The next morning was slightly dreadful for everyone except Daffy, who hadn't noticed the tense atmosphere. He had been busy thinking about whether to visit his brother from the old orphanage he had grown up in. Truthfully, Daffy hated the place mostly because it had consisted of too many bad memories for him; however there were a couple that weren't half bad.

Later that evening Daffy decided not to go, seeing as the sky had started to darken and the wind suddenly picked up. He had called his brother, telling him that he would not be able to make it due to the weather. Surprisingly, the younger duck had agreed replying that he was at a friend's house for a few weeks which flabbergasted Daffy since his brother wasn't the type to be very...friendly towards people.

Daffy was extremely bored, the weather wasn't helping either. He took a moment to look around the hallway too see if anyone was around but only the sound of rain pouring greeted him. Daffy entered the kitchen where he found the girls and Porky chatting and eating the ice cream that he had specifically bought for himself.

"I don't see anything good about him..." Came Lola's voice obviously bored.

"— I agree" Petunia added.

Daffy grunted not wanting to know who or what they were talking about.



"Was that your brother?"

Plucky looked up from his book, giving the hare a questioning look but nodded anyways. Buster smiled, tracing circles on the wooden table as his eyes consumed the sight of Plucky's features. "Do you mind?" Plucky frowned, feeling very uncomfortable at the constant staring.

"Nope." Buster grinned, "Don't mind me. I just love staring at the beauty in front of me." Plucky flushed a shade of red, slamming his book down and glared at the hare.

"S-shut up! Stop staring at me!"


"Cause no!" Plucky lightly hit Buster in the head with his book. Buster pouted, grabbing ahold of the younger teen's wrist and pulled him closer.

"Why?" Buster repeated, "I'm your boyfriend after all."

"I don't remember agreeing," Plucky argued, wrestling his way out of the other teen's embrace.

"Not yet," Buster corrected, tightening his grip around Plucky's waist.

Plucky Duck - 19 years old and is in his last year of high school. Plucky is Daffy's younger brother, they are not related by blood. He has slight dark, brown hair and green highlights. His personality is quite stubborn just like Daffy's. Plucky was once a delinquent during his younger years due to growing up and being neglecting from people around him (Like Daffy). He is not dating Buster, or at least that's what he says.

Buster Bunny - 19 years old and a few months older than Plucky. Almost like Bugs' duplicate. He has slightly dark blue hair (dyed) and dark gray eyes. He dreams of becoming a comedian actor so he usually jokes around in school with his cousin Babs Bunny. He claims that he and Plucky are dating (he even declared it in school) and always tried to get Plucky to pay attention to him during Plucky's delinquent days.

A/N:...I don't like this chapter haha..Thank you for your reviews. Buster and Plucky are real characters but not from Looney tunes they are actually from 'Tiny Toon Adventures' not sure if anyone heard of it...