
"So, what's the matter?"

He fiddled with his thumbs and fidgeted in his seat.

His purple-blue hair glistened in the sun, His golden orbs so unhappy.

Oh god, even his mouth looked…wow. The way it was perfectly formed with full lips. I just wanna kiss the- WOAH RIMA! Back-up there! You don't want to kiss him.

Yes you do said a little voice inside my head.

"It's just that, I'm in love."

Rima POV

If I was drinking anything, I would have done a spit take.


He looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

"I thought you'd be the first to know since…nevermind. Um…this is an odd question but, can you help me get her?"

"But I thought almost every girl will fall for your 'boyish good-looks'"

I said gesturing with my hands.

He smirked. "You really think I have boyish good-looks?"

"Ugh!" I stomped away fuming. He quickly caught to me. Damn these cursed short legs of mine!

"Rima, I was just kidding! Heheheh, but I do have boyish good-looks, don't I?" He had his hand in a gun motion right under his chin.

I punched his shoulder hard


"Serves you right! Anyway, ill think about your offer okay?"

We headed back to the car found the others already waiting for us.

"There you are! We were starting to think you guys-er…nevermind." Amu stopped as I started shooting daggers at her.

I wonder who this other girl is. I heaved a loud sigh.

I like-wait no, I'm in love- Nagihiko. Sometimes, I think I'm just another friend of his, not his close buddy or something.

Well, you have been mean to him for the past 6 years. Said a familiar voice. Who the hell is that?

Rima, I'm hurt, how could you forget about me? Starts with a K ands with a U?


Kusukuskuskusukusukusu of course! So, you finally realize you love Nagihiko huh?


There was a screeching noise; all of a sudden, the car is teetering back and forth between solid ground and nothing.

"Holy fuck Rima! We're gonna die!" Utau screamed in my face which to Yaya and Kairi woke up at.

"Ne, Yaya was having a really sweet dream when Riri-tan woke Ya-KYAAAA! WE'RE GONNA DIEE!" she shouted waving her arms like a maniac and hitting Kairi in the process. It also wasn't helping there current situation.

"Yaya, calm down." Kairi said rubbing his head and stroking Yaya's back at the same time.

"Everybody, lean back. We're gonna back this baby up~!" Kukai sang way out of tune.

It was going easy but we were suddenly pushed forward by some car behind us.

Apparently, the guy behind us didn't see we were on the edge.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAH!" I screamed the loudest out of all of us as we plunged down into the trees since we were on the mountain.

"HOOLYYY FUUUUCKKK!" Kukai screamed at the top of his lungs.

Utau turned to look at me.

"What the fuck Rima! We almost died!"

I looked out the window and gaped; we were on a tree. Kukai noticed too.

"Okay, no one move or else we'll fall down to the ground…who wants to get out first?"

Everyone turned to look at me. Wait – WHAT?

"Rima, since you're the lightest, you go first." Encouraged Amu.

"NO! … UGH! FINE!" I screamed as they gave me the puppy dog face. To be honest, Ikuto, Amu and ChiBakaDresser's was the most convincing.

Screw them all.

I carefully opened the door beside me. I jumped out and nearly fell to my doom but luckily, I grabbed a branch. I shimmied down really fast and finally got to the ground.

"Rima heads!"

I looked up and saw mine and Nagihiko's stuff plummet down. I quickly ran out of the way.

"Rima, you okay?" I looked up and saw Nagihiko jump down from the tree.

"Yeah, and by the way, I STILL didn't give you permission to call me 'Rima'" I glared.

Suddenly there was laughter above us; I grabbed Nagihiko's arm (to which he smirked at).

I looked up to see the car no longer there but on the road, safe and sound.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled.


Utau yelled out.

I stuck my middle fingers up and screamed, "Fuck you too, bitches!"

"What do we now?"

That question hit me like a brick. What do we do now?

I looked around and saw that they dropped some food, a tent and one sleeping bag…WAIt, WHAT? ONE FUCKING SLEEPING BAG? ARE THEY FUCKING KIDDING?

"GAH!" I stomped off to the hill to see is I could climb it.

