Harry Potter and the Saiya-Jins Power

Part one

Bittersweet Parting

Disclaimer: Unless I'm a he-she, I can't own both at once, and I'm not english or Japanese anyway.


~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Gohan whimpered softly, pulling his knees to his chest and nuzzling his face into them. It was growing dark out now, the stars appearing in the clear sky. Bird calls rang in the four thirty-nine mountain area. The boy leaned back. He remember seeing the stars when he and Bulma and Krillian went to Namek-Sei just four years ago. It seemed so much longer than four years, with the androids attacking and Dr. Gero, and…and…and CELL. And his Tousan's death. His life weighed heavily on his mind, haunting him.

His nightmares had gotten worse over the past two months since his father's death. His mother had just had another baby, only two months old. Goten. Gohan sniffed and buried his face. He wished his Tousan were there now.

The haunting lonely cry of an owl caught his attention. There weren't many near him home—the dinosaurs tended to eat them—but here was one sitting next to him, ruffling its tail feather's importantly. Gohan's black eyes narrowed as he eyed the owl. It was an ordinary brown owl, nothing particularly special, except for the paper attached to its leg.

The owl hooted impatiently and seemed to scowl at the young Demi Saiya-Jin. Gohan blinked but removed the letter. "Gohan Son, Four Thirty-nine Mountain area, Japan, The Wilderness?" His confusion only increased as he opened the letter.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry…KASSAN!"

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

Harry Potter, also known as the Boy Who Lived, stared out at the lifeless street of Private Drive at three in the morning. The street lamps were the only thing that held what remotely resembled life. He'd been having dreams again. Premonitions. It had been Voldemort again, fighting a boy with wild black hair falling past his shoulders and tied back in a short horse's tail. Except it had been flickering gold…

Harry shook his head. What was he thinking? No one can make their hair change colors on a whim, not even a wizard unless they used a wand. But this child hadn't been. Harry didn't even know if the boy was a wizard. With a sigh he pulled out a parchment. Maybe Sirius would have an answer to all of this.

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

"Wormtail!" Voldemort shouted angrily. "Get over here you fool! I told you I wanted old forms of magic! You useless bafoon! How dare you look for it in "Great Magical Accomplishments of the Twentieth Century!"

"My apologies, master!" Wormtail shrieked. "I thought that there might be something of use…!"

"You idiot! Do you have any idea how much time you've wasted!? You fool!" Voldemort's yelling increased. "You must be punished! CRUCIO!"

"No master, please!" Wormtail cried, falling to his knees in pain. "Mercy, mercy!"

Voldemort gave the other man a fearsome look and waved off the curse. "Continue looking, slave." He snarled. "And get OUT of my SIGHT!"

Wormtail scurried off.

~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~ ~~*~~

"Oh my." Chichi gasped, reading the letter Gohan handed her. "I can't believe it. But I don't see how it could be a trick. Vegita wouldn't bother pulling one this elaborate and who else would want to?"

"Is magic even real?" Gohan asked, blinking.

"Of course, Gohan." Chichi told him briskly. "What do you think the dragonballs are?"

"I never really thought about it." Gohan admitted.

Chichi sighed. "I thought I raised you better than that!" She scolded in a teasing tone.

Gohan smiled. "You'll allow me to go, then?"

"Yes, of course."

The boy cheered. "Thank you, Kassan!"

"You'd better learn to control it, boy!" Chichi said sternly. "There is no way that I want it breaking loose like the REST of your power, which you should keep hidden as well as you can."

"Of course, Kassan." The boy agreed. "The letter said that we should send a reply and someone would be here to get me by the end of the week. To spend the summer in England."

"To learn the culture. Ingenious. I'm sure they'll teach my boy every thing he needs to know." Chichi's eyes sparkled happily. "Oh, you'll be the smartest boy ever!"

"Kassan?" Gohan backed slowly away. "Are you…okay?"

"Of course, Gohan. Don't be silly."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Gohan danced around the house. It was finally Friday! He was getting picked up today! He couldn't wait to meet whoever was going to take him in! It was so exciting! He already knew English, thanks to his Kassan and Bulma, the family friend and owner of the multi-billion dollar Capsule Corporation.

A knock at the door startled the boy from his thoughts and he leapt up from the couch. "I've got it!" he screamed with glee. Chichi bit back a smile. It was so good to see him acting like a child again. Like the innocent he was supposed to be, but never had the chance.

A tall and lanky red headed man stood at the door with a strict looking teen-aged boy beside him. "Hello, I'm Arthur Weasly." He said, holding out his hand. "This is Percy, my son. I'm guessing that you're Gohan?"

