Harry Potter: What Should Have Happened

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. I only own Emily Piper Johnson (since she based off me as a person) and Lanka. aren't you people tired of hearing this yet?

AN: Okay guys bear with me here. this chapter is going to have a lot of describing in it cuz I have to do what Lily is wearing and James and a few other people I also have to describe the Great Hall so if you don't want to don't read this chapter, don't but I recommend that you do (I plan to do something in here). So here's the chapter. enjoy!

Chapter 10

It Begins

By UltimateFairyQueen


*Lily's POV*

There I stood at the top of the stairs that lead down to the entrance hall. I was beginning to chicken out (or as much as I could with Piper, behind me, pushing me along). I stopped suddenly and swirled around. "Piper, answer one question for me, please."

"All right," she answered with a sigh. "What do you want to know about your date?"

I looked at her, surprised, how did she know that's what I wanted? Probably because that's all I'd been talking about for the past three days. "Will I like him? I mean, what will I think of him?"

"That's two questions!" she exclaimed turning me back around and making me walk down the stairs her hands on my shoulders. "Well."

I stopped again three steps from the bottom and spun around once again. "Well, what? Will I like him or not?"

"I don't know, you tell me," she stated and turned me around.

I looked around at the many people who had met their dates at the stairs but one stuck out most to me. James. He was wearing green, which made his black hair look like it had a tint of jade in it, his clothing style was that of the medieval era with the puffy sleeves, vest (that had gold embroidered onto it), breeches and, of course, a plum hat that was also green with a black feather pocking out the back.

I looked around once more and couldn't find anyone who didn't have a date with them and not finding "him" I made my way over to James.

"So, James, where's your date?" I asked him and noticed a glint of red that he was fingering.

He looked up hurriedly and stood up properly form his leaning spot on the wall. The red came into sight and I gave a small gasp. It was a red rose. I shrugged it off at first thinking that a lot of guys would be getting their date a flower but while I was looking at him I saw him pull a package out of his pocket and attached to that package was a silver bow. "Lily." he stated softly but didn't continue.

I gasped again and looked at him, he was the one who had written me all of those beautiful letters the one who had asked me over a month ago to go to the ball with him knowing that I would say no if I really knew who it was and he was the one who could pester me like no one else could. The notes had all been from him. I had found my mystery man.

I flung my arms around his neck, careful not to smash the flower, and squeezed him tight.

He pulled away and I looked him quite confused, I thought. and then he leaned close to me and kissed me on the cheek just like he said he would and I hugged him again.


*James' POV before Lily comes down*

'Where is she? Why isn't she here yet?' I asked myself fiddling with the red rose that I held in my hand. 'I do have another twenty minutes until I told her to come and-.'

"So, James, where's your date?" a voice said to me and my head shot up, recognizing it immediately. I had been leaning against a wall in the entrance hall listening to the chatter of couples around me and now I straighten my posture and looked fully at the girl standing in front of me.

Her green dress flowed like I had never seen a dress flow before and the sleeves didn't touch her shoulders and the neck line went into a low "v" shape, gold glittered from where it wound itself in little streams around the bodice and her skirts showed signs of little gold dots that shined when she moved. A maiden's cap was pined to her head while the bottom was made into ringlets. On her cheek laid a green and black dragon that she had drawn with glitter.

I pulled the rose into full view and watched as Lily looked at it; surprise filled her eyes and then faded away.

'She doesn't think it's me, yet.' I thought and then pulled out the package with the indicated silver bow. "Lily." I said but stopped when I saw the looked that she gave it, I knew she had finally found out who her mystery man was.

She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a huge hug (personally it's not what I expected!) I pulled back from her squeeze and glimpsed a look of hurt in her eyes, then I leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek just like I said I would. I pulled back again, she was smiling and she hugged me again.

"I never knew," she said and Piper laughed softly, Lily turned around and stuck out her tongue. She turned back to look at me a smile on her face again.

I fidgeted with the short stem to the rose and handed it to her nervously. She took it instantly and put it behind her ear on the opposite cheek of the dragon and her smiled became even bigger.

"So, James, what's in the box?" Piper asked hinting to give it to Lily.

"Oh, I think this belongs to you." I stated and handed that over to her as well.

She looked at it for a second before she pulled the bow off slowly and drew off the top part of the box. Inside laid a gold chain where a porcelain, no break charmed lily sat on a velvet pillow

"There something under the pillow," he said softly. Under the pillow laid a silver chain just in case she wanted to change the chains out and silver and black bracelets.

