1 The Inner Circle
Amber Johnson awoke to see daylight waning and dusk coming on fast. A timid knock sounded on her door as a voice called out to her: "Amber, it's time to get up!"
"Get a life, Derrick!" she shot back playfully. The top of a reddish- brown head poked into the room. The younger boy's jade-green eyes were sparkling with mischief.
"Did you forget what today is?" he asked seriously. Amber tilted her head and looked quizzically at her little brother.
"What's today?" Derrick sighed and put his hands on his hips. It was meant to be a chiding look, but Amber only giggled.
"You promised to get me inducted into the Circle." All at once Amber remembered. Derrick was fourteen, three years her junior. Amber and her friends had formed a group two years ago so they could have a say in local politics. She had promised to include her baby brother in the group when he was old enough. Tonight he was finally old enough.
"All right, let's go." Five minutes later they were dressed and cruising down the roads towards Angel's house. The motorcycle zipped down the street while Derrick clung tightly to his sister's waist. Angel's house stood like a blue-gray sentinel, guarding the wooded park behind it. They hopped off the bike and walked up the steps, where Amber knocked on the white door. Derrick was eyeing the three cars in the driveway, especially the black Ferrari, when Angel Redfern opened the door.
"Well, look who finally showed up," she teased. Her eyes swept over them, changing color from anxious violet to calm sea-green. Angel played with a strand of curly light-brown hair, allowing it to fall to her hips again. She and Amber led Derrick into the living room. At their entrance ten pairs of eyes turned towards them. Amber sat down among three boys, looking very comfortable in their presence. One took her hand and continued to stare at Derrick in curiosity, his steel-gray eyes fixed on the young man.
"Hello Derrick," he greeted politely. Derrick nodded respectfully.
"Hi Marik," he replied quietly, staring at the older teen. Amber ran her hand through Marik's dark-brown hair, making it stick up in places.
"Don't scare him," she teasingly ordered. With a sigh she leaned back into another boy. His black eyes seemed lifeless at first, but a glimmer of affection changed that. His reddish-brown hair was only a shade lighter than Derrick's, but was thicker and silkier, at least in Amber's opinion. The third boy of the quartet sat a little to the side but rested his head on Amber's knee. Eyes of emerald peeked through the shock of coal-black hair that fell across his face. Although none of the boys were dating the young woman, he still didn't like sharing her. But she made up for it when it was just them.
"Hi Daemon. Hello Jason," Derrick addressed each boy in turn. A young girl patted the seat next to her and Derrick sat down, meeting her smoke- gray eyes for a moment. Blaise Harman fluffed out her shoulder-length hair, as black as the darkest night. Her bright and innocent smile had snared many a man before, but Derrick wasn't a man quite yet.
"Can we get started?" an impatient voice wanted to know. The teen who had spoke stared at his friends through amber eyes while he stroked the top of the young girl's head that was in his lap. Her sunshine-blonde hair was like a curtain of golden silk across her face. A look of complete contentment sat dreamily on her lips.
"Kat," Angel whispered to her. She didn't respond. "Katarina," she called again. Still nothing. "Hey, kitty-witch!" The girl sat bolt upright, eyes wide open. She brushed her hair away from her face, exposing purple irises. Kat reached up and tussled her boyfriend's dirty-blonde hair, which just messed it up even further.
"Austin, just hold your horses." Austin sat back with a huff, but he smiled at the pretty girl in his arms.
"Okay, I call this meeting to order," Angel addressed the entire group. With a few last whispers everyone quieted down. The young man next to Angel spoke up.
"What's first on the agenda for tonight, Angel?" His voice sounded like melodious chimes, while at the same time held a note of deeper and darker things.
"Why don't you ask our Chronicler?" another boy asked from the back of the room. Amber turned around and met familiar hazel eyes. Her smile widened as he ran a hand through his shaggy hair. Its color went from brown to black depending on how the light hit it.
