okay! here it is! I might cry but I hope you all enjoy it!

Katniss' POV

Chapter 102:

I'm honestly not sure how it all began, for it was all a blur once it did.

Peeta and I had been eating lunch, peacefully, and he was telling me how his brothers were starting to talk to him again and were helping out over at the bakery. He said one of them, and I forget which, was excited about becoming an uncle and planned on spoiling his niece or nephew like crazy. I nodded, giving a hum that meant I was listening, and he continued.

Until it happened.

I began experiencing major pains, and god, were they painful. Peeta noticed before I dropped my fork and closed my eyes shut, and quickly rushed to my side as I groaned about it. I've experienced major pain throughout my lifetime, but this, was painful, and I had a feeling that it would only get worse.

Peeta seemed to know what was going on though, and quickly ran out of the room, and house, actually. He came running back with Haymitch, who I noticed had wide eyes but a smile soon formed on his face when he saw me, and I wasn't sure why. Later though, I would find out why he smiled - and it wasn't because that yes, my baby was on the way, and they were making it well known that they were coming. He was smiling for a different reason./p

They began to help me out of my chair and out of the house, and on the way to the hospital, my water broke, which was just fantastic. Haymitch picked me up by then and when we walked into the hospital, he told them what was going on, and they rushed me off to the delivery room.

This child couldn't seem to wait another minute; they just wanted to get out and into this world and experience life, which, seemed to be a curse at times but was a blessing at the same time.

In the blur of it all, I remember my mother and Prim showing up, giving me kind smiles and words of encouragement. Prim had taken my hand that was crushing Peeta's, telling me she was so excited to become an aunt, and I heard my mother murmur that she was going to be a grandmother, and it was in a surprised tone, as if she never thought the day would come; well, with me, at least.

"This is ridiculous, why can't you just do this for me," I whined at some point, tightening my hold on Peeta's hand and if it wasn't broken by the time this was said and done, I would start to wonder if he was superhuman or something crazy like that. And all he did was chuckle, gently rubbing the back of my hand and telling me that I was strong and could do this, and when it was done, that I would be so happy for going through with it, and would do it again in a heartbeat.

By the time Annie, Finnick, their child (who was getting big, let me tell you), Johanna and James came up and came in the room, they were soon ushered out because I was dilated, and it was happening, this child was coming into the world.

It felt like ages, absolute ages, but through the tears, and screams, the crushing grip I had on Peeta's hand that tightened throughout the delivery, there was finally another crying that was filling the room. Dr. Lawrence kept telling me to keep pushing, that they were almost here, and I was almost done. And with the final push, they were here.

I let my head down, letting out a giant sigh and closed my eyes as they cut off the umbilical cord and cleaned my - emour/em - child. Peeta pressed a soft kiss on my cheek and murmured, "See?"

I cracked my eyes opened a bit and looked at him, releasing some of my iron grip on his hand. "Sorry for that."

"Hey, I honestly don't blame you."

Soon enough, the nurse came back in with the baby wrapped in a pink blanket, a soft smile lifting her lips upwards. I blinked, pressing my lips together as she set the baby down in my arms, and it was a girl. A beautiful baby girl.

I couldn't take my eyes off her as she sat there, completely content and fast asleep in my arms. She was beautiful; and Peeta was right, I'm glad I went through with this, and perhaps, I was ready to be a mother. Not as ready as I'd like to be, but I knew, I could get through this with the help of my family and friends, and Peeta.

"Any names, or should I try again another time?"

I glanced over to Peeta who was looking at our daughter, but he soon looked up and met my gaze. There were tears in his eyes, but he nodded, giving approval.

"I grinned, leaning over the tiniest bit to kiss him softly.

"Leilani," I mumbled, glancing back down at the sleeping bundle of joy, "Leilani Mellark."

Thank you all so much for sticking through this with me. It has been an adventure I will never forget, and I'm so glad I met my best friend through this story. My writing has improved so much and I'm so glad for it, honestly! So thank you all so so sooooo much!

I'm planning on a sequel, so stay tuned :)

~Lovely Kacey Faith