"The bracelets are to bind two people together, for as long as they wear them," I felt myself blush and I caught a glimpse of redness coming to Lily's cheeks too. Piper laughed again, this time louder.

"I'll catch you two love birds later; I have to go find my date!"

"I'm not your date! I'm your friend!" Remus protested coming up behind her.

"Yeah, right!" I stated

"That's not going to last long!" Lily interjected.

Remus held out his arm which Piper took while rolling her eyes at me and they went into the Great Hall with a few cat calls going in Piper's direction (Remus just gave them dirty looks and they backed off).

"Would you help me put it on?" she asked me as she took the flower necklace out of the box.


*Lily's POV before Lily opens the package*

"Oh, I believe this belongs to you." James acknowledged and handed me the box.

I looked at it for a moment trying to thinking of something that he would give me and then pulled off the bow and the top of the box. My hands began to shake as I looked at the porcelain lily sitting inside.

"There something under the pillow," he said, I barely heard him even though he was just a few inches away from me.

I lifted the little pillow that the necklace was laying on and saw a silver chain which I guessed was for the flower and two bracelets: one silver and the other black.

"The bracelets are to bind two people together, for as long as they wear them," again James seemed far off, like I was in my own world. Piper's voice knocked me out of my trance.

"I'll catch you two love birds later; I have to go find my date!"

"I'm not your date! I'm your friend!" Remus argued from behind her and Piper turned around.

"Yeah, right!" James disputed.

"That's not going to last long," I protested as they began to walk off. A few seconds past and neither of us said anything so I decided at that point to ask, "Would you help me put it on?" and I pulled out the lily necklace. I thanked Piper mentally for telling me not to wear the necklace I had originally bought to go with my dress.

"Sure," he said simply and walked behind me and hooked the clasp for me. 'He was something,' I thought to myself as I waited. 'He had pulled off all of this and I hadn't found out about it, it was amazing.'

I felt the necklace's weight on my neck and I knew he had finished, I turned around, and not really sure what else to do, I kissed him.

Apparently James wasn't sure what to do either; he pulled back and gave me a funny glance, I blushed deeply.

"Sorry, but-." I was cut off, though, as he kissed me, a tingling sensation came to the pit of my stomach and I knew that that feeling was back, I knew there was something special about us but it was something that I never wanted find out what it was, until now.

'Well, this is an interesting relationship!' I thought to myself as I kissed him back.

"Um, okay then, shall we go in before the ball ends without our attendance?" James asked after he pulled away, a goofy grin was plastered to his face and I nodded.

I took his arm like Piper had taken Remus' and we made our way into the Great Hall. Not even two steps into the door we heard everyone and everything stop. I blushed at the sudden recognition praying for someone to get me out of the spot light. No one came but Kelsey decided at that moment to walk up onto the little platform where the band was play and jerk a microphone out of its stand.

"Everyone, please welcome the two quests of honour, Lily Evans and James Potter," she announced even though everyone knew who they were, "these two are responsible for everything you see tonight, including the lovely costumes and outfits most are wearing." People close to us applauded and others tried to see if it was true- we had come to the ball together.

The music started back up a few seconds later and I resolved to look around to see if the committee had done my sketches any kind of justice, they had, more than I thought they would too.

The Renaissance look was tinted with the Christmas colours, red and green, and I could tell that I wasn't the only one that was impressed with what they had done. A table set at one end of the Great Hall looked like the one that the staff sat at during the meals but now it was covered with a coverlet, a large turkey and other dishes.

"I've decided something," I said turning to James.

He raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"I'm going to stay, I'm not going to leave you at the door, I've decided to give you a chance." I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Well, I feel honoured, I really do."

"Lily, James, how are you two this lovely night?"

I turned around to look at who had addressed me. "Sirius! Would are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't coming."

"I decided to come after all, even got e a date, last minute of course!" he flashed a smile.

"Oh, really, who?

"A little one."

"You brought someone. younger. than you? How much younger?" James asked.

"A first year."

"A first year?! Sirius, that's practically illegal!" I stated, it was unbelievable.

"Calm down, Lil, I was just kidding! I brought a fifth year."

"Well, who is it?"

"Sirius, I thought I lost you." Came a voice from the crowd.

"Teddy! I thought you were going with a Ravenclaw! Not Sirius."

"Well, I went down stairs to meet him but he never showed up, Sirius came down and asked me if I would go with him. so I did!" I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Teddy hadn't stood they Ravenclaw up was comforting.

