First off, I'd like to thank luvsvamps, you were like the little extra shove that I needed. I just recently got a fully functional computer after breaking mines, so that's why it took so long. So, I'm still a little brain dead, but I hope you can at least enjoy a little of it.

As my eyes began thrumming, I lied still as I was coming to. I could hear slight, uneven breathing; that's how I figured that I wasn't alone. Not trying to disturb the most likely sleeping vampire, I thought. How in the hell did I get into this? And willingly drag two people down with me? It's sick, and twisted, and really fucked up. stay quiet for a moment please? Cam's soft spoken voice was easily recognized, and I listened as she quietly padded across the floor and woke up who I believed was Caelus.

"Wh-umm" He cleared his voice, and I could hear him shifting in the chair that was pulled closely to the bed. It was like I could almost see him, tired eyes and wearily expression on his face.

"Why don't you go lie down for a while, I'll watch her" I was met with silence, and I could tell they were having a silent debate about it. I heard shifting, and then felt a pair of cold lips on my forehead, before his footsteps sounded as they made they're way out. She sat down, and waited for the sound of his door closing to speak.

"Hi" Her voice was still weak, and as I peeked my eyes open to look at her, her eyes were pink "The doctor is coming in an hour or so. I mean, Caelus did all he could to his doctoral ability" As she mumbled more and more about the doctor, she felt just so out of place, and she studdered a lot, not like the bright and shining Cam I met. She sat, twisting something in her hands, fumbling and almost dropping the white tube before she spoke again.

"Rissa, I-I" She paused, having trouble voicign her concerns "I-I uh, cleaned your wounds" She coughed, and laughed a little nervously "I saw, what-what that bastard did" She was visibly shaking "Bad, God it was so bad, we had to keep you drugged up half the morning, and even then; all you did was cry. Even know, your still kinda doped up but, I mean you don't hurt anymore do you?" No, I don't. There was a few strong knocks that sounded throught the house, and Cam looked towards the door.

"He's early, d-do you want me to stay with you?" I looked at her pleadingly, I couldn't do this on my own. She nodded, biting down on her bottom lip, trying to keep some of her composure as she went to answer the door. To be honest, I was scared, of everything, of anything really and I couldn't do it on my own. I could hear the muffled voices in the hallway, and I hated it. As she rounded the corner, the doctor behind her, I tensed. He looked, he looked like one of them. As I stared at the doctor, Cam came to my side, stealing away my attention.

"Hey, what is it? What's wrong?" I looked at her, as the tears began sliding down my cheek "Larissa?" Her voice was pleading, I wet my lips, they were rough, and dry as I tried to form words to talk to her. They didn't know, certain things I haven't told them, they shouldn't know! They..

"H-he" It felt as though someone tried to stab me in the throat, dry and painful "L-l-l-" I could feel more tears sliding down as a rough cough shook my throat, but I wanted to continue, I needed to "L-loo-ooks" I took a breath, it hurt the more I tried, like I was being rejected in the face of God "L-li-ke" My throat was itching, and badly, I wanted to scratch it, but it was there, the thick scar, not even begining to make an attempt to heal. Trying to find the rest of my voice, I glanced a look up at Cam, the bold red tracks trailing down her face. I sniffled, not glancing a look to the doctor. I tried to keep my focus on her, and trying to tell her what I wanted to say; not noticing the way my eyes wandered over to him. I snapped my eye shut, trying to recoil myself away from the both of them, turning painfully on my side which resulted in an painful cry. It was burning, my stomach was burning, and even then I tried to pull my legs to my chest, more tears slipping out as pain shot up my spine.

"Riss-" Cam's soft spoken voice wasn't enough as the memories bombarded my mind. I could feel their hands on me, pulling and yanking, shoving and pushing me and, a-and I hated it. I could feel his thick, fingers around my neck; and that one spot. It was more psychological torture than anything. I quickly reached up and tried to scratch away his kisses and the searing pain radiating in my neck and as I pulled my hand down, and open my eyes to see the dark red liquid staining my fingertips. Cam's nimble fingers gently pulled my hand toward her, as she cleaned the blood off of my fingers, her tears still coming as they were. The doctor reminded me too much of him, and I hated that.