"Well hi, Sage. Didn't see you three sitting all the way back there," she told him. He tsked her in a teasing way while the couple next to him smiled at their friend. Derrick glanced back towards the shadowy wall as well. He recognized Sage Carter, the calm, rational teen who was wise beyond his seventeen years. But he had never seen the young couple before, and he had an uneasy feeling about the guy, almost as if he didn't belong in this group. Amber took out a thick notebook and a pen, reading to them from the last entry she'd made.
"It was decided at our last meeting by unanimous vote to induct into this Circle one Derrick Johnson-"
"Is there more than one?" the boy next to Sage interrupted. Olive eyes and a puff of orange hair clashed horribly with his freckles. The young woman beside him shook her head, allowing her red ringlets to swing freely. They quickly settled back to the tops of her shoulders.
"Peter, let Amber finish," she scolded. Peter Augustine smiled playfully at her but kept his mouth shut. Ruby Kitritch smiled at Amber using only her jade-green eyes. The younger girl nodded and continued.
"So pertaining to our decision last time, the induction ceremony will now take place," she told the twelve teens. The room was suddenly plunged into complete darkness.
"Thank you, Julian," Angel commented to the boy next to her. His moonlight-white hair shined like a beacon in the dark room. Julian's blue eyes glittered, making it hard to judge their actual color.
"Anything for you, my angel," he replied with his chiming voice. Daemon snaked his arm around Amber's waist, drawing her a little closer. Angel stood in the center of the room; all eyes focused on her.
"Two years ago seven of us created this group, Circle Starlight. We faced hazards and came out even stronger. Tonight when we induct Derrick we will also retake our own oaths to this Circle and each other. Let's begin." Amber shot a quick look at her brother and he immediately stood up.
"I'm ready," he said bravely, even though his voice cracked a little.
"Recite the oath," Angel ordered gently.
"I, Derrick Johnson, solemnly swear to uphold the Laws of the Night World and of Circle Starlight. I pledge my life to protecting this group, my new family." As soon as he was done speaking everyone stood up and recited the oath as well.
"I now declare Derrick Johnson the newest member of Circle Starlight!" Angel said enthusiastically. Cheers went up all over the room as the girls hugged him and the guys shook his hand.
"Let's go celebrate," Daemon suggested. Jason jumped up excitedly as Sage flicked on the lights.
"All right, a hunt!" the green-eyed teen shouted. They all went out the back door into the cool night, allowing the full moon to light their way into the thick woods.
"There should be a herd of deer somewhere around here," Kat said out loud. They stepped into a clearing and beheld a glorious sight. Twenty deer stood grazing on the dew-covered grass. Sage, Jason, and Ruby moved away from the group while Angel, Amber, Marik, Austin, and Derrick moved the other way. The remaining teens melted back into the bushes. Sage led his small group around to a position behind the herd. Angel's group went to the side. A sudden howl broke through the silent night and spooked the deer. Two black wolves and a red wolf took off in pursuit of one while Angel, Amber, and Marik picked out another. Austin and Derrick chased after a third animal. The three wolves caught their prey and tore into it, savoring the taste of fresh venison. Angel leaped over the deer's head to land in front of it, forcing the frightened animal to stop short. Marik and Amber dove on it from both sides. They all positioned themselves over its neck and felt their canines extend to delicate, needle-like points. The three vampires fed on the thrashing deer, Amber watching her brother and Austin bag their own catch.
"Good job," Angel congratulated her two friends as she licked a drop of blood off her mouth. She met Amber's ice-blue eyes and saw pride in them. Derrick was now a full member of CS. Peter came up with the red wolf at his side.
"I'll always be a watcher," he complained. The wolf stood up on its hind legs and twisted itself around until Ruby stood at Peter's side. Other than her slightly tussled hair, she looked perfect. Sage and Jason came over as well, brushing dirt off their clothes. Julian materialized out of the darkness to stand beside Angel. Daemon, Blaise, and Kat came walking up to join the group. Daemon ran his hands through Amber's ice-blonde hair, watching it fall to the middle of her back in silky strands. Blaise and Kat sent a small fireball into the sky, watching it send a shower of fireworks across the night sky.
