To my gorgeous baby girl,
Every thing still reminds me of you, sometimes it feels like only yesterday that I felt you in my arms, yet other days it feels like it has been years since I last saw your beautiful smile. Your birthday served as a reminder of you, every second my mind was on you. I wish every second of every minute that I could hold you in my arms again, whisper in your ear that I love you and I wish beyond belief that I could show you to your grandmother so that she could meet you and she too could spend time with you. I still remember the excitement in your voice when I told you about her, bless your little heart.
I love you my darling little angel, I bet your having a ball with the other little ones up there. Please remember to have lots of fun my baby girl, and keep smiling – you are beautiful my love.
Never forget that I love you. I love you more than love itself. I would give everything for you to be with me forever, but I know you are safe where you are, and I know that you are happy up there in the clouds.
You have wings like Tinkerbell now, I bet you took your little tinkerbell doll with you that I brought you for your birthday. I love you my little angel.
I love you Princess, and always will no matter what.
Sweet dreams my darling baby girl
All my love, hugs and kisses
Mommy x x