"Thank you for your services Matthew, but they are no longer needed" His voice sounded strain, and I wouldn't look up at him, I couldn't.

"I see" The doctor nodded as he left the room, and Cam curled my hand, and held it close to her chest. She stared at me for a while, taking a strand of my hair and tucking it behind my ear. She looked at me lovingly, as I averted her eyes.

" you" She started singing softly, and brokenly "Hap-py you" She tried to weakly smile at me, shutting her eyes and letting her tears fall "Happy Birthday to Larissa, Happy Birthday to you" I looked at her, crying as she weakly smiled at me. Carefully, she stood, and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She sighed, and released me, getting up to sit at the end of the bed, as he took up the chair next to the bed. He leaned on his forearms, half hovering on the bed.

"You tried to talk" I kept my eyes averted from his gaze "Larissa" I kept my eyes were they were, firmly staring at his chest. To be honest, I wanted him close, to me. Without a word, he walked around the bed, and manuvered himself so that myhead would lie on his shoulder. Tell me a story I thought to him, and he leaned his head away to peer at me

"A story?" I looked up at him, as he showed a weak smile "A story it is, let me think-

"Remember th-the time we had to go get Rickie's grandma?" Cam's own little laugh peered out, slipping itself into the gloomy space.

"Would you like to hear that story?" I looked up as to tell him to continue, his arm snaking under my neck, and curling to lay on my shoulder.

"Rickie's a good friend of mines, he a vampire like us and his grandma" I watched an almost fond smile curling his lips "Had gotten into some weed brownies he had made and her and her bestfriend Betty stole his car and went to Vegas" Cam scooted closer to me,sitting in the chair resting her head by my hand.

"And she bit one of the male strippers" He laughed, his chest vibrating with laughter "That's how she got banned out of what-"

"Five" Caelus answered

"Five clubs" I wish I could laugh, it'd make this moment even better "You know, that was the first time Caelus got his ass whipped by a grandma" I could feel myself weakly smiling

"Did not, liar" Caelus told her, she smiled at him; I looked between the two, almost having a silent conversation amongst themselves. He leaned over, and pressed a kiss to my cheekbone.

"Stupid vampire" Cam grumbled as she sat on the windowseat, staring down at the note he left "Whah, I'm getting Jason to come" She imitated the elder vampire "bullshit" I looked at Cam tilting my head, trying to figure out the blonde's sudden rage against my new doctor. Her blonde curls bouncicng in fury along with her. And you won't like him" I was wondering what this 'Jason' had done to her.

"Jason's just a fucking jack rabbit; but, but he does know what he's doing" She said, fighting along with her conflicted self "It would be so much fucking better if he just checked you out his fucking self" I flinched and she caught on to her words, silently cursing herself for it.

"Rissa, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry" I nodded to her, trying to compose myself "I wasn't thinking" I stared down at the water, beneath the white bubbles.

"Your lips are getting better" I nodded, noticing the way the dots are now scabbing over. I still couldn't walk, too much pain for it "I just, I want somebody who you can be comfortable with you know?" I nodded, thinking about what she said.

"No don't, I'm stupid don't listen to me" but, it might be an okay idea. I mean instead of him trying so hard to track down a doctor that doesn't look like one of them he can't just do it himself. She looked at me, head tilted to the side as if she was carefully thinking "Do you really want him to see you like this? Over your injuries?" There's no one more that I trust than you and him, she looked at me, and she could almost feel guilty.

"Oh alright!" She said as I glared at her, and she exited to give him a call. By now, all my cuts had closed themselves up. Did I really want him to see the aftermath of this all?

"He said okay! And he told me that since he's already seen...them, and for me to put some antibacterial on them" I nodded, trying to move my legs. After Cam helped me out of the tub, and dressed, she told me that she had to put the cream on some of the cuts.

"You know, we can always put it off until tomorrow morning, it's kinda weird you know and on your birthday" She said, I hook my head no, and she nodded, folding my shirt over to reveal the cuts. With short, gentle movements, she began putting the white cream on my stomach.

"You know, sometimes it feels like I've know you forever" She said, a smile tugging at her lips; I know, me too.