"I'm going up to ask Erin over for supper." Penelope smiled at Dave, rubbing her stomach. "Do you want to ask Aaron over?"
He looked up from the file he was reviewing and nodded. "You know, she called him while we were on our last case. Morgan ribbed him about his new girlfriend and he gave him the darkest look. He has no idea the whole team is in on this."
"That is hilarious, love. I'll be back in just a few minutes." Penelope left his office, her hips swaying as she walked. He leaned back in his chair, waiting for Penelope to get up to Erin's office before he made his move. He decided to check his email while he waited and wrote back to his publisher about the status of his next book.
When that had been sent, he stood and went next door to Hotch's office. Knocking twice, he went in. Aaron was bent over a stack of files, filling out reports and then setting them aside. "Hey Hotch, Penny wants to know if you want to come over for supper tonight."
"Adults only?" he asked as he looked up.
"Yes, if you don't mind."
"Let me call Jessica then and see if she can watch Jack tonight." He pulled out his cell and dialed a number. "Hi, Jess, it's me. Would it be possible for you to watch Jack tonight? I've been invited to dinner with a friend. Great, thank you so much. I don't know what time I'll be home. Of course, Jack likes Tom. He'll love it if you tell him that. Congratulations. Talk to you later."
He hung up and Dave smiled. "So, Jack's going to have a new uncle soon?"
"Very astute. And yes, he is. Tom asked her last night."
"On a Thrusday?"
"It was their eight month anniversary. What time do you want me over?"
"Around 6:30 would be great. Make sure you don't lose track of time, Penny would be upset if you weren't there."
"She's nesting. Haley did the same thing about this time in her pregnancy. I can't begin to remember how many dinners we had as she pulled all her friends and family closer to her. How's the baby doing?"
"Dr. Heth said her development is right on track with other fetuses and there doesn't seem to be any lasting problems from the earlier spotting. Did you and Haley lose a baby at some point, too?"
"Yeah, when she was about three months along. Even Jack was high risk, so she had tobe on bed rest with him for so long. I wanted another, but I couldn't put her through that again. You have a good thing going here, Dave."
"Don't I know it, Aaron. I'll see you tonight." Dave left the office and met Penelope in the hall. "Is it a go on your end?"
"Of course. And you?"
"Yes. About 6:30." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Does she suspect anything?"
"No, she thinks it will be just the three of us." He nodded and led her into the tech cave. "So, we'll leave at five today then to make certain we start supper this time."
"Whatever you want, Kitten." He kissed her cheek as she sat down in front of her screens.
At about four, he got an interoffice call from Penelope. "So, I'm having supper delivered. Irene decided that the last hour should be spent in the bathroom, and I do not feel like standing in front of the stove when we get home."
"Honey, are you sure you're okay? The morning sickness should have abated by now."
"For most women, it does. I could be one of those lucky ones that has it the entire pregnancy. At least it's not so bad that I need IV fluids constantly. And besides, Anderson had pickled beets for lunch and I think the smell set me off more than anything." He heard her gag a little even at the mention of the food.
"At least you know to avoid them in the future."
"You're right there, my sweet profiler. The caterer will be at the house at six, so we can leave a little later if you want."
"Or a little earlier. You sound tired."
"A little. A nap would be nice before supper. But I can do that here, if you promise to wake me around five to go home."
"I promise." She sighed happily and hung up. He waited ten minutes and then went down to check on his wife. She'd put her glasses on the table and was curled up on her couch, her arms wrapped around her stomach.
Smiling, he knelt down and kissed her forehead before relaxing against the couch. He listened to her even breathing, a sense of peace filling his heart. As the door opened minutes later, Dave looked up, his reverie interrupted. "Oh, hello, David. I wasn't expecting to see you here. I was hoping Penelope would be able to help me begin to get in touch with Georgia. I thought I'd write to her first. That way I can have the space of the post office's timetable."
Erin sank down on the floor next to him, resting her head against the couch to look at him. "Do you have any idea what you want to say to her?"
