This is just after ANB. Cynder pretty much missed out on her entire childhood – I don't think she had time to learn much about science.

I don't own this POS franchise.


"So, what are we – birds, or reptiles?"

Spyro slowed down his pace, peering curiously over his shoulder at Cynder as the rush of the river roared in his head. "What?"

"Well, those birds," Cynder pointed out with her tail, indicating towards a tree with a whole flock of bluejays perched on its branches, "They have wings, as do we. Does that make them reptiles as well, or does that make us birds?"

Spyro came to a full stop and turned around, staring at Cynder with the look of someone who was completely lost. "I... No, we're reptiles."

"Ah." Cynder closed her eyes and nodded understandingly, "Then why don't other reptiles grow wings?"

"Because we adapted to our environment." Spyro explained, turning back around and heading down the path alongside the long river, Cynder following close behind, "In our past, predators had the advantage of speed over us. So, over millions of years, we developed wings in order to avoid such predators."

"Ah." Cynder brought her tail to her chin in deep thought. "Then, why don't other reptiles grow wings as well? Surely a small lizard can be easily overpowered by a much larger foe, no?"

"Err," Spyro frowned slightly, "They adapted in their own ways. See, they're smaller, and faster, so they're harder to catch... Some even have poisonous glands to-"

"If that's so," Cynder quickened her pace to stand in front of Spyro, gazing at him with gleaming green eyes, "Then why didn't we just develop those same features? All of our food is down here, so we wouldn't need wings to get it. And if we were small and fast, we would have been able to escape predators as well. And, we developed the elements. Growing wings just seems unnecessary to our survival." She finished her rant with a curt nod.

"... Oh." Spyro was beaten, he had to admit it. "Well then... I guess there's no logical explanation as to why we grew wings the way we did." It seems that there really was no reason for having wings... Hm. "Perhaps it's just a commodity."

"Ah. That makes sense."

Spyro was relieved to have dropped the subject.

Then, Cynder brought her paw to her chin in thought. "But... I thought evolution occurred when one adapted to their environment. Why would wings be necessary to-"

"Cynder, just be happy you have your wings."


Review before noobs kick it off the front page.