"That was cool," Derrick said to his new friends. Austin slapped him across the back, a wide grin on his face.
"You did good, kid." The two smiled at each other, remembering the adrenaline rush. Derrick looked at all the faces of the other teens. Angel Redfern was a powerful lamia, even at eighteen. Coming from one of the most powerful and oldest vampire families, it was actually no surprise. She and Amber had started the Circle, and their close friendship had blossomed even further. Angel had even adopted Derrick as her younger brother, as she was an only child herself. The mysterious boy who was always at her side was Julian. Derrick only knew that he was a Shadow Man, and therefore older than time. He didn't want to ever get on Julian's bad side. Blaise Harman, the beautiful and dangerous witch, was a loyal friend to all who knew her. She specialized in bringing boys to their knees, a trait she seemed to have been born with. Katarina Vatavitch, the small Russian witch, was both child and teenager. Her childish looks combined with her intelligence to make her a very interesting person.
"Peter, we've already been through this. You can't become a Night Worlder. Just be happy being a human telepath," Sage was saying. Sage Carter was the wise Old-Soul, having been around in one form or another for thousands of years. This time around he was a werewolf. Jason Lidonne and Ruby were the other two wolves in the group. Ruby was a dancing seductress, using her animal grace to her advantage. She was almost as good as Blaise in snaring boys. Peter had fallen in love with her not just because of her looks and feminine wiles, but because Ruby was also one smart cookie. Jason was the introvert of the three. He only really spoke up when Amber, Marik, or Daemon were around. His small sub-group was as diverse as the whole Circle. He was the wolf, Daemon the witch, and Marik and Amber the vampires. Jason was a good listener and followed Angel or Amber's orders without question. Daemon Flash handled the magic aspect of the group. At twenty he was older than everyone with the exception of Julian. Although he was older than Kat or Blaise, he had to listen to them. Witch women ruled their families, and while boys were a welcome change to daughters, the men always obeyed the women. That made it easy for him to listen to Angel and Amber.
"Come on, Derrick! We're heading back!" Blaise called back. He jogged to catch up and walked next to her. Kat and Austin were walking hand in hand on his other side. Austin Tyler was the younger of the two brothers. His looks made him appear twelve or so, which made him and Kat a perfect couple. He was a goof-around who rarely took anything seriously, but when the need arose he was immense help. Austin had befriended Derrick two years ago when Marik had begun hanging around with Amber. Marik Tyler was the older and more rational of the two. At nineteen he was younger than only Daemon and Julian. As a lamia, a born vampire, Marik tried to rule over the girls. Unfortunately, they were all too independent to take orders from him. And Amber usually put him in his place anyway. While Angel ruled the entire group, Derrick was sure his sister's "harem" was loyal to her a little bit more.
"Home sweet home," Angel commented as they reached her backyard. They were about to go inside when suddenly they all felt a strange power signature. Something was out there in the darkness, and it didn't seem very friendly. Derrick stopped short while Austin pulled Kat to a halt beside him. The hair on the back of Ruby's neck was standing straight up and Sage started silently sniffing the wind. Jason growled softly as Amber began scanning the darkness. Julian vanished into the shadows, searching for danger. Marik came up behind Amber and listened carefully for any strange noises. Angel stood in a slight fighting stance, ready to attack or retreat at a moment's notice. Blaise and Kat moved up onto the deck while Daemon grabbed Peter and followed. When the witches and the human were safely out of the way, Angel called out into the darkness.
"Come out and show yourselves!" Laughter followed her command, grating on the group's nerves.
"Make us!" a voice taunted as more laughter was heard. Amber stiffened and grabbed Marik and Jason's hands.
"What's wrong?" Jason wanted to know.
"I know that voice."
"Who is it?" Marik asked gently.
"The cheetah-bitch." Both boys stared into her eyes, seeing only cold ice where color had once been. The Ice Princess was back. Derrick's eyes widened as he saw people emerging from the shadows. A girl with wheat- blonde hair down to her shoulders stood by Angel's front gate. Her grass- green eyes matched her smirking mouth, which was a cherry-red from all her lipstick. She met Amber's eyes and her eyes probably couldn't have smirked any more without exploding.
