Title: Life After

Author's Note: post-ep to 'Lauren', but everything up to 'Hanley Waters' is fair game. Thank you so much for all the great reviews! Hope this last part doesn't disappoint!

Disclaimer: Not mine

Chapter 9-Prentiss

She hates this.

All of it.

She hates being away from her home, her friends, from everyone who cares about her. She hates jumping from country to country, identity to identity, being everybody and nobody at the same time. She hates always looking over her shoulder, never sure if she's chasing Doyle or he's chasing her.

She hates herself.

She hates that she's left her team to grieve and pick up the pieces. She hates that she's forced JJ to lie and obfuscate. She hates that she let Doyle get away in the first place. She hates that she's put Declan in danger, after all this time.

She hates that she can see no escape from this life, no light at the end of the tunnel.

She thinks being dead would be preferable to this.
