Yeah, this first chapter is kind of corny and stupid. But whatever. Unfortunately, I made Dib seem extremely out of character here. But I did try my best to keep Tak in character (when she's in her human disguise anyway). This chapter takes place before Dib and Zim discover Tak is from Irk. Enjoy!

Tak was a clever-minded Irken invader. Dib was an intelligent paranormal investigator. Tak arrived on planet Earth to steal Zim's mission. Dib doesn't know Tak is an alien, let alone from the same planet as Zim. Dib and Tak befriended each other, but was their friendship real? In Dib's mind, it was. It always had been.

Somehow along the way, Dib developed feelings for Tak. He appreciated that someone actually believed him on the fact that Zim was an alien… Especially since that someone was a girl.

One day, Dib decided to take a break from infiltrating Zim's plans. He wanted to hang out with the only friend he had… someone who wasn't his sister. He pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of his sweatshirt. There were numbers written on it.

"Okay Dib, you can do this… It's just one phone call… All you're going to do is ask Tak if she wants to hang out… No big deal…" He told himself.

He picked up the phone and dialed all seven numbers written on the slip of paper. The phone ringed and ringed and ringed… It seemed like the ringing lasted forever… Until Dib felt his heart skip a beat.




"It's me, Dib!"

"Oh, hi Dib. If you're calling about the homework, it was page 56 of the wilderness survival handboo—"

"That's not what I'm calling about."

"Is Zim planning on showing up on my doorstep again? That little pest…"

"No Tak, I was just a bit curious as to if you wanted to hang out with me at the mall today…"

Dib didn't hear an answer.


"I'll have to move some things around, but I'd love to."

Dib froze. His legs felt like jelly. "Really?"

"Of course. I'd love to hear more about your paranormal studies."

"You would? Wow! Okay, I'll see you around 3 then?"

"3 it is."

"Okay, bye!"

Dib hung up. He started to jump around his room like a little school girl. "I have a date! I have a date! I have—"
"Shut up! Your voice is stupid!" Gaz screamed from the other room.

Dib stopped jumping and his smile transitioned to a frown. "Stupid Gaz…" He mumbled to himself.

"I heard that! Don't make me come in there!" Dib's sister threatened.

Dib sighed. Gaz wouldn't understand how he felt. Nor would she ever understand, seeing how she can have a tendency to be so heartless. He shook the feeling off and ran out of his room, getting ready to head over to the mall.

Dib sat at the food court. He waited patiently. But he was starting to get impatient. He showed up a half hour early, and then sprinted to the food court at 3 o'clock. He glanced at his watch. It was 3:15 pm. Tak was clearly late.

"Sorry I'm late. My father wouldn't let me leave. What a nuisance." A voice spoke from behind, obviously being Tak.

"It's fine."

"Good." Tak took a seat. "Why did you want me to come here anyway? I'm not much of the social type… You should consider yourself lucky I even showed up. I'm busy, what with my father owning the delicious weenies company and all…"

"I know Tak… I just wanted to take a break from foiling Zim's plans to hang out with you, that's all."

Tak shrugged, "I guess I need a break from my plans too."


Tak paused. A blue spark dashed across her eyes, causing Dib to raise an eyebrow.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That spark in your eyes… What was that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

The blue spark dashed across her eyes again in another attempt to erase Dib's memory. It failed once again.

"There it is again! What is that?"

Tak faked a laugh. "Why Dib, you must be imagining things. I have no idea what it is you're talking about."

Dib suspiciously glared at his friend. "Okay, whatever you say… So what are these plans you were talking about again?"

"Oh, you know, what with my dad owning the delicious weenies company and all, I've come up with a few plans to increase production. That's kind of my job." She lied.

"You work for your dad?"

"Yeah, I guess you can call it a job."

"I suppose…"

"Are we just going to sit here and talk all day?"

"Well… I came here early and got you something…"

Tak looked surprised, "Pardon?"

Dib pulled a bag up onto the table from under his seat. "I got you a gift. I saw it and I thought of you, so I figured I'd get it for you."

Tak took the bag and reached inside. She pulled out a smaller, see-through, purple bag. It was tied with a purple ribbon. She untied the ribbon and pulled out a silver chain. Upon the chain was a metal pendant that looked like the female version of the Irken logo. She raised her eyebrow at this particular piece of jewelry.

"What is this?"

"It's a necklace. It reminded me of you."


"Well, the pendant reminded me of the symbol on your shirt, and it kind of seemed to fit your style, so I figured, why not get it for you?"

Tak didn't know how to respond. "Thank you, I guess…" Little did she realize she was blushing under her disguise.

"Do you want to get some ice cream or something?"

"That sounds nice…"

"Great!" Dib stood up and held out his hand. Tak observed his hand and glanced at him.

"What are you doing now?"

"I just wanted to help you up… Or something…"

Rolling her eyes, Tak took his hand. Dib couldn't help but curve his lips into a smile… that is, until he noticed something.

"Tak, why do you only have three fingers?"


"Why do you only have three fingers? Most people have four… Actually, everyone has four… Except for Zim that is…"

Dib and Tak paused. Dib stared at his friend with a curious look on his face. Tak, however, looked away sheepishly.

"For your information, I happened to lose a finger when I was little." Tak once again came up with another lie.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Tak! How'd that happen?"

Tak froze, and then quickly came up with an excuse, "It got cut off when I was playing with one of the machines in my father's factory."

"That's horrible!"

"That was a long time ago. That was then and this is now. Come on; let's go get that ice cream."

"Whatever you say Tak…" Dib said, sounding uneasy.

Told you it was stupid and corny, didn't I? Whatever. I already finished chapter 2 so it'll be up soon. Until then, R&R.