"Hello Gepard," Angel addressed the girl in a flat tone.
"Hi Angel, long time no see." Jason and Marik had a firm grip on Amber's hands, keeping her in one spot. Daemon came up behind her and looped his arms around her waist. Kat stood beside Austin and took his hand while Blaise draped a casual arm over Derrick's shoulders. Ruby looped her arms around Peter, hugging him tight. Julian reappeared beside Angel, startling a few of Gepard's group.
"What do you want, Gepard?" Amber demanded, her words clipped and harsh. The younger girl pulled back in mock hurt.
"There's no need to be nasty, Amber. What did I ever do to you?" she asked innocently. The three boys all held Amber tightly. She just turned around and whispered to them:
"I do have some self-control." Gepard and two others moved up to stand in front of Angel. The girl had thick black hair that was pinned to the top of her head with a silver clip. Her eyes seemed to be made of pure obsidian, glinting in the harsh yellow of the porch light. The boy had bleach-blonde hair, clearly from a bottle. Sky-blue eyes stared down menacingly at all of them. Amber moved to stand beside Angel and Julian while the others fanned out. Daemon, Marik, and Jason stayed near Amber.
"What do you want, Gepard?" Angel echoed. She was starting to get annoyed. Gepard looked at her comrades for a moment before answering.
"I want my place in the Circle restored. And I want my new friends to be able to join."
"You know that's not possible. After you attacked Amber and Marik we told you not to come back. You're not welcome here, Gepard," Julian bluntly pointed out.
"But you need me," the young 'shifter argued. Amber stared at her.
"No we don't, bitch."
"Don't talk to her like that," another high voice scolded. The dark- haired girl had finally spoken.
"Who are you?" Blaise demanded, putting one hand on her hip. Gepard smiled mockingly at the beautiful witch.
"This is Shadoe. And this sexy hunk of muscle is Cody. And I believe you know my other friend," she introduced as another girl walked into the light. Her curly, flaming-red hair gave the illusion of a crown of fire around her head. Eyes of mahogany held a secret smile. Angel stared at her in mild shock. It was a rare day that anything shocked Angel.
"Corinne?" The young made-vampire threw back her head and laughed harshly, like there was a secret joke going on.
"Hi Angel, did you miss me?" Then she turned to Amber. "Tyrna says hi." Derrick and his sister both narrowed their eyes and glared at her. Tyrna Goddard was Amber's childhood friend and like a third sister to Derrick. What was going on?
"If you hurt her Corinne, I swear I'll do the same to you," Amber threatened. Gepard and Corinne laughed at her, the horrible tones echoing into the darkness.
"Get lost, cheetah," Ruby said with scorn. Corinne hissed at her, but Jason and Ruby just growled back.
"Leave while you still can," Austin advised bitterly. Gepard stared at him for a moment.
"Anything for you, Austin. And by the way Angel, Circle Starglow challenges Circle Starlight for area control. Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the clearing. I look forward to seeing Derrick there too." With those words she and her crew vanished silently into the night. Amber resisted the urge to follow her ex-best friend. She would wait until tomorrow night to exact her revenge. Angel faced the group with a stern look on her face.
"Everyone inside now," she ordered. No one argued. Austin locked the front door while Derrick, Peter, Sage, and Marik locked the windows and pulled down the shades. Daemon, Kat, and Blaise put wards around the entire house, which would warn them if anyone tried to break in. Jason, Julian, Ruby, Amber, and Angel pulled out cots, pillows, blankets, and also uncovered the emergency clothes. Tonight there would be safety in numbers. Everyone sat down in a jumble to think and talk about what had just happened, and what they were going to do about it.
"What was that all about?" Derrick asked the question they were all thinking about. Angel and Amber glanced at each other in silent understanding before looking at their little brother.
"Brace yourself, honey. It's a long story," Angel finally replied. They all got comfortable as she narrated the tale of treachery and betrayal.