After many attempts, I ended up with a bloody knee, scraped hands and a semi-ripped shirt.

All through out, Nagihiko just stared at me stupidly.

He finally said, "Um…Rima, why don't we just call for help?"

My reply was, "Fuck you." To which he chuckled at.

After over a million rings, it said, "BEEP BEEP BEEP NO SIGNAL BEEP BEEP BEEP"

I wanted to smash it to the ground.

"Ah, Rima, look, a path."

He pointed to a stone path afew meters ahead.

As I arrived there, I found a piece of paper wedged between two rocks right in the middle of the path.

It read:

Dear Nagi and Rima

"What the fuck?" I said.

We are very sorry – wait, we're not sorry HAH!

Dudez, we left you here so you can get together and all that shiet.

We'll be waiting at Hikone when you get out. Basically, just follow these signs. See you there PCE!

-Amu, Ikuto and the rest.


I stared at the paper before me; my grip on it got tighter and tighter.

Fury coursed through my body. Nagihiko slowly backed away from me.

"Okay, Rima, calm down. I-it's gonna b-be ok-kay…?" He laughed nervously.

"GONNA BE OKAY? WHAT KIND OF FUCKING ANSWER IS THAT? THEY FUCKING LEFT US HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE (A/N Though the note clearly states to just follow the road. The highway is also just above them -.-)"

I wanted to punch something. I quickly looked around and noticed the only thing near me was…Nagi.

"Eheheheh." I laughed evilly and raised my fist.

"R-Rima?" W-where are you going with this? Ah… AHHHHHHHH!"

"So we just follow this road right?"

I had found a way to release my anger. No, it's what you think, I didn't beat up Nagihiko up, I grabbed afew sticks and snapped them. I think I also punched a tree…heheh.

Anyways, I gathered my belongings and headed down the path.

After HOURS we finally came to a fork and another note.

If you're reading this, CONGRATULATIONS! You're almost at the end!
Except, you have to choose between these two paths.

One leads back to where you started and the other leads to where we are :P Choose wisely bro!


"Which way should we go Ri?" Grrrr…somewhere along the way, we had the most random conversation about my…er…nickname for him. For revenge, he made up his own nickname for me….Ri. It ticked me off so much because he said it sounded cute. Gah, damn my hormones. My face grew so red after!.

"How 'bout we split up?"

"Uh…but how will we contact each other?" I asked rather stupidly.

"Our phones…?" He made a 'DUH' face.

I rolled my eyes.

So, I got the right path while he got the left.

It seemed like AGES but I finally made it to a small clearing. Another note with a basket was in the middle.

Congratz…again! You got the right path! For you're prize, you get CANDY!

I rolled my eyes knowing Yaya was probably the one who set the basket here

I felt a tap on my shoulder and found myself face-to-face with a smirking Nagihiko.

"What took you so long?"


"What? I thought they said there was only one path…?"

"Yeah, they lied. See?"

I looked back to see there were indeed two paths. Well, what a waste of time.

"So whish way next?"

Um…I don't know, while I was waiting for you, I searched around and noticed there was no exit."

"Ah, look, another note!"

"Impossible! I looked everywhere and didn't see a note!"
I waved it in front of him, "Then's what's this?"

Look up

I looked up; up on the tallest tree (9ft), was Ikuto. Er…let me correct that.

Up on the tallest tree was a very pissed looking Ikuto.

"Oi, what took you so long? I've been waiting for hours!"

I shot him a Death Glare.


He rolled his eyes. "I had no partake in that. I'm just here to save you guys. Besides, it was mainly Amu, Yaya-" I rolled my eyes ay Yaya's name. Of course she would be part of it, she was the so-called 'match-maker'.

"-Kairi, Utau and Kukai."

I started waving my fist in the air and jumping up and down.

I, being short (5'2"), couldn't reach him.

Nagihiko, being tall and all (5'9"), hoisted me up.

"H-hey! What the hell!"

"Ahahahahah, I'll help you Ri." He laughed. I blushed a really dark red.

Ikuto jumped down from the tree and tripped Nagihiko all the while smirking.

As expected, we both fell down and of course, fell on top of Nagihiko in an akward position.

