!)
Background (if you want. Or I can just make up a random back ground for them): Example: A bad boy/girl who likes to smoke and doesn't get along great with their parents, but has an odd craving for chocolate. Doesn't like kids much, but enjoys a good rock band concert! Come to fun house because they like to get away from their parents for a while. (Something like that :D)
How would they react if they were suddenly kidnapped or attack by Skeleton King?!: (Scream at him, fear him? Try to punch him in the face? Punch, kick, and kill while taking names? Give me your best ideas! :D)
How do they think about Chiro?: (Do they like him? Hate him? Think he is adorable? Too childish? Weird? What?!)
How would they think about Rain (The person who of course runs the Fun house and lets them do whatever they want… as long as it doesn't injure others or themselves -_-): Example: (Likes her cause she is cool and lets them do what they want!) (Respects her) (Hates her because she is too irresponsible to let young kids run around like hooligans!) You get the idea ^_^