Amber Johnson awoke to see daylight waning and dusk coming on fast. A timid knock sounded on her door as a voice called out to her: "Amber, it's time to get up!"
"Get a life, Derrick!" she shot back playfully. The top of a reddish- brown head poked into the room. The younger boy's jade-green eyes were sparkling with mischief.
"Did you forget what today is?" he asked seriously. Amber tilted her head and looked quizzically at her little brother.
"What's today?" Derrick sighed and put his hands on his hips. It was meant to be a chiding look, but Amber only giggled.
"You promised to get me inducted into the Circle." All at once Amber remembered. Derrick was fourteen, three years her junior. Amber and her friends had formed a group two years ago so they could have a say in local politics. She had promised to include her baby brother in the group when he was old enough. Tonight he was finally old enough.
"All right, let's go." Five minutes later they were dressed and cruising down the roads towards Angel's house. The motorcycle zipped down the street while Derrick clung tightly to his sister's waist. Angel's house stood like a blue-gray sentinel, guarding the wooded park behind it. They hopped off the bike and walked up the steps, where Amber knocked on the white door. Derrick was eyeing the three cars in the driveway, especially the black Ferrari, when Angel Redfern opened the door.
"Well, look who finally showed up," she teased. Her eyes swept over them, changing color from anxious violet to calm sea-green. Angel played with a strand of curly light-brown hair, allowing it to fall to her hips again. She and Amber led Derrick into the living room. At their entrance ten pairs of eyes turned towards them. Amber sat down among three boys, looking very comfortable in their presence. One took her hand and continued to stare at Derrick in curiosity, his steel-gray eyes fixed on the young man.
"Hello Derrick," he greeted politely. Derrick nodded respectfully.
"Hi Marik," he replied quietly, staring at the older teen. Amber ran her hand through Marik's dark-brown hair, making it stick up in places.
"Don't scare him," she teasingly ordered. With a sigh she leaned back into another boy. His black eyes seemed lifeless at first, but a glimmer of affection changed that. His reddish-brown hair was only a shade lighter than Derrick's, but was thicker and silkier, at least in Amber's opinion. The third boy of the quartet sat a little to the side but rested his head on Amber's knee. Eyes of emerald peeked through the shock of coal-black hair that fell across his face. Although none of the boys were dating the young woman, he still didn't like sharing her. But she made up for it when it was just them.
"Hi Daemon. Hello Jason," Derrick addressed each boy in turn. A young girl patted the seat next to her and Derrick sat down, meeting her smoke- gray eyes for a moment. Blaise Harman fluffed out her shoulder-length hair, as black as the darkest night. Her bright and innocent smile had snared many a man before, but Derrick wasn't a man quite yet.
"Can we get started?" an impatient voice wanted to know. The teen who had spoke stared at his friends through amber eyes while he stroked the top of the young girl's head that was in his lap. Her sunshine-blonde hair was like a curtain of golden silk across her face. A look of complete contentment sat dreamily on her lips.
"Kat," Angel whispered to her. She didn't respond. "Katarina," she called again. Still nothing. "Hey, kitty-witch!" The girl sat bolt upright, eyes wide open. She brushed her hair away from her face, exposing purple irises. Kat reached up and tussled her boyfriend's dirty-blonde hair, which just messed it up even further.
"Austin, just hold your horses." Austin sat back with a huff, but he smiled at the pretty girl in his arms.
"Okay, I call this meeting to order," Angel addressed the entire group. With a few last whispers everyone quieted down. The young man next to Angel spoke up.
"What's first on the agenda for tonight, Angel?" His voice sounded like melodious chimes, while at the same time held a note of deeper and darker things.
"Why don't you ask our Chronicler?" another boy asked from the back of the room. Amber turned around and met familiar hazel eyes. Her smile widened as he ran a hand through his shaggy hair. Its color went from brown to black depending on how the light hit it.