Lanka had on a beautiful dress, also medieval fashion. Hers was a maroon colour with a tight bodice and poofy skirts. Her hair was done in spiral curls all the way down her back.

"Teddy, you look gorgeous." I told her.

"Thanks, I had you're help and Piper's."

"I didn't realize you could clean up this nice!" I responded laughing she laughed too.

"So, how's about a dance, Lily? Just one, I know who much you'll want to get back to your date here." Sirius asked.

I looked at James and he nodded that it was okay and I took the offered hand in front of me. "You look handsome, Sirius, thought, I think you're in the wrong era." I said trying to make conversation.

"Well, thank you, and I know, I thought I would try and be a little different since everyone was going to come in the medieval look I said why not try something from America in the early nineteen hundreds."

"You just got the wrong look from the store, didn't you?" I asked with a small laugh, I yanked playfully at the pulled back pony tail. He nodded with a blush.

He was dress in tan knee high breeches, A blue vest that matched his eyes, a white shirt with a collar and a later eighteen hundred-looking jacket. His hair was wrapped in a blue ribbon. His already good lucks were amplified in the Benjamin Franklin look.


*James' POV*

Since Lanka was left all by herself to stand in the middle of the Great Hall and look around aimlessly I decided it would be good for me to ask her to dance since that's what I was going to be doing too anyway.

The song playing wasn't fast but it also wasn't slow by the band called One Star who we had gotten for the ball. I was looking over Lanka's head at the table when a sudden impulse to run hit me.

"Um, I'll be right back, Teddy," I told her not really sure where I was going and head off of the dance floor.

I sat down at a chair near the door of the Great Hall and put my head in my hands. Another vision hit me as I sat there, like the one that had happened on the train ride my first year.

The scene flashed and I was looking at the Great Hall everyone was crowd around something in the middle of the dance floor. The crowd parted and a heap of red hair and green fabric was piled there.

My head shot up, this time I hadn't pasted out, I looked around to clear my eyes. My mind reeled and I ran on to the dance floor, pushing past people and making a few older ones mad.

I found Sirius' back and loped over to him and saw Lily in front of him. I gave a small sigh of relief, but Lily must've seen the look on my face from behind my best friend.

"James, what's wrong?" she asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt your dance." I answered beginning to walk away.

"Wait, are you sure you're alright, man? I mean, you look a little pale." Sirius said stopping me, I turned around.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"You had another one didn't you?" Sirius wondered.

I nodded.

"Had another what?" Lily asked concerned etched into her face.

I shook my head; I wasn't prepared to tell her, not yet.

"James. what is it?" she asked touching my arm gently.

"Come on, not in here," I whispered and walked out of the Great Hall.

My evening was completely ruined and now I was going to have to explain myself to Lily.


*Lily's POV*

I looked back at Sirius who nodded and pushed me forward slightly. I walked on my own the rest of the way and noticed Sirius had picked up Remus somewhere along the was to the entrance hall.

"What's going on? What aren't you telling me?" James had begun to slowly pace the floor in front of the big doors that lead outside.

"It started when I turned ten," he commenced.

"What did?" I asked confused.

"My visions, I've had them for six years now. When I was younger I would pass out after I had one. You saw me once during one of them. I space out and I don't respond to what's going on around me."

"Like on the train our first year, when Sirius gave you the chocolate bar."

"Exactly, I have at least three visions a week; some of them come true, some of them don't, but all of them are scary."

"What happened tonight?" Remus asked.

"I saw Lily on the dance floor, unconscious. That's why I rushed over to see you; I wanted to know if you were alright, that no one had hurt you," he answered, his attention focused on me.

I looked at him again unsure if I should take this to be true or not but from the look in his eye I was certain he wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you like that," I told him and gave him a hug.

James pulled back and caressed my checks in his hands. His six foot statue looked down at my five foot five.


*James POV*

"It's not your fault," I stated firmly.

I leaned in to kiss her but what felt like I hug gust of wind blew from the Great Hall and knocked all four of us over on to the floor. I forced myself to sit up with the pressure of the air stream still on me. I looked around at the other three and none of them moved.

I strained myself into the crawling position and made my way over to Lily who was closest to me and found that she had been beaten unconscious. She was a pile of red curls and green fabric.

I heard a voice over the panic rising in the pit of my stomach. "Everyone stay calm, everything is going to be alright!" I recognized the voice as Dumbledore's and felt suddenly tranquil, Dumbledore was near nothing could harm us.

Then just as suddenly as it came, the wind left leaving no trace that it had come through at all except for the unconscious Lily laying in front of me, she looked just like me vision.