Title : Blue eyes
Penname : shottersnation
Disclaimer : I don't own Hetalia
Rating : M , just for sure.
Italy falls in love with Germany, a nazi. This takes place in Italy during WW2. I just wrote this because I was bored and I've had a lot of fun with it so please no flaming.
warnings : historical inacurate, probably spelling mistakes because I'm not a native speaker, SLASH
Blue eyes
It's may 15th 1943. It's a nice and sunny day and I'm playing with the seven puppies our dog gave birth to, on the field in front of my house. I mean my fathers' house. I can't get along with my father very well. sinds my mother died four years ago he became an old bitter man. The last few months he spends complaining about the less food we can buy, and especially hating the Germans. I don't know if I should hate the Germans, I haven't even spoken to one ever, atleast not about something important.
While I'm thinking about my dad and the war, I forget to watch the puppies and one of them runs off. I try to grab him but he's too fast and I can't leave the others. "Nooo come back little one I'll make some pasta for you if you come back!"
Then a German officer appears at the other side of the he looks different from the ones I see marching through our streets usually. The color and insignes of his uniform are different. He seems to be not much older than me, with blonde hair , a nicely build body and a handsome face. The little puppy is coming his way and the young officer bends down and picks it up, holding the dog against his chest. That's when he sees me. He walks my way, his face stern.
" Does this dog belong to you..? " He asks when he's close to me. His voice is cold and for one moment I'm afraid he won't give the puppy dog back to me.
" Ve yes .. eh thank you.." I stutter.
" I like dogs... I miss my German Shepherd a lot." He smiles and then gives the puppy dog back to me.
His blonde hair and blue eyes make him the perfect Aryan young man. And I should hate him, like my father and brother do, but I can't. He seems to be friendly and he's handsome. ' How dare you to think about a Nazi in that way!'
I don't know what to answer and I don't dare to meet his eyes so I end up staring at my feet.
" Do you live nearby? " The German suddenly asks.
" Yes .. that's where I live" I point at the small house next to the field.
Why would he want to know where I live? I had to tell him the truth right..? He will find out anyway if he wants. But what if my family's gonna be in danger?
" Don't be afraid.. I'm just interested in you.. in a good way." A little smile.
My cheeks become red. In what kind of way? How could it ever be in a good way? unless... NO stop thinking about him like that. He's a Nazi, and for everything he believes in, he will NEVER be interested in that way..
Before I'm able to think of an answer he speaks again.
" I have to go. I hope so that we'll meet again sometime"
He smiles one more time, then turns and walks away.
" Wait!" I almost scream. He stops and turns to me,giving me a questioning look.
" Can you tell me your name? " Why do you want to know his name?
"Beilschmidt... Ludwig Beilschmidt." He seems to wonder why he just told me this.
"My name is Feliciano" I smile broadly at him and then wave.
He doesn't wave back, he just smiles a little. Then he disappears around the corner of the street.
I've stood there for probably more than ten minutes since he left. Then I realise my brother and father are probably waiting to have dinner together. I run back home and meet my brother in the kitchen. I can smell he's making pasta, my favourite meal.
We share the small amount of pasta together and though it's actually not enough for the three of us, it tastes wonderful.
That evening I go upstairs at seven o ' clock, which is very early for me. But I want to be alone for a while to think about the events of today's afternoon.
How can I meet him again? I just have to see him again.. but why? Did I really just fall in love with a German soldier? My family , no probably my whole country would kill me if they found out.
Wait.. I know his name and because of his uniform he's probably the type of German that has his own office at the German headquarters a few streets away from here. I could go there and ask for him.. I can't believe I just thought about that but the unfamiliair feeling in my belly tells me I just have to see him again soon.
I decide to go there tomorrow and just ask for him at the gate.
The next morning I wake up feeling a bit nervous. I put on my best clothes, which were my brother's clothes till he grew out of them, now they're mine. I look at myself into the mirror.
No he definitely doesn't like you the way you like him.. how could he, with his nice uniform that fits him perfectly.. and his shiny black boots. While my clothes have holes in them, the colours faded.
I manage to pull myself together and an hour later I stand before the gate to the German headquarters. Immediately one of the soldiers comes to me.
"Papieren, bitte!"
After being asked for them very frequently I finally know what it means..
I give him my papers .
" They're fine. What do you want?" the soldier asks impatiently.
" Eh.. ve I'm looking for Ludwig Beilschmidt.. "
He knows who I'm referring to, but he stares harshly at me, probably because I adressed him with his first and last name without a rank for it." Do you have an appointment with him? "
" Ve! Eh yes…" I lie.
" You'll find his office at the second floor.." The soldier lets me pass through and I sigh nervously. When I enter the building it's very busy. There are people everywhere walking around with papers. Everywhere I see the red flags with the swastika on it. My heart starts to beat faster when I finally reach the second floor, the first door reads : Lieutenant Beilschmidt.
I smile and knock the door. An answer follows immediately.
" Come in, please"
I open the door with shaking legs and step inside.
Ludwig's eyes widen. " What are you doing here?"
" I wanted to see you, after our converstation yesterday.. I thought maybe you would be happy to see me too"
His face softens. " Please sit down. Do you want something to drink? "
I jump onto the chair . " Ve ! that would be nice" He places a mug in front of me and I watch him.
He wears the black uniform again, his blonde hair slicked back. " Are you hungry? I have bread and marmelade"
Is he really offering me something to eat? God I'm so hungry, we don't have much to eat at home.
"If you have enough for yourself .. eh.. eh.. yes I'm hungry" My face becomes red as a tomato.
"Of course" He puts a plate with bread and marmelade in front of me. "Eat as much as you like"
I almost jump on it and start eating like a madman. He watches me eat, flashing me a lovely smile.
When I've finished the meal I stand up and walk to his side of the desk. He looks up at me a bit uncomfortable and I bend down and hug him tightly.
"That's so nice of you, thank you" He's surprised by the hug but doesn't pull away. I smell his aftershave and I lose control. Before I think about it, I kiss his neck. He stands up and stares at me , his blue eyes shimmering. .
Did you like this chapter? want me to write the next one? Please review! Thanks for reading.