"Well hi, Sage. Didn't see you three sitting all the way back there," she told him. He tsked her in a teasing way while the couple next to him smiled at their friend. Derrick glanced back towards the shadowy wall as well. He recognized Sage Carter, the calm, rational teen who was wise beyond his seventeen years. But he had never seen the young couple before, and he had an uneasy feeling about the guy, almost as if he didn't belong in this group. Amber took out a thick notebook and a pen, reading to them from the last entry she'd made.
"It was decided at our last meeting by unanimous vote to induct into this Circle one Derrick Johnson-"
"Is there more than one?" the boy next to Sage interrupted. Olive eyes and a puff of orange hair clashed horribly with his freckles. The young woman beside him shook her head, allowing her red ringlets to swing freely. They quickly settled back to the tops of her shoulders.
"Peter, let Amber finish," she scolded. Peter Augustine smiled playfully at her but kept his mouth shut. Ruby Kitritch smiled at Amber using only her jade-green eyes. The younger girl nodded and continued.
"So pertaining to our decision last time, the induction ceremony will now take place," she told the twelve teens. The room was suddenly plunged into complete darkness.
"Thank you, Julian," Angel commented to the boy next to her. His moonlight-white hair shined like a beacon in the dark room. Julian's blue eyes glittered, making it hard to judge their actual color.
"Anything for you, my angel," he replied with his chiming voice. Daemon snaked his arm around Amber's waist, drawing her a little closer. Angel stood in the center of the room; all eyes focused on her.
"Two years ago seven of us created this group, Circle Starlight. We faced hazards and came out even stronger. Tonight when we induct Derrick we will also retake our own oaths to this Circle and each other. Let's begin." Amber shot a quick look at her brother and he immediately stood up.
"I'm ready," he said bravely, even though his voice cracked a little.
"Recite the oath," Angel ordered gently.
"I, Derrick Johnson, solemnly swear to uphold the Laws of the Night World and of Circle Starlight. I pledge my life to protecting this group, my new family." As soon as he was done speaking everyone stood up and recited the oath as well.
"I now declare Derrick Johnson the newest member of Circle Starlight!" Angel said enthusiastically. Cheers went up all over the room as the girls hugged him and the guys shook his hand.
"Let's go celebrate," Daemon suggested. Jason jumped up excitedly as Sage flicked on the lights.
"All right, a hunt!" the green-eyed teen shouted. They all went out the back door into the cool night, allowing the full moon to light their way into the thick woods.
"There should be a herd of deer somewhere around here," Kat said out loud. They stepped into a clearing and beheld a glorious sight. Twenty deer stood grazing on the dew-covered grass. Sage, Jason, and Ruby moved away from the group while Angel, Amber, Marik, Austin, and Derrick moved the other way. The remaining teens melted back into the bushes. Sage led his small group around to a position behind the herd. Angel's group went to the side. A sudden howl broke through the silent night and spooked the deer. Two black wolves and a red wolf took off in pursuit of one while Angel, Amber, and Marik picked out another. Austin and Derrick chased after a third animal. The three wolves caught their prey and tore into it, savoring the taste of fresh venison. Angel leaped over the deer's head to land in front of it, forcing the frightened animal to stop short. Marik and Amber dove on it from both sides. They all positioned themselves over its neck and felt their canines extend to delicate, needle-like points. The three vampires fed on the thrashing deer, Amber watching her brother and Austin bag their own catch.
"Good job," Angel congratulated her two friends as she licked a drop of blood off her mouth. She met Amber's ice-blue eyes and saw pride in them. Derrick was now a full member of CS. Peter came up with the red wolf at his side.
"I'll always be a watcher," he complained. The wolf stood up on its hind legs and twisted itself around until Ruby stood at Peter's side. Other than her slightly tussled hair, she looked perfect. Sage and Jason came over as well, brushing dirt off their clothes. Julian materialized out of the darkness to stand beside Angel. Daemon, Blaise, and Kat came walking up to join the group. Daemon ran his hands through Amber's ice-blonde hair, watching it fall to the middle of her back in silky strands. Blaise and Kat sent a small fireball into the sky, watching it send a shower of fireworks across the night sky.
