Who went to AMA? *raises hand* wasn't it bloody awesome!
So I'm off to England (at the first stop before we cross the atlantic). I'm always go to visit old friends and this time around my fiance and I are checking out Oxford. I might go there if I like it. My uncle just got married. I'll be going to Greece in a couple of weeks to visit with my family. I tell you this in case my updating gets a little scarce!
Harry refused to leave Draco's side until Madam Pomfrey ushered him out and shut the door in his face. Harry immediately returned to next day and crept to the door pushing it to peer inside. The nurse was nowhere in sight and he could see Draco lying down and turned away from him. Harry smiled and pushed the door a little further but froze when he saw his lover speaking to someone. A woman with pale skin and long blonde hair. He swallowed, recognizing her immediately. It was Narcissa, Draco's mother.
"Draco, I am so sorry." She whispered shaken, holding her son's hand tightly and acting as though her only son was on his death bed. "I had no idea. Lucius said you simply hadn't written. I didn't know he'd-. I'm so sorry, Draco."
"Mum, it's okay. I mean, I'm okay now." Draco looked down at his hands in his lap, swallowing. Harry could tell Draco was lying to both his mother and himself. Draco forced a smile for his mother when he saw her skepticism. "Well, I'm not in any pain anymore."
"Oh, Draco," she whispered, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair from her son's saddened expression. She watched him briefly and took a deep breath. "I never dreamed Lucius would turn you over to the Dark Lord like that. Maybe as a follower or something, but never as a toy. You two had always been close-."
A sob escaped Draco's lips. Harry's heart clenched as he watched Draco crumble completely. "H-He was going to torture me. Th-The Dark Lord s-suggested it a-and father said he would." Harry wanted to run in and collect his boyfriend in his arms and hold him as tightly as he could and kiss away his tears and give him all the worlds just to make him smile again. However, he stopped himself. Narcissa stood up and sat on the bed pulling her son into her arms and holding him. She whispered softly to him, stroking his hair, trying to calm him down as he shook and cried.
Harry slowly backed away, tearing himself from the scene. At least one of his parents is sensible. He thought, stopping at the top of the stairs and catching his breath. His chest still throbbed. He rested against the mantle railing, closing his eyes. He always knew Draco's father had spoiled him with expensive things whenever his son asked. However, he now knew that Draco only got real affection from his mother. Harry felt a swell of rage. He wanted to kill Lucius for putting Draco through such emotional turmoil. He breathed, trying to suppress his anger. Draco had been right; he was the only one that could reserve the right for revenge.
Harry didn't see Draco again until Christmas. However, he was not completely without him. He continued to think constantly about the boy's well being and hoped he was recovering quickly. He wondered how long Narcissa had stayed with her son and was curious to know what else they talked about. Would Draco tell his mother he was seeing Harry Potter? Would Narcissa have the same reaction as Lucius had when he simply thought Draco was gay? What was Draco doing now?
Christmas morning dawned and Harry awoke to find a small mound of presents at the foot of his bed. He opened them all alone in the deserted dormitory. There was the usual sweater and treats from Mrs. Weasley. Ron had given him some Quiditch equipment and a book on caring for Firebolts. Hermione had sent him a self-updating book that told him wizarding world events. He shook his head, but smiled as the book updated itself for the day. He set it all aside and found a thin box and a square box resting at the bottom of his pile. He unwrapped the first and pulled out a gold chain with a glittering Gryffindor lion resting on it carved out of ruby.
Harry looked around for a card and found a small scroll resting on the inside of the box's top. He clasped the necklace around his neck and unrolled the scroll:
Happy Christmas. I saw this in a magazine and immediately thought of you. I hope you will wear it always and I hope you realize that it means that you are mine.
My brave Gryffindor.
I love you.
Harry blushed as red as the lion and smiled uncontrollably. For once he didn't mind a little flowery language. He pushed the scroll aside and opened the square box. Inside sat a golden watch, shining in the sunlight that crept into the windows. Harry breathed and lifted it, his fingers sliding over the glossy, gilded surface. He swallowed and clicked it open. Inside the watch hands were set at a specific time.
