Rachel Berry sighed as she curled up in her bed. Glee club was progressing slowly but surely. Thanks to her songwriting skills, they were able to impress judges at Regionals. Rachel smiled as she remembered everybody else's faces when it was announced New Directions had won. Finn had even hugged her.


Rachel shut her eyes. Finn had been so unpredictable lately. One moment he told her he still felt something and the next he was announcing he was officially with Quinn.

She just wanted somebody who cared. Someone who didn't try to change her. Someone as talented and Broadway- obsessed as her. Someone like Jesse. Jesse St. James.

She gasped. With all the drama she had forgotten about him. Well, as close to forgotten as someone like Rachel Berry could. Rachel had meticulously created a dialouge of the things should would scream at him when she saw him again, a perfect mixture of angst, tears, and anger. Because if there was one thing Rachel Barbara Berry knew it was that she would see him again. They were both destined to greatness, she knew that, and eventually she knew they would bump into each other at gala events.

Rachel laughed at the idea. Imagine Jesse St. James's face when he saw her. Imagine him trying to work his charm in order to keep things in order, as she began to out him out.


Rachel closed her eyes finally. She shouldn't be thinking about him. Not one apology on his part had been sent her after she ever so politely requested via email. It was almost a year since the whole egg incident. He had moved on with his life she assumed. After all, she had moved on. Hadn't she?

All Rachel Barbara Berry knew was that it had been 10 months 3 days and 45 minutes since she had last seen him. 7372 hours and 45 minutes since he had last smirked at her. Approximately 26280000 seconds since he had glanced at her. And she missed it, more than anything.

She opened her eyes suddenly as her phone vibrated. She looked down checking who it was.

Jesse St. James.

Her heart raced, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Huh, speak of the devil.