With both our faces red (mine more than before), we quickly got up brushed ourselves off.

"C'mon, let's go."

So, here we are at a restaurant in Hikone.

Ugh, I was seriously bored. Hmm…my cousin lives here, maybe we can go drop by before we head off.

"Hey, guys can we-"

I was cut off by a loud, "RI-KI-TAN!"

I turned around, and there stood my cousin, Kokoro.

"Ri-ki-tan?" Nagihiko looked at me questioningly.

"Er, yeah, her nickname for me."

"Ri-Ki-tan! Oh my gosh, how are you?"

"Uh, hi Kokoro, I'm fine, you?" Yep, I didn't like my cousin very much. I don't even know why I was gonna suggest visiting her.

She was rather optimistic and hyper. Kind of like Yaya but a million times worse.

Kokoro was tall (unlike me TT^TT) with long, wavy, auburn hair and bright ocean blue eyes. To put it simply, she was taller and much, much prettier than me TT^TT

"Riri-tan, are you going to introduce us?" Yaya asked rather happily.

"Er...yeah, Kokoro, this is Yaya, Ikuto, Kairi, Amu, Utau, Kukai and that's –"


"Ahahaha, Kokoro, nice to finally meet you, I didn't think you would recognize me."

I looked at Kokoro then Nagihiko then Kokoro again. Was I missing something?

Nagihiko saw my confuzzled look.

"Rima-chan, Kokoro and I are pen pals. You see, my mother made me write letters to some random girl. Heheheh, I didn't know you guys were cousins though… Kokoro, can I talk to you for a bit?"

With that, they walked out of the restaurant.

Where were they? It's already been an hour.

"I'm going to see where they are."

I rounded a corner outside the restaurant and there, in front of me was Kokoro and Nagihiko making out.


I clenched my fists and ran away as fast and far away as I could.

Tears were starting to form. My vision blurred but I held it in and stayed quiet. Quiet until I was far enough away from them.

As I neared a stream back in the forest, I let out a frustrated scream that oddly sounded like a dog, cat and bear mix.

I cried, screamed and did whatever those frustrated people do (Except eat ice-cream, I don't want to get fat.).

After I let it out, I just sat there throwing tocks into the stream.

"Hey, I heard what happened, are you okay?"

I turned around and saw Amu.

"Hmph." I resumed to throwing rocks again.

Amu heaved a sigh and sat next to me.

I bum-schooched away from her.

Amu moved closer.

I let out a cry of frustration and hopped to the other side.

She frowned, "What's wrong Rima?"


Rima had stood up and hopped across the stream. I had heard that Nagihiko and Kokoro were…making out.

Rima's shoulders started shaking.

She was crying again; I stood up and left.

As I headed back to the restaurant, Utau ran up to me.

"Is she alright?"

I shook my head slowly and said, "I don't think she is. She's crying again."

"Let me talk to her. You know, blonde to blonde," She giggled slightly.

As I watched her walk away, I felt a kiss on my neck.

Arms wrapped around my waist; a small moan could be heard.

"Ikuto, not now, we're having a crisis here!" I snapped.

"But Amuuuu~~ I'm a cat, I have needs~"

"No." I said sternly and with that I stomped off.

Rima POV

I felt a presence behind me.

"Go the fuck away!"
Utau sat next to me and patted my back.

Grrr….damn these persistent people.

"Utau, I don't want to talk right now. Leave me alone!"

"I attempted to stand up but Utau pulled me back down.

"Okay, Rima, listen. You like Fujisaki right? Then fight for him! Fight your cousin for Nagihiko! You're a guardian and guardians fight for those you love! Pick yourself off the ground a dust the dirt away! You're so much better than that Kokoro bitch. Get the fuck up now.

Like, hell, before, I thought I was losing Kukai to Yaya but I fought back! Look where we are now! Fuck."

I blinked and Utau was gone.

No, I give up; no more.

Mashiro Rima is giving up.

I sighed and resumed to moping.

A/N DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN! :OO Nagihiko making out with Rima's cousin! RIMA GIVING UP? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO! hahahaha so here you go! i dont know when ill update next. Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes, i am still a noob LOL. hope you all enjoyed!