"That was cool," Derrick said to his new friends. Austin slapped him across the back, a wide grin on his face.
"You did good, kid." The two smiled at each other, remembering the adrenaline rush. Derrick looked at all the faces of the other teens. Angel Redfern was a powerful lamia, even at eighteen. Coming from one of the most powerful and oldest vampire families, it was actually no surprise. She and Amber had started the Circle, and their close friendship had blossomed even further. Angel had even adopted Derrick as her younger brother, as she was an only child herself. The mysterious boy who was always at her side was Julian. Derrick only knew that he was a Shadow Man, and therefore older than time. He didn't want to ever get on Julian's bad side. Blaise Harman, the beautiful and dangerous witch, was a loyal friend to all who knew her. She specialized in bringing boys to their knees, a trait she seemed to have been born with. Katarina Vatavitch, the small Russian witch, was both child and teenager. Her childish looks combined with her intelligence to make her a very interesting person.
"Peter, we've already been through this. You can't become a Night Worlder. Just be happy being a human telepath," Sage was saying. Sage Carter was the wise Old-Soul, having been around in one form or another for thousands of years. This time around he was a werewolf. Jason Lidonne and Ruby were the other two wolves in the group. Ruby was a dancing seductress, using her animal grace to her advantage. She was almost as good as Blaise in snaring boys. Peter had fallen in love with her not just because of her looks and feminine wiles, but because Ruby was also one smart cookie. Jason was the introvert of the three. He only really spoke up when Amber, Marik, or Daemon were around. His small sub-group was as diverse as the whole Circle. He was the wolf, Daemon the witch, and Marik and Amber the vampires. Jason was a good listener and followed Angel or Amber's orders without question. Daemon Flash handled the magic aspect of the group. At twenty he was older than everyone with the exception of Julian. Although he was older than Kat or Blaise, he had to listen to them. Witch women ruled their families, and while boys were a welcome change to daughters, the men always obeyed the women. That made it easy for him to listen to Angel and Amber.
"Come on, Derrick! We're heading back!" Blaise called back. He jogged to catch up and walked next to her. Kat and Austin were walking hand in hand on his other side. Austin Tyler was the younger of the two brothers. His looks made him appear twelve or so, which made him and Kat a perfect couple. He was a goof-around who rarely took anything seriously, but when the need arose he was immense help. Austin had befriended Derrick two years ago when Marik had begun hanging around with Amber. Marik Tyler was the older and more rational of the two. At nineteen he was younger than only Daemon and Julian. As a lamia, a born vampire, Marik tried to rule over the girls. Unfortunately, they were all too independent to take orders from him. And Amber usually put him in his place anyway. While Angel ruled the entire group, Derrick was sure his sister's "harem" was loyal to her a little bit more.
"Home sweet home," Angel commented as they reached her backyard. They were about to go inside when suddenly they all felt a strange power signature. Something was out there in the darkness, and it didn't seem very friendly. Derrick stopped short while Austin pulled Kat to a halt beside him. The hair on the back of Ruby's neck was standing straight up and Sage started silently sniffing the wind. Jason growled softly as Amber began scanning the darkness. Julian vanished into the shadows, searching for danger. Marik came up behind Amber and listened carefully for any strange noises. Angel stood in a slight fighting stance, ready to attack or retreat at a moment's notice. Blaise and Kat moved up onto the deck while Daemon grabbed Peter and followed. When the witches and the human were safely out of the way, Angel called out into the darkness.
"Come out and show yourselves!" Laughter followed her command, grating on the group's nerves.
"Make us!" a voice taunted as more laughter was heard. Amber stiffened and grabbed Marik and Jason's hands.
"What's wrong?" Jason wanted to know.
"I know that voice."
"Who is it?" Marik asked gently.
"The cheetah-bitch." Both boys stared into her eyes, seeing only cold ice where color had once been. The Ice Princess was back. Derrick's eyes widened as he saw people emerging from the shadows. A girl with wheat- blonde hair down to her shoulders stood by Angel's front gate. Her grass- green eyes matched her smirking mouth, which was a cherry-red from all her lipstick. She met Amber's eyes and her eyes probably couldn't have smirked any more without exploding.