"Hai!" The boy agreed enthusiastically. Remembering his manners, he added, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"And you as well." The man replied. "May we come in so that I can speak to your mother?"

"Hai! Follow me, please!" The boy eagerly lead them into the small house. Percy looked around in obvious distaste and sighed at the hyper eleven year old.

"Kassan, the guests that are taking me are here!" Gohan shouted. "They want to talk to you!"

"I'm coming, Gohan!" Chichi called in reply, walking carefully down the steps, Gohan's younger brother, Goten, cradled in her arms. "Take him for me." She said, holding the alert two month old out.

Happily, Gohan did as asked, cuddling the child in his arms and cooing.

Percy snorted and his father shot him a glare.

The teen crossed his arms and stared at Gohan. The boy was, in his opinion, a freak. He was still relatively short with spiky black hair falling past his shoulders and pulled back into a ponytail. He was obviously of oriental decent, his black eyes large and a rounded almond shape. He was dressed typically, for him, meaning Percy found it odd. A typical Japanese style shirt in white and navy blue martial arts pants. Around his neck was an odd necklace made to resemble a dragon holding a yellow-gold ball with four red orange stars etched into the surface. It was small but amazingly well made.

Gohan didn't notice the older teen's stare and continued to play with his baby brother until Chichi caught his attention. "Gohan, it's time for you to go."

"Okay, Kassan." He said softly, hugging her. "I'll be back for next summer, I promise!" He whispered. "Stay safe. And call Vegita or Bulma if anything happens, okay?"

Chichi smiled. "Who's the parent here, you or me?"

"Gomen nasai, Kassan." Gohan smiled. "Anata no suki. I'll miss you."

"I love you too, my chibi ichi." Chichi said. She released the boy who stepped to the door.

"I've got my stuff." He said to Mr. Weasly, shouldering his small backpack. "Sarabada." Gohan whispered to her softly.

Chichi smiled. She knew how to fix THIS particular mood. As he left, she shouted one last thing to him. And it never failed to get a grin. "Don't bring shame and reproach upon the family name!"

Gohan couldn't help but laugh.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

They went by what Gohan learned was a "Portkey" To get from Japan to the Weasly's house in England. On a different person, the expression would have been called shock. On Gohan, however, it was a mere twitch of an eyebrow. The house he stood next to was thrown together haphazardly, and called the Burrow.

"Is it magic?" He asked Mr. Weasly. If the man said no, Gohan didn't think he would enter the house. No matter who lived there.

"Of course, Gohan." He laughed. The boy couldn't help sighing in relief. He HAD been worried, after all.

"Dad?" A teen, younger than the stuck-up Percy but older than Gohan by about four years, came out of the thrown together house.

"Hello, Ron. This is our house guest, Gohan." Mr. Weasly told him, smiling. "He's to start Hogwarts this year. He's eleven."

"Konichiwa." Gohan bowed slightly. Ron blinked.


"Gomen nasai." Gohan stuttered. "Er-sorry. I'm Japanese and I kind of forgot I was in England."

Ron laughed while Percy rolled his eyes with contempt. "It's okay," Ron told the boy, "I think it's really cool that you speak Japanese!"

Gohan grinned. "Arigatou. I think it is cool you speak English."

Percy snorted at the exchange. "Follow me." He snapped, turning to the house. "You're sharing my room because there's no where else to put you, so hurry up."

"I am right behind you!" Gohan hurried to follow the man. "I apologize for making you wait."

Percy snorted and took Gohan to the room they would share. "All my brother's are home and Harry Potter is coming next week, so you HAVE to share with me." The man made it sound like a curse. Gohan blushed and looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry to cause so much trouble--."

"Just shut up." Percy snapped. "I'll tell you once. You don't bother me at all, you make no noise while you're in here, and you stay away from me and we're going to get along fine."

"H-hai." Gohan said softly.

"And you don't speak Japanese."

"Of course." The boy agreed softly. How on earth was going to explain the nightmares?

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

It was three nights after Gohan arrived when Bill stumbled down stairs for a drink of water at two thirty in the morning. There was a sound of thrashing coming from Percy's room and a frightened whimper. Then a louder cry. "Tousan!"

"Shut up!" Percy hissed, waking the child.

Gohan gasped and backed away from the angry looking teen. "G-gomen nasai! I'm s-sorry!" He whimpered, looking at the blankets. "I don't mean to cause trouble."

"Well, I am TRYING to sleep and YOU are keeping ME awake. So shut up." Percy snapped at the boy.

