Yes, I'm back! You missed me? Probably more along the lines of "Where the heck are you?" Right? Anyway, I've been thinking about you readers for some time, and I was like "When am I going to write Chpt. 9? Come on, they're waiting!" It's been like...4-5 months? WOW. If you waited for that long...I love you, I just do, cause if you are that patient then you deserve something, go out and by yourself something really fancy right now.

And also, I've read some comments and saw that one said that Finn seems too evil, so I'm working on fixing that, maybe a "dark righteous" feel? Idk, but yeah...Chpt.9! W00T... yeah..

Marceline wanted to strangle him right then and there, this being all his fault, but she couldn't; he was her best friend and he was deathless now so there was no point of doing so.

"Hey Marceline, what's up?" asked Finn being friendly as if nothing ever happened.

Marceline, knowing how much damage Finn has caused already just it being one day, had replied, "Not much." How she wanted to complain about what he has done to her reputation already, but she knew she couldn't, seeing as how he's a newborn vampire; they always have temper issues when first become one, so he could fly off the chain at any moment. She, being the vampire queen, has had to deal with many of those newborns, and knowing how they can get and how much fighting know-how Finn has, she worries that he will the hardest to control. Argh, Marceline had thought, I still can't believe that I was able to memorize all that junk from my dad…

"So, Marceline, you wanna go scare some people in the dark?" Finn had said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"I would Finn, but-" Come on think of something….. She looked around, Darn it, focus girl! You've made up lots of stories, surely you can think of one on the spot… "-I can't because I have to go visit my dad in the Nightoshpere…"

"You have to go visit your dad in the Nightoshpere?..."


Finn stared at her with a confused look, but eventually he just shrugged it off, "Whatever Marceline." He started to fly off; she couldn't stand not telling him the truth, so she caught up to him before he could exit the cave.

"Finn wait," she called from behind him, "I-I lied, I'm not really going to visit my dad. I just didn't want to tell you what was really on my mind."

Finn turned around, "I thought so. So, what's really going on?"

Marceline looked down, and then back to him, "You shouldn't have tricked me into turning you into a vampire." She said with confidence. "You're too young, your endless energy and eager attitude will be your demise. Plus, you don't have that much self-control, you can't control your bloodlust, which you proved with-" She was interrupted by laughter; Finn had started to laugh at her comments. "What's so funny Finn, I'm serious."

Finn calmed down, "No, it's just funny how you became all 'brainiac' on me. You started to sound like PB."

Marceline blushed, something she used to rarely do, but now it's become more often, "But Finn you don't understand, you sucked Jake's blood, and you nearly killed him!"

Finn's smile was completely wiped off his face; he looked at her with shock. Did she really just say I sucked Jake's blood? Finn had thought. Impossible, I'd never do that to my best bud and brother. She's lying! She has to be!

"He's at the Candy Kingdom being tended to. You're lucky I found him or he would've-"

"SHUT UP!" Finn shouted, interrupting Marceline's sentence, "You're lying to me, I would never do that!" Finn tried to reassure himself.

"I wish I was but I'm not, you caused some serious damage already, and it's only been a day. You hurt my reputation too, everyone thinks I sucked Jake's blood but-"

"That's it! You sucked Jake's blood!" Finn pointed a finger at her, "You're just putting the blame on me! How could you Marceline?" Tears started to form in his eyes. "I thought we were friends."

"Finn we are, you just need to listen to me." She tried to get closer to him but his eyes started to glow red with anger. Just as I worried, his emotions are taking over his powers. Marceline had thought.

"How am I supposed to listen to you if you sucked Jake's blood?" He looked at her with disgust, his hands were in fists, and his voice started to crack do to him yelling while his was crying.

"But I didn't!" Marceline yelled back at him.

"NO, I'm not listening to you; I'm going to the Candy Kingdom and check on him." He dashed out of the cave and towards the Candy Kingdom, Marceline followed, but she couldn't once she got there, the Guardians were still to be activated if she tried to go into the Kingdom. Finn went inside but Marceline was stopped by the Guardians; one had caught her in their hand.

"Let me go!" She shouted just like before.

"I cannot let you pass under-" The Guardian began.

"-Under strict orders from Bonnie….YEAH, YEAH, I get it!" Marceline finished for the guardian, "But I really need to be in there," she pointed to the castle, "someone might get hurt!"

"The only threat here is you," it put her down in front of the gate, "Now be gone with you!" and with that, it went back to its dormant state.

Marceline fell and lay on the ground and looked up at the stars.

"Great," she said, "Back to square one."

So, my lovely, lovely readers this is a short chapter, but at least I let you know I didnt give up on it. So, if Marceline seems too...idk how to put it.."Princess Bubblegum" to you if you know what I mean, just think, Marceline is the Queen of all vampires, so you think she'd know her stuff about newborn vampires... so yeah. And seeing as how on many vampire related things I've seen kid vampires are usually out of control and so are newborns with their bloodlust overdrive.

So put them together and you got one really over-hyper vampire. But anyway, I hope you like this short chapter and I hope the next one will be on in at least... a month...(fail I know)

Peace my readers!