It didn't tick, but it didn't look like it didn't work either. Harry pressed it to his ear and shook it. He looked at the time. It was set for about an hour ahead. He looked at the inside flap and saw Hospital Wing etched into it with what looked like Draco's hand. What an unusual watch, he thought to himself, staring at it uncertainly.
He put the watch on his bed and undressed. He put on his jeans and the new sweater from Mrs. Weasley which was green with a silver 'H' on it. He had an odd feeling it was as though she was telling him she knew about Draco and she was okay with it. He shook the idea out of his head and looked at the watch again. Draco's handwriting? Hospital wing. Draco's in the hospital wing, but this is for-. A light went off in Harry's head and he snapped his fingers. He understood.
When the time on his new watch struck throughout the rest of the castle, Harry was pushing the doors to the Hospital Wing open and walking over to Draco. The blonde sat up and smiled weakly up at him. "You figured it out," he greeted, letting Harry kiss him and looking impressed.
"It's clever," Harry said smiling, pulling the watch from his pocket. "You made it?"
Draco blushed and nodded, holding out an identical watch, only his made of silver. "They work both ways. You tell it where you want and it inscribes the location in both watches and you can set the time and it shows up on both." He smiled up at Harry and put the watch back on his bedside table. He stopped and his eyes caught the necklace around Harry's neck and smiled again. "So we don't have to sneak notes."
"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, stroking Draco's cheek as he sat beside him on the bed.
"I'm better. Not wonderful, but not bad." Draco reached up and pressed Harry's palm to his cheek. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too." Harry murmured, stroking Draco's skin tenderly. "I saw you and your mum talking and I didn't know how long she'd be staying and I thought you'd wanna spend time with her."
"I told her." Draco whispered, still clutching onto Harry's hand, refusing to relinquish it. "About us."
"She accepts it." Draco whispered. "She's not happy, but she accepts it."
"Well, that's good. It could be worse."
Draco nodded.
Harry watched Draco. The blond looked down at the sheets resting on his lap. He swallowed. Harry leaned up and kissed Draco tenderly. Draco pulled back shocked, but kissed back shyly, closing his eyes and running his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry pulled Draco tightly against his chest and nibbled his lip, slipping his tongue into his boyfriend's willing mouth.
Their tongues entwined and stroked each other down. Draco mewed and clung to Harry and the kiss. Harry slipped his fingers through Draco's soft hair and kissed more fervently. Draco crushed himself into Harry's body, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He could feel Harry needing the kiss nearly as much as he himself did. He could feel all of Harry's raging emotions emitting from the one kiss.
Draco pulled back, panting and trying to catch his breath, his cheeks flushed. "Harry!" He laughed and looked away, tucking his hair behind his head. "You really did miss me."
"I did." Harry slid closer to him on the bed and kissed him tenderly wrapping his arms loosely around his body, holding him closely. "I was so worried about you. Are you sure you're feeling better?"
"Physically, yes." Draco murmured, burying his face into Harry's neck as though trying to hide himself from the rest of the world. He clutched onto Harry's sweater, clinging onto him. "I-I still can't believe it. M-My father really does hate me."
"Ssh, Draco." Harry whispered, stroking the blonde, silky strands. "Ssh. It's okay. Your father is an idiot. He's letting some stupid prejudice blind him from seeing he should be proud of his son. You're smart and clever and brave and wonderful. If he can't see it, then he does not deserve any of your thoughts."
Harry planted a gentle kiss to Draco's hair, feeling the slighter male relax against his body completely. Harry smiled and stroked his lover's hair, burying his face into the silky texture. "You're wonderful, Draco. Nothing or no one can change that."
"Thank you, Harry."
"I love you."
Chapter 19- end
So we all know Narcissa loves Draco more than Lucius. She went against the Dark Lords wishes to get him protection in book 5. we all know who really loves him.
Thank you all for you're wondorous reviews. I love them and you all!