Gohan sniffed and Bill growled. He'd had ENOUGH. "PERCY!" He snarled, careful not to be too loud. He barged into the room. "Leave him alone! He had a nightmare!"

Gohan continued to look at the bed. "I'm sorry to be so much trouble." He said softly. "I don't mean it. Really."

Bill shook his head. "It's no trouble. C'mon, we'll get you a nice cup of tea."

Gohan kept his head down as he followed the older wizard from the room. He didn't want to be a bother. It seemed he still couldn't do anything right.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Harry Potter gave an impatient sigh and looked out the window for what had to be the millionth time in fifteen minutes. The Weasly's were SUPPOSED to come and take him to their house for the rest for the summer and he couldn't wait to go.

Impatiently he danced from foot to foot and watched the street anxiously. This was the LONGEST week of his life! A car went past the window and his head jerked up. It passed the house, so that wasn't them…

A blue car pulled into the driveway. That must be them. Harry knew it was. He grabbed his smaller bag—his trunk was downstairs already—and leapt down the steps. "Finally!' He exclaimed, seeing Ron standing in the front hallway. "I thought you'd NEVER get here!"

Ron laughed. "This is going to be the best summer EVER!"

"Oh yeah." Harry agreed. "We're going to have a blast."

The two practically raced to the car that the Weasly's had brought and strapped themselves in. "Oh…Harry?"


"We've kinda got another house guest this summer, besides you. He's a Japanese kid and we're hosting him. He's going to Hogwarts."

"There aren't magic schools in Japan?"

"Not really, they're generally shrines and the magic is a bit…different than what we do. But Gohan wasn't trained and the Japanese minister of magic checked up on him and they decided he'd have to go to a boarding school. Dumbledore said that the others didn't want to take him and that he'd have to learn a different language anyway, but he knows English, so, here he is."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really? How old is he?"

"He's eleven. Not late at all, really, though he probably should have started last year." Ron shrugged. "You'll see what he's like. He's quite interesting."

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"Ginny?" Gohan stepped into the living room and tapped the only girl of the Weasly family (besides Mrs. Weasly) on the shoulder.

"What, Gohan?" She sighed, glancing up from the book.

"Your Kassan wants you to…de-gnome…the garden…" Gohan trailed off. "She said I was to help, but I would have done it myself except…I have no idea what she's talking about."

Ginny gave the eleven year old a small smile. "That's all right, Gohan. I'll show you. It's more fun with two people anyway."

Gohan gave a tiny smile. "I don't want to be a bother."

Ginny grinned. "You're no bother." She told him, ruffling his hair. "Let's get the garden done."

It had been about a week since Percy and Bill had gotten into their argument about Gohan and the demi Saiya-Jin knew it was his fault. If he didn't have so many nightmares about those stupid battles…if he'd never been in those battles…there were so many if's that could have changed EVERYTHING.

Ginny put a hand on his shoulder. "Get a grip on yourself, Gohan." She grinned. "This isn't your fault at all. Now, let me show you how to De-gnome the garden…"

The duo were headed outside when a car pulled into the driveway. Ginny grinned. "Harry!"

"Hi, Ginny!" Harry gave a small smile to the girl. The red head had a crush on the boy for years (since she'd first seen him) and the girl blushed. "Who is this?" Harry gestured to Gohan.

"K-konichiwa!" Gohan bowed. He blushed slightly, he hated meeting people he didn't know. "Watashi wa Son Gohan desu."

"Ron?" Harry glanced at his best friend. "What did he just say?"


Gohan blushed brighter. "Gomen…sorry. Chikuso. I just can't keep my English straight. I'm Gohan."

Harry smiled, bright green eyes glittering in amusement. "I'm Harry Potter."

The boy was obviously muggle born since he didn't double take Harry's scar. "He's the one that defeated You-Know-Who!" Ginny whispered into Gohan's ear.

"I can't say I know who." Gohan looked confused.

"The Dark Lord!" Ginny explained.

"Um…" This only served to confuse Gohan even more.

"Lord Voldemort." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Why is everyone so afraid to say his name?" Gohan asked. "It's just a name."

"He's killed a lot of people." Ginny said softly.

Gohan shrugged. "So has death. But you don't fear him. And even death can be defeated."

No one had a reply to that.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

(A/N) Okay, so I should be tarred and feathered, I KNOW I promised this MONTHS ago, and I'm really really sorry. Transfering files suck. Well, I hope you liked, review for me, please!

~*~ Lady Foeseeker ~*~