"No," she replied quickly, looking at the ceiling. Soon, there were more footsteps outside Penelope's door and Morgan came in, a wide smile on his face. "Hello, Derek."
"Your aftershave is quite distinctive. Can we help you with anything?"
"Just wanted to check in on Penelope. But how are you?" There was real concern in his voice and Dave felt himself nod in approval at the younger man.
"I guess you could say I have Georgia on my mind." She held out her hand to Derek and he helped her to stand. "When she wakes, will you ask her to bring the address home tonight? I want to get started before I lose my nerve." She brushed past Morgan and disappeared from sight. Rossi sighed, shaking his head.
"What is it, old man?"
"No matter how hard we try to move on, the past still clings to us like cobwebs."
"I wish I understood her better," Morgan said as he sat next to Rossi, taking Erin's spot. "She seems so different around Baby Girl, so free."
"It's because she trusts my wife with her secrets. After Erik committed suicide, she asked the same thing of Penny that you asked of me. Maybe we're all looking for someone to tell us something that will save us."
"Or we could be looking for the person that will be willing to save us, honey." Penelope sat up, stretching as she yawned. "Your conversations make for odd dreams." She scooted down onto the floor between them, resting her head against his shoulder.
Rossi laughed. "I suppose they would." Looking at his watch, he saw it was nearly five. "Do you want to get ready to head out?"
"Sure thing."
"And remember to make a copy of the address for Erin. She's ready." Penelope nodded as they helped her to her feet. Once she was in front of her computer monitors, Dave left, taking Morgan with him.
"So, what's in Georgia that's so important to Strauss?"
"Erin's just doing some genealogical work and found a branch of the family there. I guess there was bad blood between the family at some point many years ago, and she's a bit nervous about dredging up old hurts."
"I see. Well, Reid, Seaver, and I are going to head out to eat and then hit the clubs. You guys are more than welcome to join us."
Dave motioned with his head to Aaron's office. "We already have plans for tonight." Morgan just smiled and nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes.
After they'd gotten home, Penelope insisted on setting the table, and she was just finishing as the doorbell rang. "Dave, that's the caterer's."
"I'll get it then." He went to the front door and opened it. "Hi, follow me." He led the young woman into the kitchen and took the bags from her hands before paying her. "Penny, will you give me a hand here?"
She came into the kitchen and took the lighter of the bags. He followed her back into the dining room and they plated the food quickly before covering it. Not five minutes later, the doorbell rang again and he went to see who it was. Hotch was on the doorstep, holding a bottle of wine. Behind him, Dave could see Erin pulling into the driveway.
"Come on in, Penny's in the dining room. You can join her."
"Or I could wait for Erin." He fixed Dave with a long, assessing look. "So, is it you, or Penelope, that's trying to fix us up here?"
"Neither. Penelope just wants her friends to be happy. And I know you like her. You don't send flowers to someone you don't like."
Hotch blushed faintly, looking for something to say. Before he could find words, Erin was at his side. "So, tonight's a quartet," she softly said as she touched Hotch's arm. He held out his elbow and she placed her hand on it as he led her inside.
Throughout the meal, Dave watched the tension build between their friends with each word spoken, each accidental touch. "Shall we head to the den?" he asked when they'd finished eating. Hotch helped Erin up and led her into the other room. "We'll be there shortly with drinks," Dave called after them.
"So, do you think it's working?" Penelope asked excitedly as she poured Hotch's wine into three glasses.
"Most definitely, my dear." He took a glass and together they went back to the den. Dave quietly opened the door and stepped inside, followed by Penelope. He smiled as he saw Aaron and Erin on the sofa, wrapped up in each other. He coughed discreetly and the pair sprang apart, both blushing and breathing heavily.
Erin stood and went over to Penelope, taking a glass of wine and sipping at it, obviously trying to occupy herself. "I should go, Jack's probably waiting for me to get home," Hotch said, his gaze lingering on Erin. She nodded, biting her lip, and Dave saw her eyes glitter with tears. "We'll talk Monday," he said, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Monday," Erin echoed as he left the room. A small giggle escaped her lips and Dave knew for certain their plan was working.