"Hello Gepard," Angel addressed the girl in a flat tone.
"Hi Angel, long time no see." Jason and Marik had a firm grip on Amber's hands, keeping her in one spot. Daemon came up behind her and looped his arms around her waist. Kat stood beside Austin and took his hand while Blaise draped a casual arm over Derrick's shoulders. Ruby looped her arms around Peter, hugging him tight. Julian reappeared beside Angel, startling a few of Gepard's group.
"What do you want, Gepard?" Amber demanded, her words clipped and harsh. The younger girl pulled back in mock hurt.
"There's no need to be nasty, Amber. What did I ever do to you?" she asked innocently. The three boys all held Amber tightly. She just turned around and whispered to them:
"I do have some self-control." Gepard and two others moved up to stand in front of Angel. The girl had thick black hair that was pinned to the top of her head with a silver clip. Her eyes seemed to be made of pure obsidian, glinting in the harsh yellow of the porch light. The boy had bleach-blonde hair, clearly from a bottle. Sky-blue eyes stared down menacingly at all of them. Amber moved to stand beside Angel and Julian while the others fanned out. Daemon, Marik, and Jason stayed near Amber.
"What do you want, Gepard?" Angel echoed. She was starting to get annoyed. Gepard looked at her comrades for a moment before answering.
"I want my place in the Circle restored. And I want my new friends to be able to join."
"You know that's not possible. After you attacked Amber and Marik we told you not to come back. You're not welcome here, Gepard," Julian bluntly pointed out.
"But you need me," the young 'shifter argued. Amber stared at her.
"No we don't, bitch."
"Don't talk to her like that," another high voice scolded. The dark- haired girl had finally spoken.
"Who are you?" Blaise demanded, putting one hand on her hip. Gepard smiled mockingly at the beautiful witch.
"This is Shadoe. And this sexy hunk of muscle is Cody. And I believe you know my other friend," she introduced as another girl walked into the light. Her curly, flaming-red hair gave the illusion of a crown of fire around her head. Eyes of mahogany held a secret smile. Angel stared at her in mild shock. It was a rare day that anything shocked Angel.
"Corinne?" The young made-vampire threw back her head and laughed harshly, like there was a secret joke going on.
"Hi Angel, did you miss me?" Then she turned to Amber. "Tyrna says hi." Derrick and his sister both narrowed their eyes and glared at her. Tyrna Goddard was Amber's childhood friend and like a third sister to Derrick. What was going on?
"If you hurt her Corinne, I swear I'll do the same to you," Amber threatened. Gepard and Corinne laughed at her, the horrible tones echoing into the darkness.
"Get lost, cheetah," Ruby said with scorn. Corinne hissed at her, but Jason and Ruby just growled back.
"Leave while you still can," Austin advised bitterly. Gepard stared at him for a moment.
"Anything for you, Austin. And by the way Angel, Circle Starglow challenges Circle Starlight for area control. Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the clearing. I look forward to seeing Derrick there too." With those words she and her crew vanished silently into the night. Amber resisted the urge to follow her ex-best friend. She would wait until tomorrow night to exact her revenge. Angel faced the group with a stern look on her face.
"Everyone inside now," she ordered. No one argued. Austin locked the front door while Derrick, Peter, Sage, and Marik locked the windows and pulled down the shades. Daemon, Kat, and Blaise put wards around the entire house, which would warn them if anyone tried to break in. Jason, Julian, Ruby, Amber, and Angel pulled out cots, pillows, blankets, and also uncovered the emergency clothes. Tonight there would be safety in numbers. Everyone sat down in a jumble to think and talk about what had just happened, and what they were going to do about it.
"What was that all about?" Derrick asked the question they were all thinking about. Angel and Amber glanced at each other in silent understanding before looking at their little brother.
"Brace yourself, honey. It's a long story," Angel finally replied. They all got comfortable as she narrated the tale of treachery and betrayal.