DISCLAIMER: I do not own the phantom of the opera in any way shape. *looks down* am pretty sure I own me though so I have that going for me :-)

Erik was sitting at his organ the morning after he brought Christine down to his world. She had fainted when he showed her the wedding dress he made for her, but she was awake now. "I remember the was mist swirling mist upon a vast glassy lake on the lake there was a boat and in the boat there was a man… who is that shape in the shadows? Who is that man inn the mask?" Sang Christine and that is when I appeared to be laying on the swan bed where Christine just left. I just cast it off as my crazy imagination. Christine started to caress his face and I knew exactly what was going to happen. I was going to say, "DON'T DO IT" but it was already to late she had already ripped off his mask. Erik got mad, pushed her away from him, and started swearing and throwing things but that normally happens in the move so I thought I was just to concentrate on the movie. I was hit by something that he threw, it was not my imagination. I gasped when the candelabra hit me, but he probably did not hear me because he was shouting. Christine was terrified I mean if that just happened to me, I would not be crying like some five years old. I mean all he really did was yell and throw some things and its not like she landed on something hard. Ouch, my head hurts. It was completely silent for a few minutes until The Phantom spoke in a calm deep sexy voice that we phans all love so much. "Come we must return those two fools who run my theater will be missing you." He extended his hand to her, helped her up, and escorted her back up to the surface. I looked down a was hugely surprised to find that however I got here my laptop got here too. Smiling I opened it up and started writing what just happened. "This is going to make a great story"

Erik's Pov

After returning Christine to the surface I came back to my hell prepared to go to sleep. after being awake for 3 or 4 days. I walked into my room to find a girl about the same age as Christine laying the fast asleep on my bed. I have never seen her in the opera house before. She was asleep on my bed with her hand over a black box that was laying next to her. Grumbling I poked her she didn't respond so I poked her again. She grabbed one of my pillows and threw it at me I caught it and hit her with it. "Five more minutes" she mumbled. GREAT just great…. I went and got some food I was starving I haven't eaten for a few days I ate quickly going back to my room the girl was fast asleep again. I poked her and she swatted at my hand. "GET THE HELL UP". She bolted up right. "I don't wan…" She looked around but what ever she was going to say died on her tongue and a look of confusion and then recognition crossed over her face. "ummmm" I grabbed her and pulled her off the bed. "get out" I growled in a dangerously low tone. She went over to the boat then looked around for something then came back and grabbed the black box then got in the boat, grabbing the pole she disappeared from my sight. That was strange how the hell did she manage to get down here avoiding my traps. I turned around removing my boots and then my clothes climbing into my bed. Silence… nothing but loneliness in my home my world. I started to drift off to sleep but then…SMASH and a SPLASH, the sound of something falling over and something landing in the lake. I hurriedly pulled my pants on and grabbed my lasso. I heard the splashing of some on walking threw the water. There was that girl again dripping wet and mumbling. "I Thought I told you to leave." She stopped mid stride and glared at me. "I tried" she snapped "I got as far as the bottom of the stairs and I am brought back her by some unseen force" like that would happen. "You don't believe me take me up your self." What is it with this girl and her attitude? "Fine I Will." I went and pulled on my shirt and cape, I Grabbed her hand and dragged her all the way to a passage that came out by the door of the opera house and nothing happened. "YOU just wanted to see the famous opera ghost." I pushed her up against the wall of the passageway. "No I …" she could not speak as I slammed her against the wall knocking the wind out of her. "Get out before I kill you." I said as I opened the passage door she left and I closed the door. I watched the girl curiously and she walked right into Raoul De Chaney. That insolent boy trying to charm my Christine. She fell and said as she looked up to who she bumped into. "I am sorry I didn't see you." He extended his hand out to her to help her up. "Let me help you." She gave him a glare. "I don't need your help." She stood up refusing the help from the fop. "Do you know who I am?" he said to her in that I am rich, more important then you and powerful tone. My blood boiled who does he think he is she didn't do anything to him except maybe refuse his help. The look she gave him was priceless. "Yes I know who you are you are the Viscomte Raoul De Chaney." She left him standing there. "the nerve" he scoffed then went about what he was doing.